Video Marketing Strategy


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thank you Kevin for the, intro how's , everyone doing we're in the the , mid-afternoon, last, session before the , the, keynote at the end, Think, this , would be, really fun I'm, going to show a , lot of, awesome, video and, I'm also going , to share, some research that, Googlies , done, that Think, is really, the first, of , its kind, in, unpacking some, of the , variable sin, video content, and, our first , step to finding some of the guidelines , to making, video that people, actually , choose, to watch, so, to get us, warmed up , and start sort, of thinking, critically , about, content'm going to show two , videos two pieces, of, content from the , same brand and start off I'just, going , to show you, the first, five seconds of , the video and as you watch, that, want , you to think about, like, would you really , choose to watch the, rest of, the video , just, based on what you'seen if you're , doing, this you know in, your own life , just browsing, content right, so what's , the first five second sand, be ready to , let, me know, if you would actually, watch , the video so here's the first clip okay , lights, up raise your hand if you would , choose to, watch this video, there are, not , alto of hands out there so raise your , hand, if you, would skip this video or , just, move on and do something else , almost everyone else right, you're , probably, seeing , oh it's, Kmart it's aback-to-school ad I , either don't, like Kmart, Orin, don'CARE , to watch an, ad right now and, you'd , probably just, move on which, is too bad , because now, let me show you, the rest of , the, video you would have missed, this , some kids here, back, with a million so , your assets go yeah, Sylvia, ,  , back-to-school in, my limo if Y is how , you picture your soul friend to, have my , own paparazzi make you look shifty , locals, our, first place damn that's cool , strong , shut your wait a second case of a, role , Japanese, silver, hair will be immortal, in , our backbone it keeps going it's, all , brilliant and, I'vie had that song stuck , in, my head for the past week, alright so , that's, the first piece, of content let's , look at the second and, again, we're just , gonna watch the, first five second sand , then vote, on, whether we would whether we , would, watch it, or not , Julio I need to ask you a, question, what , is, it, compare, mama get that one in , your, camera okay show hands, who would , watch this video I mean you got to see , what happens next, right and these kids , are just, amazing so let's watch the rest , of this one, yeah, dog, when you're home on , my sham, Cali , Uzi would swing oh yeah, we're, home so , I could say, to, cheese plate CZ she said , Oh, put your, channel on then came our , Jean, ah yo, mama's got so much game that , she could'tavern, store it on that , you won't, so fashion, forward the future , cause they, want, those hot tubs, back, oh , so, physically responsible you, got on it , all free layaway Shop Your Way members , get free layaway at Kmart no, school year , starts, here your mom's so fiscally , responsible it's, a great line , so just by watching these two, videos I , think, we'vie learned a couple things, one , is if you want, to produce, great video , content just, hire these kids, and they , should probably, make you a video but , second the the first, few moments, when , you're encountering, piece of video , content are, really really important like , that'seagoing to win or lose people, just , in a few moments so, its, factors like , that that I'm going, to talk, about, today , creative is really hard it's really , subjective, it's, really contextual so , there Hans't been alto, of work done, on , like what are the the best, practices the , guidelines of what, you need to be , thinking about, as, a creator of, marketing , content specifically videos but, creative , is one of the biggest factor sin , campaign performance, if not the most , important dynamic logic's did a study , where they, took, a whole aggregation of , campaigns that they, have exposure to and , they tried to isolate the various , factors to see what caused the biggest , swing and, performance and, they found , that the, creative was usually W to W , percent of, the variability and , effectiveness so, the most important , factor we actually did this internally , at Google across, all of our programmatic , ad buys and we found that, about , percent, of, the variability was based on , the quality the creative so creative as , I think we all know and why we're all , here , it makes or breaks campaigns, makes them , successful or not but, again it'serially , hard to study so, I think we, have to have , a few things in mind as we as we, go, into , this mode of, inquiry around, what makes, a , good video, first, is context matters a , lot right because, people consume video , differently on YouTube than, they do TV , and for the for this