How to create a small business video marketing strategy - Owen Video


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hey hey hey what's chickenfeed , welcome tithe show it's Owen video and , we're so glad to have you here hey if , you're a brand new to the channel want , to invite you to subscribe we are live , on this channel three sometimes four , days a week with new video content that , will help you to grow your business with , video marketing and we're live here it's , Monday which means it's Monday Night , Live and we're gonna be talking about , how to create your business video , marketing strategy and I'm joined here , today by some of my most awesome friends , want to say hi to some of you guys out , there today let's star tin the very , beginning the endeavoring family Joe's , codes good to see you here Rah Salas , guys check out rash on Twitter and on , YouTube he's doing some incredible , incredible work Dan the manta creator , fundamentals man If eel like it was just , last week that we were hanging out , having a good time , ill economy snot you tuber hey I'd love , to know mo rein it can economy stop I'm , actually pretty good at Spanish I just , I'm on the fly right now I'd love to , know more about your channel fantastic , presentation at at vied summit this last , week about you know working with Latino , and you tubers from Latin America so I , don't know more about what you're doing , then Mahfouz e lugs gen Adventures doing , some amazing work congratulations on , your viral video you Lea Armstrong off , such a fan of the YouTube community , we're so glad you're here Dr. Stan good , to see ascend David Buffalo he says I'm , Dutch'm Dutch and I have a sexually , good to see you here I'm glad you're , here and I see my man Go rd is out there , awesome , Gourde just got to spend a lot of time , together , over at vied summit really really cool , stuff I'm glad you guys are here and , hope you are ready to hear some really , in-depth exciting content on how YouTube , and video marketing actually works for , the business owners and and the business , community here's here's kind of my heart , on this guy's my heart on this is is as , such is that there are a lot of really , fantastic talentedyoutubers out there , teaching business strategy and a lot of , these guys are my friend sand I love , them , my my my advantage is this is that I , started as a business owner and I am a , business owner Nate good to see ya , and I'vie built my channel around my , business so for those of you watching , live would love to know how many of , you actually have a business let me know , in the comments section area just put , your hand up give Mae little hand emoji , or say yes in the comments section area , and the reason want to know is because , this is a whole different way of doing a , YouTube channel right if you'vie got a , business and you want to build channel , around that maybe you have a karate Tojo , maybe you have a , for your strategy for how do you use , YouTube to actually generate leads close , sails generate opt-in sand accomplish , business objectives though those are the , things that we're gonna talk about today , someone said I think the stream went , down did I did have a little bit of a , hiccup he rebut it looks like we're , we're backup and running let me see , what the stream looks like over it looks , like we're still running so we're just , going to keep going today guys so I'm , glad that you're here can you guys still , see okay I'm glad that you're here and , we're gonna talk about some of these , things , today and I can'twat to get into that , with you can I can I get you can you , guys say yes tell me yes if the stream , is back on and live it's working now , it's working now it is back okay , wonderful well let's continue on all , right guys so here's what Want to talk , about want to talk about one two three , four five different topics that you'll , need to know about in terms of keeping , your business up and running so I'vie set , the stage Little bit'vie told you a , little bit about who we're talking to , today how we're talking to that business , owner so let's take let'stake a look at , number one the first thing that you want , to think about the first thing for you , to consider okay is what can you do okay , what can you do , alright so if you're an insurance agent , you're a real estate agent you have a , karate Tojo you're a plumber maybe even , an investor and you want to create a , video marketing strategy you have to , think about what can you do and this is , a resources question this is not , something that see you know too many , you tubers talking about you'vie Giotto , ask yourself what is it your physical , capabilities to do alright so what does , that mean well think about your , resources think about are you gonna do , mobile are you gonna create videos with , your mobile phone and if so what are the , tools that you are gonna need to make , that happen well it might be mobile , phone it might be you , microphone you're gonna need tripod , you're gonna need in my case antiphon , clip to do that let me show you guys , what I have here you might need a