How To Do Video Marketing For Local Businesses


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hey guys fireman Mike Lemon here and , welcome to another episode of successful , local marketing in this episode we're , going to cover how we do video marketing , in our business , something cool we're bringing to the , market and I also answer questions from , other local marketers stay tuned hey , guys what's up , fireman Mike from successful local , marketing in wanted to take this time in , this episode to talk to you guys about , video marketing and obviously alto of , people know we do a ton of video in our , in our business and for those of you , don't know that's what got my start when , I was just fire fighter and really , just getting started in this business I , had a green screen in my garage and we , started marketing for local businesses , using video and you know fast forward , over the last few years we have , thousand sand thousands of videos that , we'vie shot and broadcast and marketed , for local clients and so you know I kind , of remember what it was like back then , and now to where we are we have a lot of , experience and that's one of the things , people ask us all the time is how do we , do video marketing for local businesses , and so I just want to take some time and , address that with you and really you , know a lot of people got their start , kind of learning about you ask you know , questions that people have people should , ask and then you take those videos and , you put them online and then you put , them on the website and that's how we , started as well the problem with that , philosophy is you know when people are , paying USA lot of money for videos it , custodian't feel right to shoot one , version of the video then we put it on , YouTube and then we bring that back and , put it on the website because you know , people now could leave the website and , things like that so the way we do it is , we still asks the frequently asked , questions they get in their business the , should ask questions that they get in , their business and that's how we create , content Mike a Nail's came up with a , great way to create content so we still , do that the difference in the way we do , it though now is we actually create what , we calla broadcast version which is , what we put out on the social media , sites on YouTube , on all those different places and then , we have what we calla website version , that we use on the website and so we , create these two versions of every video , and then we we use them appropriately , now what's the difference between the , version swell the difference is is on , our broadcast versions that we have we , actually put in the calls to action the , websites the phone numbers all those , different things in the video and , especially at the end of the video we , have a very strong call to action to try , to get them Togo from the video to a , website because again you Giotto , remember the people watching the , broadcast version they're not watching , it on the website they're on YouTube , they're maybe on Facebook or Twitter or , tumble or Dig or any of the other , places that videos go out too so that , video is meant to get people back to the , website so we have all the calls to , action sin there all the sales type , stuff but now the the website version is , the same type of video but we remove all , the sales stuff from it because it , always seemed silly to me that we had a , website of video on website saying go , to our website well they're already , there so it made our clients look you , know like they did'really know what , they were talking about and I did't , like that so that's when we went to that , second version where we really you know , take all the sales stuff out and then , we put that video on the website and , what we did is we looked at the , frequently asked questions that should , ask questions but then we took those and , we rotated them around a keyword right , because not nieces , a business that has should ask questions , dozen't necessarily their main mean , they're always around keyword but our , job is to get those videos found so we , have to put them around keywords so let , me give you an example if you're talking , to a dentist and a dentist says you know , one of the most frequently asked , questions Get is do braces hurt or an , orthodontist right so we would take that , you know we know people are going to be , searching for do braces hurt but you , know how does that get them to a local , location and how do we get those local , people to find that local business so , way to reword that question would be do , braces hurt you know Tucson dentist , answers question or something like that , or Tucson dentist answers , question do braces hurt that way they , could be found under the right keywords , right so then we would take that video , for the website and put that under the , braces page of the website because that , video is talking about brace sand it's , really important to be structured and , strategic when you're doing video so let , me give you another example if you're , doing stuff for a veterinarian right a , veterinarian that works in cats and dogs , it makes a lot of sense that if he's , talking about dogs , those videos goon pages that talk about , dogs on his web sites and if he's , talking about cats those videos goon , pages that talk about cats on his web , sites you don't want to intermix them so , there's a lot more to it than just , home page video right so that'SWAT we , do with video marketing and I and , there's some questions Want to answer , that I get asked a lot that are a little , bit more detailed but before we do that , I want to go to another