Real Estate Video Marketing Tips


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welcome to the audio and now you can , hear me and in today's session we're , going to be covering a real estate video , so I'm going to be showing you the , marketing tip sand tools that you can , use in the real estate business for lead , generation and lead follow-up now my , name is Danny wood I help real estate , agents with their marketing and , technology and I help managers with , their seminars and recruiting this is , all of my contact information and in , today's session'm going to be sharing , with you some example videos of how we , use video'm going to be showing you , the tools and apps that we use to create , video I'going to show you some of the , equipment you might want to consider , getting and some pro tips for the , beginners because know it can be kind , of nerve-wracking at the beginning so , the clear choice for using video is for , lead generation and lead follow-up now , one of the biggest areas that you can , use video is on your landing pages so if , you were to go to your website and look , at the house value page for example on , that page you're asking people to give , their name their phone number their , email and their address well what if you , had avid explaining to them the , benefits of them giving that information , what they can expect and what you're , going to do the conversion rate , drastically gets increased when you have , a video on your landing page that , explains the process to the people first , of all they don't want to read all the , content so you can bullet point and , short form that and condense it to , what's the benefit to them because , that's what they tune in to and then , also clearly state what's going to be , the outcome if you give me your real , name real email and real phone number , this is what'seagoing to happen so this , is an example of landing page now , ideally you'll want to be in the video , and you're gonna want to have a , background that is nice and bright and , pleasant probably at your office um , maybe early in the morning or la teat , night when nobody'surround and you can , stand at the front desk and you have the , company branding behind you or you can , be in your own office in my examples I'm , just standing in front of a green screen , because it's not a bit the location it's , more about the script so I just want you , to get you some ideas on ways that you , could use videos so this is would be , an example of landing page video hey , there it's Gate wood at ABC Realty and if , you're looking for town homes for sale , in Durham Region well you found it just , fill in the form below let us know if , you're looking fora free cool townhouse , or condo townhouse the price range , you're looking in how many bedrooms how , many bathrooms , any things that you need and also almost , as import antis one of the things that , you don't want because what we're going , to do is we're going to setup a daily , filter that is going to look at all the , new listings as they hit the market and , then the ones that fit within your range , it's going to email you a list every day , so that you can stay up to speed it's a , great way for you to do your information , gathering and just so you know as a , buyer agent you don't pay our fees so , this is service that is totally free , for you it's great way for you to get , your feet wet and test the market out so , just fill in the form below'm a real , person I'm going to be following up with , you when you do my name is Danny wood , and my number is posted on the screen , below or you can call or text me At , W five four two we'll be in touch , Thanks so that obviously really helps , with building the rapport when a person , watches that video and I'm so if you , notice that video was dedicated Tao , landing page on the topic of townhouses , so we would do a Google pay-per-click , campaign targeting anybody in our city , searching town homes for sale we would , drive them to this landing page and it , has this video and I'specifically , saying hey there are you looking for , town homes for sale in this city , obviously know that's what they're , looking for because that's how I set up , the campaign but that's what they're , tune din to that's exactly what they're , looking for and then I tell the mas a , buyer agent you don't pay my fees just , fill in the form below and we're going , to set you up on daily alert also tell , us the things that you don'twat sou'm , trying to coverall the things that help , them understand the benefit of actually , giving real information and we would , make landing page for every topic , bungalows investment property these , luxury homes for sale condos we would , make all these different pages hey , they're in steam so I just want to make , sure there wan't question , that you could'Thar that oh okay , so another example is for lead follow-up , so once we get a lead obviously you want , to call the people right away but then , you should email them right away as well , well if you could include video in your , email that's drastically gonna help with , the know you like you trust you factor , so by the time you actually do get them , on the phone they already feel , comfortable with you they know your , voice they know your face and it just , makes it easier for them to work with , you so this would be an example of a , video that we would send somebody who , just filled in a form on our website , hey there it's Danny white at ABC Realty , and want to say thank you so much , because