purpose I'm only , going to be talking, about, YouTube, and , the research we'vie do neon our platform , but what we know , that TV, tends to be more of, a, what you , might call, a Lean back medium, so, people , turn on what, they want to, watch and, then , they you know TV can take its time , capturing our, attention whereas with , YouTube people, are looking, for immediacy , and if they don't see, what they think , they want to, watch, in just a few seconds , a, few moments, they'll quickly move, ahead , to the next, the next piece, of content , and, consider, that instead and if you , want to see evidence, of how this, is , affecting the, way, content is produced , all, you need to do is look at, movie , trailers on YouTube and how different , they, are than, conventional movie , trailers so, typically if, you'redoing, a , movie, trailer , you follow really the, classic , storytelling arc so, you set it up you , introduce, the characters location start , to give an idea of, what, the story is , going to be, about you build the tension , you, have, those dramatic lines of , dialogue or or climactic, moments and you , build until the eventual climax and, then , it cuts off, you, ha veto, go see the movie , if, you want to see what happens, next, so , here's, an example, of a trailer that, was , very much created for the YouTube , audience mindset, ,  , I, focus on, being prepared, saved your , life by bringing here, I, knew this day , would, come , something's coming so that was intense , but, if, you if you saw at the bottom, we , were kind of noting where the different , points, of, the storytelling arc, were , being surfaced in the, trailer and, it was , a mix of everything and that's really , the type of content that, people who , watch alto of video on, YouTube, are , starting to expect to see it's really , intense, the, flow is really fast, that's , one, example of content that was very , effective on, a platform like YouTube, so , you, go ahead to the next, slide , besides the platform itself just the , device on which, video is, viewed can kind , of have, a huge difference in how people , receive, it and, what they look at so this , is, a eye tracking study with, eyes , focused is the is the intensity of, those , blotches on it, you probably seen this , before , but, if you'll note as we look at this , Accra, commercial the, the where the eye , lands tends, to, be alto, more, focused, on , a, larger screen on ATV whereas it tends , to, be allover, the place, on mobile just , because your eyes can move so easily and , what we find is that like, the wide , sweeping cinematic shots that have, a lot , of, impact on, a large screen don't really , have, as much impact, and don't attract , the eye as much on a smaller screen but , then, you can also lose detail when , you're on mobile so, that has some , implications as, well so, not just, the , platform that people are viewing, video , but even the device on which, they're , viewing, video can, have a significant , impact on, results so that, begs the , question are, we, doing this right now are , we really, creating content that's , specific tithe, platform and specific to , the, device and the answer is not really , so when we looked at campaigns, across , W only about, W% had a coordinated , creative strategy which is to, say that , their creative across all of their , channel shad, the same theme the same , topic it was planned together as, well as , creative customized for the platform so , if they were doing YouTube they cut the , video differently or they somehow made , it, different, so that it would work , better it'd, be more effective, on that , particular platform so, I think there's , still, a lot of, room to grow, here , and that's good because, it means, our , our campaigns can be more effective so , what I'going, to talk about, today, is , how to, make your content shine by , understanding the YouTube context what's , unique about YouTube and, its viewer sand , we're going, to unlock, some data to , really show what works so to put this in , am ore, grandiose way content is king , context is God data is its religion , we're, going to be looking at, content in , the context of YouTube, I, want to be , looking at, a whole lot of, new data, Jim , Stengel the, the, past Comfy, PNG said if , you want to know, how the lion, hunts , don't, go to the zoo go, to the jungle, and , of course what he's talking about is , marketing here he's, saying that, we have , a tendency as, marketers to, try to kind , of cage, our content feed, it grow it from , grow it in the, in the zoo and then, when , the time is right we, release it instead , we should be putting things out, in the , wild and, see how people react, to it , which is exactly the approach that that , YouTube took when doing the research , that I'm going to share, our our our , version of that our jungle was the , True View ad so who here knows what , True View ad is it's like most people do , who, here has, bee