Video Marketing For Your Business: The 4 Videos You Need


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if you want to know that different types , of videos you should, be, using, on your , website as well as to advertise your , business online we're, starting right, now , if, you want to transform your website , into a customer or lead generation , machine'll, show you all my, best, tips , tactics and secrets to, get there fast , let's, dive in hey guys, I'm West McDowell , I'm the web strategist at, the deep end , and, if you're not subscribed, to, our , channel yet, you're, definitely gonna, want , to do that by, clicking the little , subscribe button, and, the Bell, icon next , to it so, you never miss another video , you, need to, succeed online now, in the , last video I showed, you, all the , different ways, of, video can help you , better, engage with your prospect sand , increase your google, ranking power so if , you haven'seen, that, video yet just go , ahead, and click right, up here, to access , that, otherwise we were moving on today , I'm going to, give you some more, concrete , ideas, of the different types of videos , you can, create as well as the benefits , of each so you, can decide what type of , video is, gonna make, the most sense, to , include, on your site, as well as, to , advertise your business in various , places around the web now, almost any of , these videos, we talked about, can work on , any of those advertising platforms like , Facebook Instagram, YouTube you name it , so, they're very, versatile that way and , I'm of course gonna give, you some tips , as we go what you might want to do with , each and even though a video is a huge , topic of conversation lately I'm betting , the most of your competition, stilling't , on board with it yet so, the time for you , to start up with, video is now while you , can, still use Otto, stand out before , everybody is forced to do, it just to , keep up okay so the first, type, of video , I, have for you is an ex plainer or demo , video so let's say you offer something , that requires a little bit, more , explanation an, ex plainer or a , demonstration video, is, a great way, to do , that, much better than through text alone , or image sit's, easier to digest, and , retain that, information and, people are , generally three times, as likely to , actually watch, that video then they , would be to read about, the same thing , and, if you'reselling, a product showing , it, in action is, definitely going to , amplify, your sales because, it, takes the , mystery out of, the equation you can show , people, exactly how, it work sand, I, have , an example of this to show, you, actually , we'vie , consulted, wit ha, client who sells , high-end salon, sheers , now they usually always sold them , through distributors, or a trade shows , and, this is the first time they were , going, to be selling them, directly, online , on, their site so the, challenge was how , do we justify, this high, price point with , a product that people generally, before , always needed to pick, up in, order to , feel the quality so how do you replace , that, online well you know this video , shows the shears in action while, real , stylists are using them for the, first , time giving their, real-time, thought sand , this basically acts, as the, next best , thing, to actually picking, them up , themselves and, this video is actually , being used, as, Facebook, ad to drive , people to, their website and, it's getting , some of the highest click-through rates , that'vie ever actually seen, on, a , Facebook, ad and I know you might be , wondering what, exactly did, it take for , them, for them, to produce, this ad , basically they hired a camera crew, and , ideograph, about, $W, to, shoot and , edit this whole thing so, it was really , affordable and, it gave him, a crazy , return on their investment and, yeah they , probably could, have actually, filmed a , version of this on smartphone without , losing too much quality, okay, next up we , have, testimonial, video so, we are , definitely, living in the ratings and , reviews driven world there's no getting , around that when's, the last time you , bought anything, online without, reading a , review or gotten contact, with, a, company , without, seeing that five-star, rating, we , always, want to know what other people , thought about, product, or service , before we're, comfortable using, it you , know I don't go to restaurant, without , first, reading a yelp review and I bet , you're the, same way, but, what's even more , powerful than a, written review, or , testimonial when, you, can see hear and , feel the, video is amazing at doing this , because it, transfers all that emotion , appreciation and excitement that, a , previous customer had right onto, a new , one video also, has the ability to, remove , most of the, doubt that people may feel , about its authenticity whenever, I read a , written, review on, Amazon or, Yelp, there's , always that question of you know is, this , a legit review or was it written by the , business owner or, a friend or even paid , for, and Particularly have that thought , when a review is just, little too , glowing but, with video, you generally , won't, be able to, get, away with that kind , of trickery, unless, you'begot, Merely , Strep, herself oh, that Millstream's , you're, such phony, baloney most, people , are just not, that good at, acting to , really pull off a fake video, testimonial , because if, it's fake it anyway people , are, generally, gonna subconsciously pick , up on it so, the opposite is, also true , you, know if their, BS matadors't, go , off they're generally, going, to perceive , Otto be true so