light , right I'vie got this selfie stick that I , use and you can make a pretty outrageous , channel using only your mobile in fact , guys I was at vied summit last week and , everything did there came from was , done on mobile because the iPhone 7 , camera is phenomenal , are you gonna do PowerPoint video sand , this is very popular I have a client you , may want to check him out at you may , want to check him out at master , city girls log in and good to , see you you look like you're new don't , forget to subscribe , think about this I'vie got channel over , at master trader calm and they are not , yet comfortable putting themselves on , camera so so they're doing all , PowerPoint videos with voice overs using , a little program called Cartesian love , Cartesian you can check them out at , the video spot dot net/ Camacho , PowerPoint video sour faceless videos , vivifies are you gonna use Edsel , are you gonna go into that nightmare of , using Desalts how many of you guy sin the , comments section right now are using a , Destroy'vie got like At's you'vie got a , I'd you'vie got something you'vie got a , DSLRlumix maybe I'd love to know in , fact would love to know what camera , you guys are using my good friend Tim , long well over at Long well art is saying , well I'm an artist as that does that , count as having business well it , depends Tim are you selling art or are , you trying to get views so that you can , get ad revenue okay because that's the , difference if you're trying to get views , if you'retrying to get views so that , you can generate ad revenue then you're , a creator alright and if you if you're , selling art and you'remaking videos in , order to sell more art then you're a , business and you want to build your , channel around that so it looks like we , have iPhone great Dan that's great , Eli economy Ste is singalongs e Trade , Travel is using a Go Pro that's awesome , the galaxy , s-six in a alright so you guys , understand sort of what I'talking , about here and as a business owner you , ha veto ask yourself well what kind of , videos are you gonna do are you mobile , are you gonna do uh you know these you , can do this other one you SLR's or or , or what is it you're gonna do and the , reason asked this question okay is , because there are three different types , of videos that won't that you'll make , okay this is I want you guys to bring it , in for this you'vie never heard this , anywhere else there's the video that you , want to do right this is the video you , have a vision for in your mind your , channel your whole video presence is , gonna look a certain way okay , then there's the video that you can , actually do alright so once you'vie got , this vision in your mind now you're , gonna say okay how do Image that happen , how do I make that video sort of a , reality for myself and as as as you , start to get into that video that you , can actually do it's gonna you're gonna , lose some steam there you know what I'm , saying you're gonna be well that opening , intro that I wanted to do I guess I , can'really do that I guess that's just , gonna take more money then then I , thought or it's gonna take more talent , than actually have and those things , are okay you want to be honest with , yourself , then the third video is the video that , actually gets produced right so even , even okay you're saying okay I can do a , video that does X Y& Z I had to lose , some of this pie in the sky stuff and , then maybe it did't turn out the way , you wanted to maybe you did'Tamil the , tack or maybe you did't nail the ISO , correctly right so then you'vie got , finally you'begot this video that you , you actually created those are the three , types of videos right it's one video and , those are the three levels maybe I , should say that you're gonna run into so , as a business owner you need to be , asking yourself what types of video , you're going to create and then start , making your checklist around that video , if you're gonna use Edsel what type of , equipment do you need for the Disproof , you're gonna use your iPhone or your , Samsung what type of equipment do you , need to build around that so that's the , first step any questions on that guys , leave your questions in the comment area , and I'll be , happy to jump into those as soon as , we'redone with the sort of the content , here today the second thing you're gonna , do okay is you are going to create a , list of title snow this is where you , want to put yourself hang on a second , doing it with Jason good to see you , buddy just saw you sneaking in next time , say hello or I'm gonna have to regulate , the one of the biggest problems I see , with business owners okay is that they , never know what they're going to create , next you don't know what you're going to , create next now as a notion here guys , have a video marketing toolkit the link , is in the description box below and I , have title spreadsheet in there you , can get it for free and this will sort , of help you sort of create your list of , titles with business owners I see a lot , of this is that we don't know you don't , know like what you're gonna create next , right