you just took a time to fill in , a form on our website looking at real , estate for sale here under a region and , what I want to do ISO want to send you , all the homes that match your criteria , based on the form that you entered so if , you think there's anything that you're , missing maybe you did't give all the , information that you're looking for just , to reply back this email just in basic , text let me know exactly what Otis that , you're looking for the things you don't , want the area of the price and such and , then what I want to do is I want to make , sure that the criteria actually is , fitting that way you don't get USB , mail everyday it'seagoing to be , something that you actually want see , it's going to help you with the , information gathering you know be able , to compare all the new listings and not , have been mixed in with the ones you'vie , already been looking at also just so you , know'm a buyer agent so as a buyer , agent you don't pay our fees our service , to you is free for you and this is a , great way for you to step in the right , direction look at the information that's , on the market and help filter everything , here so just reply back this email let , me know exactly what you're looking for , I am a real person'm the one who's , going to be setting this up for you and , I want to be following up with you as , well so I look forward to talking on the , phone or through email or my text if you , prefer text my number sand I know by , 9:W five four four two calculator so , you could make one that's person alto , each person individual and say hey Joey , I noticed you're looking in North Oshawa , or hey Mary Ann I noticed you're looking , in Toronto for condos and you can be , specific , that was a good oh I don't know that was , a good example but it was an example of , a generic one , could go out to anybody who filled in a , form just said hey there thanks for , filling in a form looking at homes for , sale in the Durham Region so that's the , area that would have covered and I , would make a generic video that I could , just copy and paste and send it and use , it over and over and over again that way , Id on't have to get dressed up and look , good and slow my day down with making , videos well oaths at the end of the vied , and of it each example leave it on the , screen while I'm just talking about it , so you're not missing anything so now I , just change it and says database , referrals so you're you're up to speed , so database referrals hey Laurie , database referrals so we call our , database and we have a system where , we'll touch our database at least once a , quarter we'll go down that list and , we'll reconnect with people and it's , never hey I need a referral it's usually , hey I'm reaching out because have , something want to invite you to , something it's usually like an olive , branch like that and a lot of people , don't answer the phone when you call , because they're at work they're out or , whatever they don't even like answering , their own friends and family when they , call so that'soak I totally understand , so when I call people realized not a , lot of people are going to answer the , phone and when that happens I'll just , send them off a quick video replying to , why I was calling , so you could use the Facebook Messenger , app and in Facebook messenger app it , will allow you to record a video , directly from your phone and you could , just hit make a W-second little video , and send Otto people for free this is , an example of the type of video that I , would send somebody hey Laura , it'Danny would you be serious you may , have noticed that called couple , times this week , I did't mean voicemail because it , wan'urgent you don't want to call me , back for anything really wanted to , invite you and your family tithe client , appreciation event that we have it's , going to be a fun nigh tat all expenses , really , coming for you guys so it's going to be , a great way for you guy scan get social , and do something that'SA little bit , different , all the details are down below in this , email so you can take a look at the day , the time the location hopefully you and , your family and can make it more you and , your friends remember you run brain just , let me know , reply back to this email if you plan on , going with you and how many people , you're bringing that way we have a head , count if you're not going obviously you , don't worry about replying and we do , this yearly so I look forward to , connecting with you every year on a bit , of this but then we also have some other , events and special things that are , happening coming up soon too so we will , be in touch but you don't believe for me , to call you you can home call meat W , W five four four two , okay we'll be in touch- Hey - Kevin hi , so I'gonna leave it paused on the , screen while'll explain at the end of , that video Mike say hey- Kevin so it , was really person alto the people and , that would have been based on a client , appreciation event we had coming UPI , think that one could have been possibly , about day at the movie so we rented a , whole movie theater and we're just like , calling everybody because we need a head , count of how many people are going and , Otis almost like awfully-time job just , to find out how many people are coming , to your client appreciation event well , it's not just about the people coming to , the event it's also about you touching , base with the people and connecting with , them so by you reaching out to people , and then not answering the