Facebook Video Marketing: Tips & Strategy To GROW Your Social Media


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do you feel like your Facebook social , media channel is stacking the study , growth just USN't there anymore , you are still putting in the hard work , and crafting exceptional content yet , despite your efforts your organic reach , is dropping steadily and your click to , rate is following suit it's not you it's , the algorithm one study found that the , average reach of a post by a brand , Facebook page is just 2.6 percent , Facebook has been tweaking its algorithm , to show people info that's relevant to , them focusing on updates from friends , family and pages they'vie specifically , interacted with recently and of course , paid ads while it is bad for consumers , it poses a challenge for marketers and , it's not just Facebook Instagram , Linked In and Twitter also change their , algorithms all of this is designed to , put the right content in front of the , right people so how do you make sure , that content is yours make video an , integral part of your social media , marketing strategy video has an , irresistible appeal needs improve the , video will make up percent of all , consumer Internet traffic by using , video as part of your marketing strategy , can double your conversion rate and , increase the time users spend on your , site by W percent and percent of , consumers actually want businesses to , create more video content video works , because it cuts through the noise and , grabs our attention we are attracted to , fast moving and shiny things it's , biology and once you'vie got the users , attention it's time to follow the golden , rule of social media create irresistible , Khan , that assess real question solves areal , problem and treats the fever like an , actual person here are some tips that , will help you do that , so how do you get started coming up with , ideas for your first couple of videos , dozen't have to be hard use your current , assets to get some relevant video topics , like for example you have asked EQ , section customer questions are a , goldmine is it go to the questions that , get asked all the time pick one and make , a short video around it or make block , desecrate short social videos that , is the question you blog post answers if , your blog post offers say then tips to , solve some kind of problem then create a , video that gives one tip and then is the , blog post at the end of the video or in , corresponding social media posts this is , a great way to bring older content out , to play also you can share quick footage , from your day consumers have more choice , than ever before use video to show off , your personality and make the connection , grab your phone and snap some , behind-the-scenes footage on its camera , and share it with your followers making , a video for social media dozen't have to , be hard and it definitely dozen't need , to involve expensive equipment and tons , of powers of sank into making it perfect , social media USN'ta bout perfection it's , about reaching through that digital , screen for some human on human , interaction , let's take look at some tools you can , use to make videos really quickly number , one by far the easiest way to make an , ex plainer video or tease an exciting , project you are working on is using , video ads go video it's a super useful , free Google Chrome extension use it to , record your screen and share your video , on social media straight away number two , for putting together great marketing and , social media , by putting together images short videos , text and music is super simple video , makers likeability or beatable both of , these platforms let you add your own , voice over number three for quick and , simple editing ischemia or I'm using , these applications together with a solid , webcam decent lightning and good , microphone you can make quick videos , from your desk crafting the right type , of content for social media is a lot , like picking out birthday gifts for your , best friends if you want to amaze them , you need to put in the world and get , specific first create an exclusive , attention-grabbing start and keep it , short and snappy after that a user , decides whether to stick around within , the first three seconds so grab that , attention and don't let it go also make , sure you include subtitles and minimize , the need for text% of Facebook videos , are watched with the sound of it's , crucial that the dealer can enjoy your , video fully with just the subtitles , secondly set the auto play with the , sound of W% of users get annoyed if , your video all the place with the some , pong keep that volume off until they , choose to switch it on thirdly upload , native videos on average Facebook , negative videos get one hundred and , sixty eight percent more interactions , four hundred and seventy seven percent , more shares and five hundred and thirty , more comments than videos hosted off , platform it really pays to upload your , videos directly to face and lastly , optimize for mobile users are five times , as likely to watch your video on a , mobile device make sure your video works , in any science Buzz Feed's tasty is the , master of putting these points into , practice tasty this is us with the end , result long enough to get our attention , gives us the meat the videos are , colorful don't need sound and have , enough text to let you know what'seagoing , on without overwhelming you the majority , are W to W seconds long and are pretty , easy to follow we'vie talked about video , topics software and best practice snow , we need to take look at the big guy , your content calendar you'vie got a , Content calendar for your blog posts you , use asocial media management tool for , your updates and you need Content , calendar for video a Content calendar , will keep you accountable and help you , track results it will make sure you , never run out of ideas and help you plan , ahead of time because just like with a , blog maintaining and consistent strategy , is hard life happens other stuff comes , up so before you dive in decide how , often you are going to make videos how , you will track results , what channel type you want to experiment , with first and how the video will fit , into your overall marketing strategy , then draft some topics and put them on , the calendar this might probably sound a , bit obvious considering that we are , talking about Facebook video marketing , tips but Facebook really is the king , right now when it comes to video , platforms over.3 billion people log , into Facebook every single day by , planning your content , reusing the assets you'vie already got , and using the right software you can , create great videos for Facebook find an , audience and grow your following don't , let the lack of time excuse keep you , fro musing the video to grow your social , media , this is perhaps the number one among all , Facebook video marketing tips just try , it and let us know how it worked out for , you , in the comments below .

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