it's kind of like well what am I , gonna do today and I run into this , myself sometimes you know I'll make a , list of videos that I'm gonna create , I'll do some of them I'll change my mind , on the rest and then Monday creeps along , it's like oh crap what am I gonna do you , know for Monday Night Live , so you need to have a list of titles so , that you always know what video you're , going to do next that's number one but , number two you're gonna create a list of , titles so that you can start , categorizing and segmenting your videos , this is what we call a video silo and if , you want to know what a silo is you , should go go check out my channel like , how to silo your website and you'll find , it's actually my biggest video in the , history of my channel ever in terms of , new subscribers so that'll kind of help , you out there but you're gonna start , making out this list of titles all right , and you're gonna kind of be writing down , I use my my mobile so you're like oh I'm , gonna do a video about fishing you know , dirt and I'm gonna do a video about a , little bit and what you're gonna see is , you're gonna see categories start to , arise and here are some categories that , I think that your you're gonna start , seeing you're gonna see a lot of how-to , categories and guys I do see your , questions and we will get back to them , I'm gonna try to get all of the min here , today , you're gonna you're gonna consider , somehow to write if you're in an , insurance agent you're gonna you know , how to know what your monthly payments , going to be how to file complaint how , to file a claim or these different , things and you want to always have those , videos down you're gonna put some of you , like your your how-to videos into a pile , and you're gonna say well these seven , how-to videos I'm gonna make those first , and you'll create a silo you'll create a , silo of videos you understand that are , all about filing claim okay um you may , also want to create a silo of videos , that are sales videos huge huge missed , opportunity for some business owners out , there you want to create videos that are , like how to make sales right or or , they're there they're not they're not , that the content is not how to make , sales the content is how you make sales , so maybe your sale here's a great idea , example as an insurance agent a real , estate agent a karate Tojo Ora dentist , you're gonna say how do I get new , customers city girl is saying you're , awesome thank you so much city girl , you're gonna say how do I make sales , right well this is the the steps that , I go through to make sales first I , introduce myself killer it's key right , so introduce yourself okay do avid , where you introduce yourself the next , thing I do ISO tend to tell people what , my product sand services are so they , know kind of what I do you know most , people think as a Realtor I only do XYZ , but really I do ABC so then you make a , video that's your products and services , the next video maybe company history , right who is State Farm who is century , and these different things you know , you might want to make the third thing , do is a qualification video you know or , the third thing do is I qualify people , you know you might need me if and so you , might make a video four or five or six , videos that qualify your customer you , see where I'going with this tell me , yeah in the comment section if you guys , are tracking with me you understand , where I'm going with this you want to , create list of titles that that , encompass the wholeness of your video , marketing strategy and then you , another idea are your training voids are , you gonna make videos that will train , someone on how to do the things that you , do maybe you want to hire outright this , is what people forget about a video , marketing strategy it's not just about , it's not just about making more sales in , fact it's also about how to it'sabot , how to make more profit and sometimes , your profitability comes from reducing , your costs so or increasing your time so , if if you're in palace where you need , to outsource some of your some of your , day-to-day paperwork well then you might , need to create some videos that show , someone how to do your paperwork so that , now when you have a new deal you can you , can outsource that Tao front desk girl , you guys might be saying oh man I can't , afford to hire a front desk girl got you , no don't worry about that we're right , now we're just making the titles you're , gonna make a hundred titles so that you , always know what you're gonna do next , and you're gonna use something like , Camacho to start getting these things , filmed I'll economies stuff is saying I , consult a real estate agent let's , actually go to some of the comments , right now and engage with you guys see , what's going Ono consult areal estate , agency so these are great ideas great , hey what agency is that go ahead and , leave their name and number in the , comment section below , just kidding Ricky Garcia is saying keep , the info coming love this stuff , awesomeLongwell artisan yeah , power tipsLongwell by the way can't , wait to see