non, YouTube, and gotten , the prompt to, skip an ad if they want , okay then you'vie seen the True View ad , and in fact you are, a part of this , research because, this is how we , essentially tested whether people were , likely to view a, video we you know we'vie , looked at, all of, the retrieve ads , that have, been, run and then we made some , conclusions, around, what the factors were , that caused people to, choose to watch , them so this is quite, a, large data set , we, looked at over 6,W different , creatives, run on YouTube across, W , countries, different, industry , vertical sand, then we actually, went and , manually tagged W different creative , attributes, so that we could start to , identify, what are, the characteristic sin , common, across all of this that makes , people, want, to watch, videos pretty, cool , right so that, the because it's a , methodology here is we're doing lot of , AB, tests looking at videos side by side , seeing, if we can, isolate certain, factors , and improve performance in, a/bests, we , did something , dunce capable labs, with, a lot of, our , interesting customers and agencies who , wanted to participate, so, essentially, we , made them create content to, test and to , take some of, these hypotheses for , learning and, do actual creative , variation sand, see if they hold true , with degree of accuracy and, finally , obviously we're, doing, a lot of want , analysis here trying to, isolate the , factors that, most drive view, through on , creative and get the most watch, time so , these are guidelines that, I'm going to , share not silver bullets creative, is , still incredibly contextual it, matters , what, the business is, it, matters what , mindset your viewer is, in so, I'm not , going to say these, things, are, going, to , work, every time but, they're, pretty good , guidelines for as you start to think , about creatives or, content, execution on , YouTube so, what I'going, to share, is , what I'm calling the, ABC DS of YouTube , and, that's, these things first we'll, talk , about how to attract, people, to your , video content, so what's going, to capture , enough attention that, they'll consider , to watch it we'll talk about, the role of , branding in, video and how much or how , little you, should, use your, brand we'll , talk about establishing a connection , during the video that, causes people to , keep watching, and sustains that that , viewership allows, them to get your, full , story and we'll talk about, directing and , the, idea is, like what do you, want people , to do, after they see your video content , they'll, be the next, W minute sit's, have , a little time afterwards I'll talk about , some of the, initiatives that, my team is , working, on, and make it easier, to create , new videos as marketers so first how, do , you get people to consider, watching, your , video in the, first place so how do we , attract the, viewer if you're, if, you , watch, Jason, Miller earlier, on the stage , today you saw him do brilliant , take down of what, I'm about to share, with , you which, is, the idea that, the attention , span, has shortened, to less than that, of , a, goldfish and, he made a very valid , point, scientists, have done Studies, on , the, human brain and, they'vie come to the , conclusion, that our, attention span, as we , adapt to, the modern world and all of its , you know all of, the behaviors we have , smartphones included but not limited , that that the human attention span is , actually getting, shorter from W seconds , IN to eight seconds in W, and, to , be fun we can put, we compare that to , that of a gold dish which is, nine , seconds and conclude that humans, have a , shorter attention span than, a goldfish , of course scientifically, you can poke a , lot of hole sin, this the, the way that , we'restudying, humans is very different , than, we came to the conclusion on , goldfish attention, span but, I, think it , is really, important to, note that humans , on, YouTube behave a lot like goldfish , when, they're looking for videos and , actually, when we look at the time , they're considering any online , impression, from marketer typically, it's , about, to, seconds that, we have, to , hook our audience so, as we're seeing in , the, videos earlier that those first 3 to , 5 seconds are incredibly crucial and, so , at leas tin this aspect of your , marketing you should be, thinking of , people, a, little bit like goldfish so , what do we, do with, that how, do we make , those first few seconds really really , compelling so, that we get people to , actually, watch the, first tactic that has , been shown to, be, very effective in, our , research is opening up with the , unexpected so something funny or , surprising at the very moment, that , people are introduced to, your video , tends to have a real good amount, of , stickiness so let's watch this this , example of, video, Heron, honey use the , Earth's energy to hit pinata , least, everyone, peace, enjoy, don't