phone by , making a video it's like leaving the ma , voicemail bu tit's visual voicemail , that way it builds rapport with who you , are and what you do so another example , of using video in real estate would be a , closing reminder think you guys should , do all the examples that just shared , but I know fora fact you should be , doing this one so this is if we have a , closing coming up we'll make the people , of video and just watch this and get an , idea hey Amy its Danny wood ABC Realty , and I'm so excited tomorrow's the big , day you're going to be moving into your , new house which is awesome , I just want to give you a heads up that , between:W and 1:I'vie scheduled a , pizza be delivered so you have some food , while you're unpacking and I know you're , going to be busy with you , and you might forget to do a few things , I want to remind you that tomorrow you , have to check the furnace you have to , check the air conditioner you have to , check the dishwasher even if you don't , have dishes to do , check the washer and dryer so check all , the major appliances because if there's , any issues we have until a certain , period of time to figure out what those , issues are so we can deal with them so , you may not have to do laundry you may , not have to do dishes you may not be , cold or hot but just test everything you , know just to make sure that it all works , flush the toilets just go through the , whole ocean hopefully there are no , issues if there are you can always reply , back to this email or down below in this , email is my cell number you can just , click on it to text me you can text me , anytime that you want we'll get some , helpful for you if you absolutely need , it and you're going to have this real , estate radar happening all week because , you just follow home and when you talk , to other people your let me talk about , real estate so you're going to be , picking up on other people who may be , thinking of living and I need to replace , here have to get more clients that are , just like you so if you find anybody who , is either thinking of buying or thinking , of selling please don't keep me a secret , just send them this video if you want to , forward this message me their contact , info and I'll followup with them it's , an easy way to just keep the business , moving forward and I look forward to , doing more business with you in the , future okay we'll talk to you later , right so I want to pause it here again , so if nothing else sending out that real , estate radar reminder aft era closing , like in this case we're giving the ma , pizza and we're giving them a heads out , tomorrow between W:W and 1:W you're , going to get a pizza and just as a , friendly reminder you ha veto check all , the appliances the furnace just make , sure everything's working if there's any , issues let us know and also you're gonna , have real estate on the brain all week , this week last week and for the next , month people are gonna be asking you , about your new house so because you're , going to be talking about real estate , you're going to pickup on other people , who are also thinking of moving it we , would appreciate it if you did't keep , us a secret and so that's a really cool , script and some of you don't like saying , stuff like that over the phone but if , you can send it to people through the , video mean it's just going to build , the referral awareness because you guys , star tasking enough and so this is just , one example if you just thought of all , the deals that you send sending people , all the deals that you do send people a , video like that mean you're bound to , get couple of referrals lot of you , are working fizz bows and so if you are , workings there's websites like , Grisliest Haas real estate , section and a for sale by owner section , and it has like daily update showing , you all the new listings of for sale by , owners so you could record a video and , want to show you a tool that I used to , do this that allows you to automatically , upload it and share Otto the cloud and , on Grisliest can type a message , like contact the seller and so you could , contact them and copy and paste the , video and you could have a sample of a , video and so watch this video Think , it's really cool , hey Joey Firebomb name is Danny wood an , EVC Realty and I noticed that your home , is on the market for sale and I just saw , it yourself which is awesome unlike all , the iterators fear calling you that , are trying to list your property want , to see if I can help you on the buying , side see you as a buyer agent you don't , pay our fees and I think it'd Beau great , way for you to do some information , gathering because I can setup a profile , that alerts you to all the homes that , match your potential criteria it's going , to be great waiting for you to do your , information gathering on top of that if , you need a second opinion on now you're , obviously we can help you with that as , well but we respect that you want to try , and sell your home on your own but with , no fees being paid on the buyer in it , makes sense that you might as well we , just let somebody help you on that front , I think we could be a great service to , you I just want a phone call to see if , we could maybe work together and if so , you can reply back to this email or down , below in the email is my cell number and , you can click it to text or call me , anytime , the number is W W five four four two , I look forward to helping you in the , future so I want to pause it here so , that's really cool to consider