you in Texas next week I'm , gonna be speaking at video marketing , world doctors Stan who Assume Dr.Stan , what kind of doctor are you are you a , doctor of plastic surgery , are you a chiropractic doctor I would , love to know more about what Otis that , you are doing turnip tiger gamer is here , it'sabot time dude it's about time you , joined us um Dr. Stan is asking should , you make ah ow-to that is on the same , topic day after day or spread it out , with other topics in between you know , that's wonderful question and I think , that you really how big is your channel , Dr. Stan when you release a new video , how many views are you getting in the , first hours that's a really good , indication of how well your channel is , doing here's my here's my response to , you on that is I you know you kind of , ha veto go with the flow that's why you , want to have you know titles ready , in fact I'gonna see if I can open up , my video title spreadsheet here can , show you guys what my my video title , spreadsheet looks like what I do is this , is I'll make up a whole bunch of titles , like how to make videos for business and , then I might do three or four of those , so that I can kind of front-load my , audience on on some of that stuff but , then I might back up and do something , like you YouTube SEO or YouTube , optimization tips and for those of you , guys that have followed the channel for , awhile you'vie seen me do that you'vie , seen me go back and forth between , different video topics why well because , I get bored as a creator and I want to , kind of keep it fresh but also because , my audience might be getting bored and I , want to make sure that as you know as my , audiences is watching and engaging that , you guys are still watching the videos , so here's a look guys at my oops you can , see all my back end there hallelujah you , can see what the video title spreadsheet , looks like okay where I'vie got sort of , an Excel spreadsheet and I'vie got a , whole bunch of titles over here this is , where I put all my potential titles , every idea'vie ever had I put it here , okay and this is a what do you call it , this is a Google Doc so because it's a , Google Doc can do this on my mobile , device can do this oh can you guys , even hear Meir hope that I have even , have audio here yeah lost thought do we , lose audio for a second say yeah in the , comments section if we lost the audio , for a second there sorry about that guys , okay so this is my hopefully you can , hear me you can hear me now this is my , video title spreadsheet and I'vie got you , know I can do this on Mobile can be , sitting at the doctor's office you know , and writing up my title sand we're gonna , come back to the full screen here and , and then I can come home and they'll be , on my at my desk here so you want to , have you know a good amount , titles that you can start working on , right away and you knot. Stan jump , back and forth man have fun with it um , go with what your audience wants to hear , about and always always always ask the , audience what they want to know about um , so as a matter of fact Want to take a , second right now and ask you guys if you , would share this video right NOW'm , just gonna take quick moment I'm gonna , take a drink of water if you're watching , us on YouTube there's a share button , click on the share button and then you , can share this video on Facebook or on , Twitter , I'm not gonna ask you for money I'm not , gonna ask you to buy my product the only , thing I'm gonna ask you to do is to , share this video on your timeline right , now or in your Twitter feed right now if , you're watching us on Twitter I think , we're on Twitter I'm not exactly sure if , it worked but I would love to know I , would love for you guys to share the , love outdoes't look like we went on , Twitter today I would love for you guys , to share the love and and do that for me , while I sort of take this take this , drink right here so annoying that's so , annoying'm sorry guys , Jason says I'm going to make video on , how to do your paperwork that sounds fun , you know it's not it's not fun get your , chiropractic the first channel ever , built by the Ward. St en was a , chiropractic channel I'm not only a , believer in chiropractic it's like a big , part of our lifestyle so you need to be , doing videos by the way on what is your , C vertebrae , what is your C vertebrae you know what , is an adjustment mean these are really , really basic things you want to see some , great videos doctors then go on YouTube , and search , Conductor Davis Nuke Dr. Davis nu CCA , Dr. Davis he's not in business anymore , he actually was he's a much bigger now , he does a whole different thing he , dozen'practice anymore but that gives , you sort of an idea of how you can start , building out you know your channel and , and some of these things Paul Peck is , saying I tweeted it double R is saying , done Twitter , Long well art done Facebook and Twitter , thanks guys so much you know it just , means alto to me that you would put , your reputation behind this content tony , is asking what software are you using to , go live I'm using wire