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Hi everyone, today we have a guest on my channel Polo Rosendo. "Hello!" Polo is the professional in charge of video production and video marketing of my videos , Polo, I want to ask you a few questions. First of all, tell me a little about the video marketing strategy, why so many people, as I understand, are improvising a little. I want to make my followers understand if something is behind it to this strategy and if so what , "Well, let's say that many people who decide to start making videos (I mainly talk about YouTube which is the platform that I master best and the one on which I am most present) fall into the error of publishing videos on topics that they consider interesting, but that people often do not consider interesting or do not know even that exist. In the sense: maybe I'm a professional in a certain sector, I know him very well, I know him thoroughly and start making videos, perhaps talking about advanced topics or themes that people don't know. So on a search channel like YouTube I start giving "random" titles, that is, not studied in terms of optimization and I do the same with descriptions , So what happens is that these videos are often not displayed. People, not trying actively these topics, do not find these videos, because the algorithm does not propose them , The video then fails and the person thinks that YouTube dozen't work then. In short, it is generated a vicious circle that leads to demotivating and to stop making videos. " It's a bit like in public speaking, in short, don't start talking before you have analyzed it well your audience, its needs, its language. "Exactly, we must first study the market, that is, what it is people are looking at that moment and trying to propose the topics that meet that question. Then, later, when we created a Community, why YouTube gives the opportunity to create Communities by signing up, and we got to the point that people they follow us and trust us, at which point we can propose our arguments, the ones we consider important and that they did't know. But at the beginning you have to be careful about this aspect. " And what about the more technical aspect of video production? You know there are so many schools of thought. Use the iPhone, use your smartphone, go to the professional video maker .. , What is your position on this? "There are various schools of thought. We must start from the assumption that making videos it is not a very simple thing. It takes a minimum of preparation. It is obvious that technology is advancing, smartphones are getting better at making videos. Now even with IPhone, you can, in certain situations, to make videos of excellent quality. Obviously there are so many things to take care of , There is also audio, which is often ignored, because we worry about the aesthetic side of the video, there is to understand how to do the editing ... in short, there are several aspects that must be taken care of , That being said, it is obvious that technology is advancing, giving us the opportunity to create good products for little money or making them at home. From my point of view, I believe that a compromise must be found. The quality you get with a smartphone it can certainly be good, but under certain conditions. In other conditions, unfortunately these devices don't make it as they should. Then you need to understand if a person also has the time and passion to learn, because making a video maker by producing quality videos is not something you learn in two days , It takes time, it takes passion. It is necessary to understand if it is an investment in terms of time and energy, or if it is the case to contact a professional who takes the whole situation in hand and delivers an already finished product. "So if I had to ask you to give 3 suggestions to our public about it to video marketing or video production? "Well, the first suggestion is what I said before. Studying the market, studying our potential customers and understand what they want and produce content that meets this demand , The second, very important suggestion is constancy. So don't give up after making ten videos. Often people contact me who did have ten videos on the channel and complain that maybe they have few dozens of subscribers and a few hundred views. The reality is that there is no easy success on YouTube, especially with a few videos. Several must be realized. "How many?" I under the W videos I do not consider a channel started. I consider it in an embryonic state. Above the twenty videos we begin to see of the results, let's start to see if something moves. Even the YouTube algorithm confirms that constancy It's very important. We need to find a strategy that allows us to be constant over time , Not simply make twenty videos and hope to succeed, but understand how to do so being able to publish constantly over the months and potentially years , Then be it once a week, twice a month or once a month, the important thing is to be able to be constant. "And the third suggestion?" The third suggestion is the importance optimization, especially on YouTube, because this is another mistake that I often see , Loading a video and not treating the optimization side is another big mistake. Because on YouTube we have two main traffic sources: search traffic and suggested videos. For both types of traffic we must optimize our videos: the title must be taken care of, the description must be taken care of, the tags must be curated, the miniature, the subtitles, the final screen. in short, all these elements must always be take care of every video we upload. If we do this, we have excellent chances to position our videos, make them suggest by the algorithm in the suggested videos and then collect views, subscribers and obviously leads to our site and to our business. So, please, it is important not only to make videos, but also to optimize them to the best, because otherwise it would be how to work halfway and waste energy. " Thanks Polo, where can they find you? "Well, absolutely on YouTube, writing Polo Rosendo in the search box to view my videos and my channel, otherwise on my website Hi Polo, thank you and ... to the next video!