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today we're talking about Instagram , marketing and my top five tips that , have for you today and bonus tip if , you wait till the end on how to do , Instagram marketing hey everybody , here hope you're having a great day the , cub by community has been growing we're , growing subscribers all the time so I'm , so glad that you're here to watch this , video if this is the first time you hear , please like and subscribe and you'll get , more of these awesome marketing videos , on the rig now I talked yesterday about , how Instagram and snap chat are kind of , competing with each other and how the , great new features of Instagram are , really putting snap chat into a tough , spot so go check out that video if you , have time Sammy linked up that video , here somewhere right here you want to , grow your Instagram account understand , that Instagram is a great tool for , marketing it's really come into its own , it added stories earlier this year which , ISS great addition but Igor to say now , that Instagram stories are her ewe're , seeing lower engagement in the , traditional Instagram feed so please , take that into account and use both , effectively'vie grown my Instagram , account to about,W followers now , that's been really hard work every day , posting- bringing up that level but you , can do the same one of the number one , tips I have for you today is go take a , look at my profile you can see that it , actually changed my name to entrepreneur , marketing tips why this is important is , because most people won't be searching , Chris copy unless they know who I Amanda , then of course show up as well because , my user name is Chris Covey but most , people are going to be searching things , like marketing tips if that's my , industry or entrepreneur marketing tips , or personal branding tips or if you're a , shoe manufacturer then they're looking , for shoes or shoe products or shoes or , high heels or monkeys for sale if you , sell monkeys which I'm assuming lot of , people do these days , so monkeys for sale if you sell monkeys , if you sell cars and you have cars , international or foreign cars or amazing , cars or retro cars whatever the hell it , is that you sell change your name to , that because that's , people are searching for this will help , you gain more exposure and get you in , front of your customers if you go to my , profile you'll also see that I'vie got , some lines in thereabout what I do and , an emoji next to it you can set this up , by going to edit your profile in the , settings and Instagram and add those , lines in so for example if you're a shoe , manufacturer or your shoe brand you can , add in you know high quality or high , luxury shoes running shoe manufacturer , running gear whatever it is that you do , put those lines in it'll give people , context to what you'redoing you might , want to also spice it up and do , something interesting in there to give , people a laugh or something that's sort , of special and interesting to your brand , you'll also notice that you have a link , in there which will lead me Tommy next , tip about using links to grow your , Instagram account my number two tip for , you is to use the link in your bio to , direct people to content Otto campaigns , Otto promotions that you'rerunning , outside of the Instagram platform I use , it for example when we're running the , Cabbies show to actually drop a link in , and you'll notice if you go to my bio , and Instagram that I'vie actually written , some text above the link that gives , context tithe link you should do the , same so you can say like% off our , latest and put the link in below this , will give people context now when you're , running promotion I recommend that you , do a post about an Instagram post and , also an Instagram story about it in the , comments section or in your first , caption for your Instagram post you can , actually add an app mention so you could , say like if for Meir can add at Chris , cub by and then a little direct people , when people click on that link they add , mention Lee it'll actually take them , again to my profile which is you have to , understand the psychology is that maybe , people are seeing your stuff in the feed , they're not necessarily seeing it on , your profile or they're seeing it in the , explore tab in Instagram so you got to , remember that so when you provide them , with the@mention link they can quickly , click on that they can see in the bio , hey this is the offer that they were , talking about click on that link and go , outwards NOW recommend you use bit Lu , links or you use a link that you can , actually track don't do that all the , time but if I want to track it and I , want to see if there's results coming , from this then Would do it in a Billy , or another URL shorten er where I can , actually track what's going on do the , same in Instagram stories we now have , the ability to add at mentions within , our Instagram story so if you'redoing , an Instagram story about hey we got this , great new thing going , on our hand Just showed this video say , add your@ mention so people can click , on it and get that link easily because , we all know we can't add links in the , comments below which is a little stupid , why has an Instagram fix that they , should't allow that tip number three , now there's some Instagram purists out , there that say you should't add text on , top of a photo and Instagram and it , should only be photos this is , honestly if you look at the stats of , what work sin Instagram while it's , mostly tips and ass that work son , Instagram but if you're not doing tits , and ass I'm recommending you don'talkie , maybe you don't have tits in a store I , mean it's really hard to setup a tits , in a store these days so Icahn , understand why you don'thieve that but , if Yaren't posting tits and ass and , you are posting something about you know , your business maybe it's your shoes , maybe it's your dresses maybe you're , selling I don't know what the hell , you're selling but if you're only , posting things with that don't be afraid , to put