cast and I don't , know that'm gonna continue using it it , is a pain in the Berbers so we'vie , talked about couple different things , we'vie talked about you Giotto figure out , what kind of videos you're actually , gonna do you know DSLR mobile are you , gonna use a webcam guys I'm using a , webcam'm using an$W.W webcam and an , $W mic that is my system right here , Sean Janell who's a good buddy you know , it uses hundreds of dollars worth of , equipment you got to ask yourself what , you're gonna do the big curse okay as a , business owner is you wait too long you , know you wait way too long to make this , content and because I got to get the , camera I got to get the lights the next , thing is you want to create all of your , titles just create a hundred titles , start with who what why where when and , how right how to do this how to do that , when to see a chiropractor when to , practice holistic health when to quit , smoking when to eat pizza and and those , types of topics technology guru is , saying are you abandoning OBS no I never , really used it I never really use it it , was I kind of used it to learn it so I , could help you guys learn it but you , know as a business owner okay I have , revenue mean and we do very well my , company is a six-figure company so we , want to use tools that that cost money , and give us advanced features to give us , the competitive advantage above other , you tubers who may be better at doing , quality broadcasts does that make sense , so Sean candle Nicknaming I'm never , gonna be able to compete with them in , terms of quality they know how cameras , work they know how to adjust the ISO and , the lighting and and things to that , effect I'm not gonna compete with them , they're where Icahn compete with them is , in software an din broadcasting those , are my strengths so I invest in those , strengths okay so let'Skype moving on , the next thing I want you guys , business owner needs to do is to create , your presentation format how are you , gonna move your video from beginning to , end right , do you ask for the sale when do you ask , them to opt in how do you ask your , viewers to subscribe hey buddy I can't , talk right now I'm actually streaming , live on YouTube so that was my , brother-in-law Anthony he just launched , a brand new video on a project channel , and so Just wanted to let him know I , can'talk right now uh your your I call , this your format your presentation , format this is a big swing and amiss , for many of you guys out there how many , of you guys are improving your videos , right now let me know say yes in the , comment are aright now if you guys just , kind of like put up your camera and you , if you just put up your camera and you , just go how many of you guys do that , okay so long well art is saying I'm , working on figuring out how to ask for a , sale you know I'm so glad you brought , that up because it is it is something , that can be added to your it is , something that can be added to your to , your format a DIY solar and wind is , saying Ni don't sew DIY solar and wind , what do you do flat planet is saying , nope so I'm gonna ask you what do you do , I am NOT a winger guys I have I have my , format drawn out here no wall you're , seeing is sort of like my you're my , bullet points but there's so much of , this that has already memorized so I , want you to as business owner it's all , about duplication right Henry Ford made , his money but you know you know kind of , like stamping stuff out , stamping stuff out he invented the , assembly line you guys want to see a , great movie go see it's probably on Hull , Charlie Chaplin modern times , amazing amazing piece that sort of digs , into that whole thing about the assembly , line and all that kind of stuff , you'begot to assembly line in your , video sand so you're gonna say okay I'm , gonna open up wit ha hook'm gonna add , my bumper I'm gonna introduce myself I'm , gonna ask for subscribers'm gonna go , into the video I'm gonna cover these , five points'm gonna ask people to , subscribe and then I'm , I'm gonna leave the video and that's , gonna Bethe format for your videos can , be like those six or seven things so now , every video is an assembly line and , you're no longer single what DI say , and when do I say it okay you're gonna , build all that stuff in so as you make , your videos like for example Tim at , Long well art Tim what kind of art do you , sell okay I'd love to know Eli economies , the saying I love modern times my , favorite Chaplin movie like okay so when , you'redoing your videos Tim you might , want to say something like hey it'Tim , at Long well art how we're so excited to , have you here and remember everything , that I draw is available for sale at , Longest com , it's as easy as that okay double R is , saying I use bullet points awesome use , bullet points use them as often as you , can that's how do it , i scrip tout some very key things , script out some very key things I tend , to script out my hook I tend to script , out my channel values David hey , everybody welcome back to own video , you're coach for the business and , marketing of videos first time