like , it, here meet, Nettie, smartest most , powerful robot, vacuum now, that that , opening had very little to do with , robotic vacuums but, it was really , unexpected and you wanted to, see what , happened, next , setting up situations like that could, be , really, effective go, to the next slide , celebrities and people are, the best , thing to put, in, your, opening frames , people, love, looking at, other people this , is this is well known but featuring a , person at the beginning specifically , women, children and celebrities tend to , have the highest due to, rate Oprah , probably, your number one, celebrity you , can do that'actually, not scientific , but'm pretty sure she would, be, up , there, won't show you this, video but , this got, over a million views on on , YouTube it, was produced by Weight , Watchers and it's just Oprah talking , about her favorite, breakfast and, how she , makes it and how many weight watchers , points she has but if Oprah is in it , people will watch it crop shots are , interestingly much, more effective than , other types of composing, scenes when we , when we look, at video watch rates so , medium to close shots of people early, on , tends to play better on smaller mobile , screen sand, attracts more, attention so , we'll look at this video and, see, how , they, use that crop, shot to, introduce the , story line, I, have three cats and, work , from home, so people always ask, me, how , stay so calm, and organized I'm kidding , do you think I have time, for about I'm , fully clothed, Fellini, the table, Iowas , timing my, son holding his breath , seconds now go fetch mommy's hairdryer , motherhood goes by too fast, haven't , slept more than, four hours, In's years , my diet consists of the protein bar sand , peanut, chips, I inhale in the dark and my , pantry and my children are growing like , weeds but, I barely have enough time to , keep them alive, let alone, print pictures , of, them , because here'st he, problem what, the, fork , making, photo books , sucks, hey don't say suck, they're , designed for moms with, lots of free time , imaginary moms what, my Hedgehog, really , formatting, them takes hours it may push , some button sand then they easily, cost , $W, so when Sarah, does something , adorable, I have to say that's, cute but , not$W, cute bu tat least graphic, is , great if, you have no job or no kids so , not great Geoffrey, put down the crossbow , okay, we can cut that off there, this goes , on to this video goes onto, tell the , story oaf, service that, actually prints , out automatically scrapbooks and sends , it to you so a cool, product something , that, did't exist before, and they, kind , of have to explain to, you what it is for , you to understand it but, rather, than , leading with, that, basic product , description they're, weaving, a story in , here that, starts with that, that , compelling close, shot and then unfolds , with, humor to keep you watching so, a , really, effective way of, talking about , the products but integrating it, into , story that, people have, an emotional , connection, to so all of the examples , that, shared so far were, in the context , of your showing, an ad within an , in-stream situation so a True View ad but , it's also important on YouTube to make , sure that you're, appearing in, all the , organic places the videos can appear, and , they're, taking advantage of of, that as a , distribution source so three things that , Would, recommend when, you'rethinking , about how, to, get more, organic exposure , using YouTube, the thumbnails that, you're , using there's, specific things, you can do , with that the metadata is of course , important and think about using , playlists, Toto, boost the number of , times your video can be, shown to users , so on thumbnails let's, do quick , exercise, here so this is for a GE video , which of these do you think would be the , most, effective thumbnail so we, actually , tested all, these with GE and and we saw , in the real world what, worked, best so , who here thinks number, one would Bethe , best, video or, the best thumbnail for the , video any takers , no takers , okay what about number two with potatoes , and light, number, two, okay pretty decent , showing there without number three here , we add, in some text okay , I think this is a winner so flex, and , number four which, I think this is a cake , I'm not really sure, what this, frosting , thing is anyone like number four, okay we , got somebody likes, number four so what , someone, likes cake and maybe wants to , think, there's recipe, beyond that okay , so the winner here was, actually number , two interestingly what we'vie learned , about thumbnails first, obviously clear , and in focus is, important , high-resolution, something, that's close , up so you can see what's going on, and , visually interesting putting, text on , thumbnails actually, like very , significantly, decreased the the clicks , on those, videos