text on top of images this works , really well because you have very little , time to grab people's attention in , Instagram and any social media platform , for that matter so hit them over the , head , so if you have A's% off offer that's , hard to say if you have a W%off offer , then put that in there don't just say , you know don't just have a picture of , the thing and then in the text below in , the caption below at you know'll get , this off for% it's not going to do as , well you have to hit people over the , head so use text and use it on top of , images the second part of that tip is , use nice images use good design cannot , say this enough I'vie set it on so many , videos use nice design use nice design , use nice design use nice design'vie , said it over and over and over again and , I'll say it again you have to visually , capture people spitting everywhere you , have to visually capture people's , attention right away , so strong colors strong visuals high , contrast get their attention that is , going to be critical my fourth tip for , you is use video video is incredibly , powerful and Instagram open this up a , little while ago and they also opened up , the ability to have one-minute video the , same rules apply with when it comes to , video when it comes to images you need , to capture people within the first three , seconds so if you'redoing a video you , might want to think about adding text on , top of the video or you might want to , make sure that your thumbnail for that , video is really interesting can show , you how to do that when you record , something in video you have the option , of going over to cover and actually , changing the cover you can scroll , through your entire video and pick , something interesting now if you have , the ability to edit video outside of , Instagram and import it in I really , recommend that we do that all the time , we do videos like this outside and then , we import them in and we try to put , something interesting at the start so it , visually grabs people remember those , rules visually grab people interest , people from the get-go this is why , freaking boob sand fancy cars works on , Instagram because everyone'slake oh I'm , scrolling through and I see a Bentley , and some boobs the two's the two most , important's in the world and leis and , boobs , and people are like oh okay I'll click , on that and I'll give that a like tip , number five is hashtags we all know this , I don'TKO why I keep having to say , this but it'slake my design rant , everybody needs to use hashtag son , Instagram's the only way that people are , going to , over you so do your hashtag research if , you hit the search icon and Instagram , you get the Explorer thing and you can , actually see what's trending or what's , doing very well for your interest , because they actually tailor it to your , life so you can actually see things that , you would probably be interested in and , probably your followers would be , interested Ina's well so go to the , Explorer ta band see and tap on some of , those Instagram photos and go and see , what hashtags are they using take notes , use different hashtags to reach , different audiences found that if I , use the same hashtags fora long period , of time my engagement goes down and I , don'tr each as many people and I don't , grow my followers because I'm hitting , the same people over and over and over , again so go and take a look at different , hashtags and mix it up I put my hashtags , and my keyboard shortcuts options inside , of my phone so when I type out ascertain , word Ora certain phrase it actually , automatically puts in my normally used , hashtags this is a nice way of , automating your processes so you don't , always have to sit therewith your phone , and start hash typing out hashtags , bonus tip time are you ready for the , bonus tip the bonus tip is add video , that you'vie already recorded outside of , the Instagram platform inside of , Instagram stories we do that for , trailers for these videos here Instagram , is doing great they're killing it it , looks like they're going to continue to , innovate on the platform and do amazing , thing sand I think that they're going to , take out big chunk out of snapshot do , that for rants that I DI think , companies need to step up to the plate , and say you know what here's your , internship program here's what you're , gonna learn you're gonna do this you're , gonna do that here's the skills were , going to give you we do that for a , number of things if you have an ability , to create video outside of the platform , this is a super interesting way of , grabbing people's attention because it's , high-quality , it's interesting and you can engineer it , so this is an advanced tip if you're , into video production or if you're into , really doing great things you know , promoting your brand doing you know , grabbing nice shot you can also take , shots with a camera you know really nice , DSLR and take shots of your product and , you know get your designer to design , stuff and then save Otto your camera , roll in your phone and then upload it to , Instagram stories this way you just , basically swipe down , and Instagram stories and then you have , your last four saved photos and then you , can add that new one and then you can , also add an app mention like I mentioned , before so that's super powerful cool , new tool that we have if you have , professionally created materials already , use those in Instagram that's the best , way to attract attention and separate , you from the rest of the pack thank you , so much for watching hope you enjoyed , that hope you apply these tips to your , Instagram and I hope to see it grow , please in the comments below , put your Instagram in I'd love to follow , you and see what you're up to on that , platform and please like and subscribe , I'vie already said that I'll say it again , please like and subscribe , I need your subscriptions because it , tells YouTube that this is good content , and promotes my channel so that you guys , can get even more of this great stuff so , thank you so much adios amigos , you .