here , don't forget to subscribe and click the , bell notification so you don't miss a , beat right that's that's already it's , already a part of who I Amos that part , ISS little bit easier the rest of it , you're just gonna kind of hit up on a , per video basis so you want to create , your video format your video format and , know how you're gonna move the video , from beginning to end , same thing with t-shirts again long well , I think I just nailed it for you I , really do I think that the answer is you , know you have to drop that line now Tim , you might want to consider making videos , around specific product it's the same , with you'd. Stan you know you want to , be in a place where you're like you're , actually making videos called you know , chiropractor Cincinnati Ohio or best , chiropractor Cincinnati Ohio and Id on't , know that he'sin Ohio I'm just sort of , winging it here he could be in Norway , for all I know but you know the idea is , is that you'vie you'vie built it into your , video title spreadsheet , point number two that you're gonna make , these videos so that Tim you'vie got a , t-shirt to sell you should have a video , around that t-shirt Joe's code is the , same do you have a link to your , PowerPoint you know there's a link in , the description box below that will link , you into the video title spreadsheet and , there's a ton of stuff done a ton of , stuff in there sod. Stan is in Georgia , awesome so let's move on tithe next , point heroics we're sort of running low , on ti meas soon as I'm done here I have , to do a live stream or I get to do a , live stream on Facebook fob live dot , TV they're fantastic company check , them out the the next thing you'vie got , to think about is your distribution plan , how many of you guys right now have a , distribution plan let me see it in the , comment section below just give me a , second to take drink here okay a , distribution plan is your plan for , getting views on your video it's your , plan forgetting views on the video a , lot of us have a SEO plan don't we like , Paul Peck alright Paul's out there good , to see you Paul Paul has a very , aggressiveness plan and he ranks for a , boatload of tags okay your SEO is your , distribution plan if you're trying to , rank video that's your distribution plan , it , Julie is saying oh what now it's your , distribution plan this is what I'm , talking about guys most of you guys have , not even considered a distribution plan , what you'redoing you guys tell me if , this is true true or falsie make videos , based on keywords add tag sand my plan , is to rank those videos true or false , let me know in the comment section below , David is saying hey David what's up he's , saying I share on social media but , that's a rifle shot you're absolutely , right man it's clay pigeons you're , just you're you're hoping that it works , here's how a distribution plan works , guys distribution plan is this , distribution plan says I'm gonna make , five widest. Stan I'gonna go back , to you mark hard to now good to see you , he says it helps us ranking classic ride , get to see you , Long well artist saying false I do much , more tell us long well about what you do , Paul Peck is saying I gotta have a , website okay awesome l economy is saying , Falls okay good so we're seeing like a , good mix of answers here city girl , you're cracking me up , alright here's here'SWAT a , distribution plan is it says okay I'm , gonna make you know I'm Dr. Stan and I'm , gonna make ten videos on nutrition for , the immune system okay because betide. , Stan you're thinking ten nutrition , videos but nutrition is such a huge huge , market um you'vie go tit evenly you could , be like vegan nutrition or vegetable , only nutrition or as the case Just , mentioned here what Dido just say I , forgot might you know I'm gonna do you , know immune system foods okay so you're , gonna make ten videos on immune system , foods and what you're gonna do is you're , gonna go reach out to you know maybe , fifty bloggers outboasted pages , and Facebook pages bloggers work the , best though and you're gonna say hey I'm , making these ten videos on holistic , health for the immune system I think , your audience would love it I you know I , follow you all the time I really like , your content how about you sponsor the , videos and we embed them in your blog so , now your distribution plan is to make , the ten videos but rather than just , optimize and pray you actually have , someone who'seagoing to share those , videos out now another it islet me just , build on top of that just building on , top of that you could even say hey I'm , making ten videos on the immune system , we'd lo veto give you a shot out how do , you feel about you know sharing these in , your blog so now you're just gonna give , them ash out out instead of being a , sponsor so now you can find more , bloggers , to tweet this stuff out writer to share , this stuff with their email newsletter , list guys did this with a software , company in in Mississippi and they were , incredibly successful with this they , developed a list of hundred people in , their industry they said hey we're , making