Think, it is probably , because, people, have connotation, that , implies, marketing or advertising'm, not , really sure on the, reason for that, but , what words on the video was definitely a , negative, think, what's going on here is , the first one, don'think we, can even , tell what that is so it's very unclear , what what the what, the video might be , about second does a good job of setting , up, the story for, is a brand and, we do , see putting branding in the thumbnail , tins, to decrease the click-through rate , on organic exposures on YouTube so , that's a quick primer on thumbnails, I , think also worth worth mentioning is , these the the photo you're using on a , thumbnail is going to appear differently , or, appear indifferent, contexts such as , search suggested videos and mobile if , you want to bethinking, about, like, the , size of that mobile impression, that's , relatively, small and, make sure that, your , story that, you'retrying, to tell and , that, image is, able to get out even in, a , in a small mobile, environment so next up , metadata, think this goes without , saying, but, every, single descriptive , factor that, you can put into your , description or any of the tags related , to, your video are, extremely important , this is, way more important, on, video than , any other type of content because , obviously it's harder for us, as a search , engine to, to understand them at the , video, content , versus the metadata that, you're , providing so metadata has, a really huge , impact in, how your video is appearing in , search, result sand, organically, on , YouTube titles, are, probably the most , important part within, the text , description that, you can, apply to your , video and, really, what we found is the , common factor among, good headline sis , that it tells the story of, what, people , are going, to, ex pectin, your video it, may , even, introduce some tension or, like a , question, that's going to get resolved in , the video but you have, to watch the , video to, find, out so as an example let's , look at at this image, here, and think , about what the headline could be so I , just think, about, like you see this, how , likely are you to watch the video and , then'll, tell you what the, title, is so , the title of this, is how much do shadows , weigh and I kind of thought, oh well , actually, I would watch that, video just , the, image alone I would never do, that , but the image plus the story that's , starting to be told, in the headline can , become really, compelling so, think about , are you telling, a story when, you write , headlines for for YouTube, videos the the , final tip I'll share is playlists, so, I , think playlists are really underutilized , tool for making, your content more , discoveries, if you have a number of , videos, on a similar topic group, them , together on a playlist and, you're much , more likely to, get, follow-on views of , your content and, show show, your your , users more than one video, so that'st he , most basic use, but very YouTube savvy , advertisers like, Taco Bell , they actually not only put their own , brands, content, but also user-generated , content, from other people here's someone , reviewing the case of Lupe and so on so , what, this does, is now when people, watch , those those third-party videos they're , most likely going, to get served, this , this playlist on the right, have it be, a , suggested video result so it's more , chances for, your your own content to, get , exposed, by association with, these videos , and having videos in playlist sis, a , factor to, the overall , Organic, ranking of videos in YouTube , search results , great so one of the most common , questions, that we get, asked and, then , what our, next section will be about, is , how should, use my Brandon, video right , so, DI, want that brand recall so, should , I, feature it prominently or is that , going to turn, people, off who are you , know would, otherwise, be interested in my , content if, they feel like, it's it's too , produced it feels too much like , marketing, so the answer on that is , really, it depends, would think about , what, are your objectives, in the video if , you are, just really looking, to drive , awareness of your brand name or, your , product there probably is a benefit of , putting, your brand, earlier, in the video , so that, you make sure that, even, people , who, skip halfway through still have the , chance to associate the content with , your brand and to, keep your brand, top of , mind but if you're really trying, to tell , a, whole story, and, maybe drive mid funnel , consideration be, Little more sparing , in, how you apply the branding to your , video because what we find is that the , full view through rate does decline , pretty, proportionately with, the level of , branded content that you find, in the , video so, there's also somethings, you , can do when, you are, using branded , content to, make it, a lot more palatable , to, viewers and effective integration and , the thoughtfulness of, integration is , really, important so you want your , product to, feel natural, in the video not , that you, know someone who's watching , YouTube YouTube YouTube also an, ad you , know looks like marketing content but , instead something, that feels natural and , interesting so, I think this this video , which is, from Tic, Ta cs, does a great job , of leveraging kind of our, iconic branded , packaging in, a way that'still, fun and , natural ,  , , ,  ,  , okay so obviously, that's best package is , an ad but it kind of, has, the feel of, a , YouTube, video it, seems very, contextually , appropriate another, thing that marketers , can, do is think about branding not with , the typical logo but actually showing , the, product so, just using, product , rather than a logo can have the same , benefit of increasing ad, recall and , association with the, brand but it feels , a little lossless, it feels a little , more, appropriate, for the, YouTube, context , so, here's an example of a brand that did , that, well mom where's the texture, my , touchdown, from, last week here you go , honey , just scroll tithe, left why your parents , wrestling, and why is your, dad handcuffed , he, looks scared so you thought you saw , then, product there but it was very , much, a part of, the story, which was , hilarious story and if you're thinking , about really, increasing the brand , horsepower of, your video think, about, not , just visuals that tell that showcase , your brand or, surface your brand but , also, using audio and, video together and , again, this is if you're really just , trying to drive brand recall and , awareness here's, a here's an example, of , video that does this very well, use , bounce dryer sheets, for static cling no , Billy quick add but you you remember, the , brand , okay, so the next section'll, talk about , some of, the things we, learned from this , research, about what, makes viewership , stay through the, video so what are the , factors that, lead to continued , engagement with, video , the my, first tip, here is every video, is , different so, why not learn about your , own videos, by using analytic so you can , on YouTube analytical, at exactly , where in the video, your view through , rate is dropping and, then go and look, at , that that piece of, the, video, and think , about oh, is there, a way Could, edit , this differently is, there where I could , cut it differently, is there way I could , tell the story differently that really , kind of fix that place where you seem to , be losing, viewers , so that'absolutely, fundamental should , be doing this with all of your, content , I, think the pro tip is from the , beginning shoot multiple, pieces of , content and, do, this for, each and then , think about your, editing strategy to , combine all those different cut sand , you'll learn a lot really really fast so , the among the factors, that, we, were able , to, parse out and see what works best as , far, as what causes continued, viewership , what makes people continue, to watch , videos the number one, not surprisingly , in the YouTube, context is humor, people , love videos that make them laugh and, if , you can get someone, to, laugh there's, a , good likelihood that, they'll continue to , watch, your video so, I want to show, a BB , example just because, that'snot, what you , typically associate with humor but , there's, actually great, ways to tell , stories, involving BB brands that still , do involve humor and, have a more human , personal element so here's one that I , like, ,  , that's why videoconferencing, is , important , nice-nice add close, second to, humor, is , emotion so empathetic sympathy, in the , video it's, one of, the most way to to the , viewer you, ha veto, be careful when , you'reusing, emotion, because you don't , wan tit, to seem contrived or, not , authentic about, your brand but, when, it's , well done, it's, usually extremely , effective, so we, can look at this video , as an example of, a video that, really , plays, to, emotion effectively and , authentically,oh, yeah , okay, so like when you're when, you'redoing , something like, this this is for, the ad , council, but my advice, to a brand is , typically you're not talking, about your , brand when, you're bringing, in emotional , factors you're kind of saying what the , values of your, brand are in this case , it's, promoting diversity and inclusion , in, an unexpected place and this, in the , football kiss-cam but, usually you need , to create a story create, something above , and, beyond your brand, but use it, to, tell , the, values that are authentic and , believable for your, brand so because the , next slide pacing is super important , obviously when it when it, comes to , connecting, with users, and having them , continue to, watch your video the, master , of, this Think, is Nike if you'vie ever , watched any of, Nighest, content , they, do such a