I, definitely, recommend , get, at least, one video testimonial but , get as many as you, can, and even if you , only have one or, two, video testimonials , you, can supplement those, with written , text testimonials because, the videos , will tend to, increase, the believably , of, the written testimonials now as well , it's, basically saying, you know this , video, feels authentic so, we're gonna , trust these other testimonials too, so , first pick out a few of your, current or , past clients that you know we're gonna , have nice things to, say, about you and , you're, definitely going, to want, to try , to, do this with more recent, customers so , that, the excitement they're, feeling is , more fresh in their mind now, what you , don'twat, to do, is just, leave it up to , the, customer to, say, whatever, they want , that's generally going, to lead Tao , pretty, weak testimonial so, what you want , to do is control it a little bit, more so , that, the testimonial tells a story from , beginning to end, so, I would make sure , that, they know what that story, is you , want to tell, so make sure they, hit the , important points of, what was their life , like before they found you how, did they , find, you and, then how is their life been , changed for the better , since, they went with your product or , service and, then I would have, them , finish it with a simple, would , recommend, this to anyone looking for, dot , dot dot it's just a, really, strong way to , end a video testimonial, would then , edit it, down to, one to two, minutes if , it's a single customer, or, maybe two to , three minutes, if, it's a mash-up of , several customers in the same video all , right next up we have, a, behind the , scenes, or how we work type video think , of this as a way to add a face and a , personality to either your homepage, or , your about, page and, it's perfect for , showing your, processor, why you do what , you, do and the, goal here is , to make your, brand more relabeled , more memorable you know people are , definitely going, to remember, the company , that they saw a video for, rather than , just Reading bunch of text on a page , you, want to, frame this all around the , benefits that you, deliver to your , customers so think about it in terms of , not, talking about, what you, doubt , instead, how you help your customers some , tips here you know use plenty of b-roll , which is just basically shots like this , or this so, it's not just a talking head , the whole time, and also, use some music , underneath it, to make it more, engaging , so, you can use this on your homepage on , your about page or, in video ads okay, now , the next, type of video, I want to, talk , about are helpful blog videos so, these , are either instructional or , inspirational and I should mention these , are, not one-off videos, like we'vie been , talking, about but they're more ongoing , now a blog is helpful for businesses, for , many, reasons you know, you get to , establish yourself, as an, expert grow, a , loyal fan base, of, potential customers , and continually grow your site which , Google looks at as a leading indicator , that, they should rank you higher but , written blog posts are only gonna, get , you so, far you, know as we'Webern , talking, about video, can always really , amp up the engagement, and loyalty factor , for, your site and, if you're looking for , an example, of what a blog video looks , like this is one right here just talk to , the camera like, you're talking to your , ideal customer and offer valuable tips , that they can use with or without what , you actually sell so definitely resist , the urge to make, your blog videos overly , promotional your, product or service , should never really be, the topic of the , video but, you can, certainly, end the , videos with a call to, action, to, learn , more or, to schedule, a consultation with , you, book an appointment, that sort of , thing and, the cool thing, about blog , videos is they can look a little more , DIY than some of the other types we , talked about you, can even, absolutely , just use your smartphone, it's, definitely , more about the value you provide, than , having a polished look aim, needs to be , around, to minutes enough, to cover , your, topic without artificially, padding , the length you don't want to do that you , wan tit just to be all, the good stuff , now, again, I would use this on your blog , either, with a straight up transcript of , the video , or an accompanying blog post you, know , because, that, written content is, still , going to be very important to Google, so , that really, knows the topic of your page , another, great use, for one, of these , helpful blog videos is a as a video ad , on Facebook that you can, use as the top , of your, Facebook ad, funnel more on that , topic in, this video right, up here and if , you have YouTube, channel you, can , always, use it, in there as well alright , now it'stymie, where, want to hear from , you I want to know if, this, gave you any , great ideas for, a, video that you can use , in your, own business, I definitely want , to know, it just, leave it, in the, comments , below along with any questions you, may , have about, anything, we talked about , today and, if you're not subscribed to , the channel yet you're just, gonna want , to click the, little logo, icon, right, down , over, here and, if I can help you out with , any, of this, stuff'd, like, you to , schedule, a free strategy, session you can , get that just by clicking the box right , up over, here and, I hope to, hear from, you , alright, guys West McDowell, here for the , deep end and, I'll see you in the next , video .

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