videos we would love for you to , share this with your audience an din , return we'll share any of your videos , with our audience most of them said what , they said I don't you Id on't make video , but I'd be happy to share your sand , that's what happened and that was our , that was how we launched the channel so , you'vie got to have a distribution plan , okay you'vie got to have a plan to get , other people to share your videos out , there Ricky Garcia is saying I made a , whole vulgarizes on specific topic , match the thumbnails put them in the , playlist and use all the same tags it , works pretty great yeah that's that's , gonna be like an SEO like an , optimization plan this is what most of , us are trying to like aspire too want , to challenge you guys to take it up a , not chin fact I'm gonna lay down the , gauntlet right now and I'gonna , challenge you guys to reach out to ten , bloggers tweeters or Facebook pages this , week within by next week and tell me , which of you you know had some success , partnering up with somebody so we were , just doing this last week my wife is my , business partner she's my love my great , passion she reached out to about W , different bloggers we had like of them , were dead email's of them said no one , of them said yes you know said great so , we did it so we'vie got you know a , distribution plan now the other part of , that is you're re purposing plank so , look at notice that I wrote that in , there as well is like what's your , re purposing plan for example make , videos do alive stream on Facebook , every Wednesday it's called the business , of video podcasting you can check that , out at the business of video podcast com , I do that show with Nicknaming and if , you guys want to hear more of this kind , of content interviews from some of the , best out there then by , means please please check that out and , join us but here's the thin git's not , just ab outgoing live on YouTube we'vie , had W live viewer son that show we'vie , had five , it's amazing how fickle Facebook is but , the plan of that show is to re purpose , onto iTunes and on iTunes we're getting , a thousand downloads month now some of , you guys with establish podcast might be , going oh you know no big deal but that's , a thousand some of you guys with no , podcast at all it'seagoing to man Would , Love thousand more , you know viewers per month how many of , you guys right now yes or no in the , comment section would be happy with just , a thousand more viewers on your channel , per month right how many of you are , gonna turn that down you know yes or no , I'm going the wrong way with my hair I'm , like I can see it and I like have too'm , like focusing on iota little bit too , much but it is what it is so you know , having this distribution plan where , you're gonna take your Facebook live and , then you're gonna re purpose it into , podcast which is what we do and it's , what we teach in our private consulting , sod. St en you know consider consider , checking that outgo to the video spot , dot net click on product sand take a look , at the things that we offer that is , something I can teach you but we don't , just stop there guys then we take two , minutes snippets out of our videos we , take two minutes snippets out and then , we make those into like Instagram videos , and we make those into a square videos , we make them into Twitter videos so pull , up that's funny dude , so again we have this whole , redistricting plan that we use to get us , the results that that we want and it , does take time I'm not saying this stuff , dozen'take time maybe maybe doing the , square videos is too much for you so , skip it just do the podcast you know or , maybe square videos is better for you , and you're gonna skip the podcast you , know did't jump into this water guys , I built up I swam out to it you know , it's taken me a couple years to get to , this point and think'm one of the , slickest content creators out there , right now I mean you know in my space , Unwieldiest saying your vied summit , talk was awesome thanks buddy , I'm glad you check that out and if you , guys want to check out those replays you , can still get the mat vied summit comm or , the video spot net / vied summit so Tim , maybe you'll put that link in the , description box for me , W bucks and you can get all the , replays of the vied summit stuff , David Buffalo is saying I would be happy , with just hundred new leads per month , Dr. Stan is saying of course flat planet , is saying yep would too so yeah you , know it's not about how many views guys , it's if any views right it's not about , how many it's if any hey if it gets me , more views I'll do it so the last part , guy sand the last thing I want to talk , about today is your creative execution , okay where when are you scheduled to , write produce and promote your creative , again another area where we really as as , a whole community we really fall short , on this particular area and here's , here'SWAT I mean by that we so let's , go back to the very beginning right we , decided we're gonna make videos with our , webcam into mic right so you're gonna , follow my model