segment where I , want to talk to you about something cool , we're doing hey guys thank you so much , for watching this episode that you're , watching and Icon it's cool because , we're talking about video marketing and , you know I shoot these content videos to , really try to help you in your business , but even though I do all these videos I , still get a lot of people who have more , questions they want mo rein depth , training about what we'redoing in our , business and how do we make things work , and so because of that you know out of , necessity of basically being asked by , everybody Mike can you help us can you , teach us those types of things we put , together the successful local marketing , insiders club and what that is is , basically for $W a month you get , insider access into our business where , every single month we do a monthly , training where we go really really , in-depth on how we're doing something , and then every other month we're doing a , live broadcast from our studios to , really answer questions you know I think , there's so much value in being able to , shortcut a learning curve so for example , I'm teaching you about what we do in , video marketing right so you don't have , to go through all the problems we did , and switching out videos and are we , doing it right and all these things that , took us a lot of time energy and money , to figure out you're literally just , learning about it and so you can go , implement it the right way well that's , what our insider's club is designed for , to allow me to really go more in depth , with , people and share what we're doing with , real clients what's working in our , business what's not working in our , business and so you know we'restarted , this up and people are loving it and I , just want to give you an opportunity to , join our insider's club we'd love to , have you there all you'vie Giotto do is , go to successful local , forward slash insiders club and you'll , see all the information there would , really lo veto have you come join us if , you think that having access to me and , my team and Facebook group and more , in-depth training's would help your local , marketing business all right let's get , back to those questions that we need , answered , all right guys back to talking about , video marketing and so one of the things , that when you do it the way we're , talking about that really confuses , people the question I get asked is Mike , what else can we do with those broadcast , videos so what I'm going to do is let , you in on a secret that we use in our , business that works really really well , so on all the websites that we create or , that we do marketing for our clients we , have a blog and so I'vie talked to you , guys about the broadcast videos that go , out to YouTube and those types of things , I'vie talked to you about the website , videos so now we're going to we're going , to talk about blog videos okay now the , blog videos are the exact same video , that's on YouTube for what we do is we , pull that in and embed it into the blog , so for example if we were talking about , Tucson veterinarian um as the video , title that's what we're trying to get , ranked for then we would create a blog , post called Tucson veterinarian and we , talk about you know Dr. Joe being a , great Tucson veterinarian and we use the , keywords and do all that stuff but one , of the things that alto of people , arena'tiding is we would then take that , YouTube video and embed it into the blog , into the blog post and then we would , publish that blog post what we have , found in our business is when we have a , keyword rich blog post that's titled , properly that has the right descriptions , that we're using keywords in the content , and we embed YouTube video that , matches those keywords we get really , good opportunities to rank that blog , post individually as part of the website , so we're able to rank that specific blog , post for keywords so that's a little , insider secret that we use , so that's the only exception to where do , we use YouTube video on a website is , in the blog post that's this exact , specific keywords so hopefully that will , help you in you know your video , marketing in your website optimization , for your clients it's just something , that we learn through testing bunch , when we finally said what if we took , that YouTube video that's keyword loaded , and put in a blog post that's optimized , let's see what would happen and because , Google obviously owns YouTube and the , more content you have Ina website , especially video content Google will , reward you for that and for local , businesses especially if you're already , doing stuff creating that specific page , and having that video in there really , really helps so hopefully that helps you , and you know you can go to town on that , and really start getting some rankings , because it really obviously helps your , client sit's done and it will make sure , that they continue to pay you alright if , you're watching this video on YouTube do , us a favor and subscribe or if you'Reno , iTunes subscribe to the podcast so you , don't miss an episode , if you're Norton YouTube or iTunes if , you're on Facebook like our Facebook , page so again you stay up to date with , what'seagoing on as always you can visit , us at successful local , where we are continually updating the , page with what's new and what's working , in local marketing and if you like some , more insiders behind the scenes type , stuff off your cell phone and text your , name and email to five zero five four , three one four zero nine nine thanks for , watching we'll see you next week , you  

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