Instagram Story Video: How to Get Started | Video Marketing How to


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ever since it, was, ruled out the , Instagram story, video, feature has been , wildly popular among, the platform users , as of today there are W million active , users daily if you get to think about, it , it's, great, opportunity for your , company, to expand, on video marketing and , it's just simply an opportunity, that , your company cannot afford to, miss , Instagram's, stories give your brand , personality and offer humanizing , factor to the company being, current with , videos that, are either shot live, or are , only available, for, W hours allows your , company, to stay fresh in the mind of the , customer so, how Can, businesslike , yours, benefit from using Instagram , stories to grow user engagement well , there is one thing, that you, might want , to start doing if, not already, and that's , video my name is Olga and today I'm , going to, be talking, about how to, get , started, with, Instagram story video ,   ,  so before jumping into creating your , first Instagram story, video, let's take , look at some technical specs, so the , maximum length of an Instagram story , video is, W seconds that's, 1/5, as , opposed to just, 7, seconds if, you post a , static image so Instagram allows adding , what seems to be an unlimited number of , videos so like, I ran an experiment and, I , tried adding what, seems to be like , stories in a row and I could, just, goon , and, on forever well if only, had more , things to post however, do recommend , that you, are careful, about the, number of , videos you, add in a row because, your , audience might, just get tired, of , watching them and just it's so easy to , slide, to the next story, and you , definitely, don't want to do, that the , Instagram story dimensions are W by , W and the size of, an Instagram story , video is, full portrayed, with the , dimension's, by W which means, the , Instagram story, videos occupy, the whole , phone screen however you can also upload , horizontal videos and images to , Instagram, stories and, this way, the app , will add a background of, the matching , color you can use, these, margins at the , top and bottom to add stickers or to tag , people or, even add a call to action ,   ,  so there are different ways how you can , create, an Instagram story, video and, the , first, option would, be to, create it , within the, app itself and, in order to, do , that head, over to the camera, sign, or , your avatar with, the plus sign that's , locate din the upper, left, corner of the , app so, video options in Instagram , include boomerang, super zoom, rewind live , video and, hands-free which is basically , just a regular video and, in order to , learn more, about each one of, these, video , types head, over, to, the article on, our , blog, and the link is, in the, description , adding video to Instagram, stories using , the, native Instagram app is the quickest , and easiest way however , it's, somewhat limited if you want to use , Instagram stories for business if, you , want more creative freedom with your , Instagram stories try, third party tools , like wind-up, video unfortunately for now , Instagram's, still does not allow , uploading videos directly from, the , computer to the app itself but you can , either email the, video, to yourself , or you can, use, Dropbox or Google Drive , or, even just transfer the, videos using , the cord from, your computer, tithe, phone , so in this video, we discussed how to, get , started with Instagram, stories, for your , business have you actually, started using , this, powerful feature in your company , share in the, comments below and make , sure to, subscribe, to our, channel, as , we're going to be sharing, more videos , about all things video marketing so, stay , tuned .

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