the model that I teach , in my courses then you're gonna create a , list of title sand so we did that you , got hundred titles you got a webcam , you got a mic then you're gonna create , format so you'vie got like this six point , seven point format you know what you're , gonna say and when you're gonna say it , in your video sand you have ten bloggers , that are gonna share your content out , when it's done now you got to make it , and now you have to make it and we fail , on this because we don't prioritize if , you follow me on Facebook you'll see , that'vie been posting lot about time , management and productivity because most , people are incredibly bad at managing , their time but incredibly good at , blaming other people for their failures , now I don'that has not a knock on any , one of you in particular at all it is a , general statement of what I'vie noticed , so what what you'vie got to do is say , okay every Friday from W a.m. to 2 p.m. , I'm working on my videos and that's , where it start sever you schedule , for the same day and the same time , because you're trying to create rhythm , you're trying to create Assembly line , modern times Henry Ford right bum bum , bum bum bum here's how I do it for my , execution spent the first Friday of , the month writing out the video so I , don't script them but I do jot couple , ideas down green screen master great to , see you , Ricky Garcia saying I do titles on , weekday sand I shoo ton the weekends , great , so the first Friday of the month I jot , out my video ideas and I can get three , to five done in two hours you know and , at that point I'm Little bit kind of , like blasted but I got,W subs so , I'm allowed to write I'm allowed to only , get two or three done in a session and , then the next Friday guess what I do I , shoot the videos okay and then , throughout the week and the next Friday , I edit and upload the video sand then , the next Friday'm embedding them , optima embedding them in the websites , getting them over to my share partners , and and fulfilling that obligation there , so you know it's it's two to four hour , time investment one day a week for some , of you it's gonna be more some of you , it's gonna be less but it is scheduled , and it's part of a rhythm so when Friday , comes and I'm on vacation don't even , know what to do with myself , because you know Friday is production , day it's a day where I'm either going to , write produce or promote my creative , yeah Long well is saying I can't post , like no that'totally cool what you did , is fine and and Dr. Stan what you did is , fine too , you'vie got to have a day per week you , know or some plan really that's what I , want to see guys is a plan for you to to , do your creative all right what won't , work as you say oh I'just gonna kind , of figure it out as I go a whole , different ballgame , it won't work nearly as well as you , think you'vie got to have it planned , you'vie got , I have it scheduled so so think of it , like like that I'm gonna post the link , right here , yeah you know why CZ I have my my , filter up to two block links where I , just posted it for you right now guys , that wraps up the show for today I'm , gonna go to questions for another two to , three minutes before I gotta log off and , do this next thing thank you so much for , joining me today and remember share this , video with a Friend business owner , someone you know that could really , benefit from hearing do you know someone , who's like trying to do videos but , they're not really getting off the , ground are they maybe a dentist and it's , just not work and out share this video , with them uh you know I know for me II , get alto of joy and gratitude from some , of my colleagues that say hey Owen , have you checked out this video it's , about you know halitosis and how to make , your breath smell better you know and , it's just like you son-of them you know , but it'Si got the video though I got , the video and now I know to gargle , little bit more aggressively in the , morning but I of course I'm being , facetious the whole idea is is that it's , not offensive it's not offensive to to , send your dentist a video on how he can , get better as a business owner he would , probably appreciate it so big shout out , to Mike palace Mike just sent two , dollar sin the super chat so thank you , Mike for that always appreciate the tip , jar and and it looks like we're we're , ready to go here guys so thank you so , much for watching guys I dig you don't , forget tomorrow'm uploading the , business of video podcast and I'vie got , some new tutorials coming out this week , join me on Wednesday on Facebook join me , to Tim's asking me about my schedule at , at at video marketing world uh I just , don't know join me , Wednesday on Facebook for the business , of video podcast with my good friend , Nicknaming and if you want to get an , alert so that you don't forget to join , us go into the description box there's a , link down there to join the chat bot you , can join us there can't wait to see , you guys thank you so much and , see you on the next video , you  

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