superb job of editing and , I'm sure that they are definitely in , analytic looking at every single, moment , and, how do they maximize, the stickiness , and the, watch time but, it's really just , brilliant work so, let me, show this , example, from Nike that I think , illustrates this, really well , , ,  , naughty naughty naughty naughty naughty , wake, up in the morning officers although , CZ, I got gold and I won't take no for , an answer , got the grace of a dancer the heart of a , bitch Id on't understand you , it puts in your book camera can I, put , that, want it so bad and, go back I , cannot back down , I give up you versus me ha ha takes up , your, water problems side I'll do a , little pop rock in a high, polish, ground , to, show you what, the, difference in words , because, I, read the kind of, mere anger , let's do, it, holy hell that is that I , Ian'got, a bowl ,  , move on but I think you, can see like , really, good, editing there the, music, is , driving alto, of, the you know, the , drumbeat, is moving the content, along but , I think it's also great editing great , cinematography the, fluidity of, all the , shot sand how they work together is, part , of what's, sustaining the viewers , interest so finally I'm going to talk , about directing attention once the video , is, over which, is really important like , we should't the goal USN't just to get , someone to view, your video but actually , to to take action to do something about , Otis, is really, as marketers what's , important to us so this is, something , you're probably already familiar, with , but, putting, a call to engage in the , video especially if your objective is, to , drive, sales or some action , make sure that's embedded in the, video , itself show, a really quick, example, of , from Old Spice of, how this is done, well , destroyed our, confidence with , deep-cleaning allspice dark, destroyer , okay, that's, the product that's, where you , buy it and, you, get this, promotion too, so , that was an only five, seconds, so, this , can be done, quite quickly, with video , there are many, tools at your disposal , within, YouTube such as overlays and in , screens that, can drive interactivity and , actually have two-way, sh conversation , with the with the viewer but, it, can be , used to, drive, actions like click , download, learn, more, here's an example of , a very simple of, using these to actually , drive restoring of a video left Twixt , delicious cookie flow with caramel and , cascaded in chocolate it's come, to, my , attention that right, Taxis, attempting , to lead, you away from, this important , left Twixt message we had left which , appreciate your staying with us after , all we, have nothing, against puppies we , just don't believe in pandering to our , customers with cheap attempts at winning , affection okay, here's what I promise if , you agree, not Togo, watch rightwards is , puppy we, had left Twixt'll, deliver , your, vastly, superior puppy viewing , expert, ,  , you can stop it, there, so, if you if you , fall victim to this ad you're going to , be in a roundabout clicking back and , forth between right right Twixt and, left , Twixt's, a good example, of playing with , that those, features, that, are available , to, marketers so finally in, direction , think, about, rectangle, most of the , time people on, YouTube are not, going to , click on an, ad it's, just not typical , behavior people, are there to watch , videos usually not do what, as, marketers , we, would want for them, to do next but , you can, still take advantage of, the fact , that, they watched a full video, or have , done, other things such, as visit your , website and, be extremely intentional , about what, videos you're showing which , users and wino'll, skip this example, but , this to tell you the story of, what , cannon, is doing here , they have examples of, what happens when , you bring your, camera and, when you, don't , bring, your, camera and, they only show the , the second video to, people, who actually , watched, interview, the first ad so, it , starts to, tell a story and that , sequential, storytelling we found really , really drives, brand lift and, important , metrics for advertisers so, definitely , following up, not just with, a second , impression of, the same ad but something , that continues, the story can, be, a really , effective, way of, sustaining the , customers attention but also, driving ad , recall and brand lift, so these are the , ABCs attract brands connect, and direct , again, these came from research, that , we'vie done they're, only guidelines but , these are the most common factors that , stood out across all of, the videos that , we, looked at in the set hope, this was , useful for you would, love to answer any , questions, or, tell you more about, these , examples, we, won't have time, to, do , question snow, but'll, be around later , thank, you so much for coming .

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