like back , Ina day I would not have felt , comfortable calling a for sale by owner , trying to get the listing it's just you , have to come wit ha bag full of , objection handling skills , and they're already grumpy and they , don't want to pay the fee sand all that , so Just thought why don't I go after , them on the buying side let them sell it , on their ow nor at least build a , relationship with me because if they're , going to buy there's no benefit to them , not using a restrained let me just , share that opportunity with them so we , would do that video but then we would , also target all the people on Grisliest , that had rental property , so they have a rental and they're trying , to rent it out on their own would make , a video and send it to all the landlords , to say hey I noticed you have Oriental , for avail available and I'm a real , estate agent I don't want to step on , your toes but I think I might be able to , cast a larger net what if you put it on , the market for rent and put it on the , market for sale and you take whatever , comes first that is the best fit to you , if you don'talkie any of our offers you , don't have to accept them if you don't , accept any you don'twat to pay so it's , a totally free service for you to find , opportunity at maybe it's the time for , you to get out of the market whatever , your script is but there's a lot of , landlords that don't want to be , landlords anymore and we did the same , thing for tenants people that are , looking to rent property on Grisliest , it shows you they post they're looking , for a two-bedroom rental in your city , and they're willing to pay fourteen , hundred a month sixteen hundred a month , eighteen hundred a month and they stay , the price that they're willing to pay , while would contact all those tenants , and say hey notice you're looking for a , place to rent what if I showed you , list of all the homes for sale that , carry for twelve hundred month , fourteen hundred a month or eighteen , hundred a month would you be open to , looking at that because we do have some , financial financing options available , and then I would just start a , conversation based on that but a lot of , people they don't put their phone number , on the grisliest ads they only have the , message form sou would make avid and , send Otto each one so some other ideas , on using video would be showing , out-of-town buyers your own listing , lot of you have listings and you get , leads from all over the place and some , of them are faraway and you could , always DOA Somewhere you walk , through with them as long as your , sellers are cool with that , we'vie done this many many time sand it's , worked out really well explaining , paperwork so I'll show an example that , but think about it if you are in sign , back and you have to like go in sign , back you're going to goat a new price , and remove a condition and you're , working with him and a husband and wife , but they're undershirt and only one , of them's available so you get the , paperwork signed with one of them and , then the other one gets home that night , and they just go go through and copy , what their their spouse did well what if , you made a video showing them okay , you're going to do this CZ Joey signed , here he crossed this and you explained , the whole process because I know a lot , of you when you just need the spouse to , sign stuff they just do it and you're , not even there with them know what , happens and if at least this way you're , guiding them through the process it's , Justine example of using video and it , dozen't ha veto be as severe as signing , paperwork could be just anything that , you have to walk them through the , process of birthday messages mean you , guys light up the Walloon Facebook when , it comes to a birthday everybody says , happy birthday and you get a ton of , birthday messages on Facebook but how , many of you get phone calls and how many , of you got text not nearly the same , number it's like W Facebook messages , it's like five or eight texts and this , couple phone calls you know I mean it's , not through the roof well if you use , video and just send the ma video through , Facebook privately Norton their wall we , just send the ma private message like , there that's really gonna stand out , among stall the other clutter and agent , referral updates how many of you have , given referral to another real estate , agent and then you don't hear anything , about the process and then all of a , sudden you're like oh the deal closed , and you get a check that's a nice , surprise but it would be nicer to be , kept in the loop and if you're an agent , who wants more referrals you should be , using video to update them be like hey , Joey thanks for the referral'm meeting , with them next week and then after the , video after that week you make them , another video and send them hey we got , them out in the car we're looking at , properties is what , looking at really appreciate the , opportunity and then you'redoing a deal , and you send them off a video like it , really builds that rapport with the know , you like you trust you factor that way , when they're bopping her in the hallway , and they hear somebody else in their , office who has a client in your area , guess who they're going to recommend you , and thirstiest't really apply to my , Canadian friends as much as the American , friends on this call because seller , updates is the number one complaint in , Canada Otis basically put tenths on , the market and it's selling put the sign , on the yard and it's gonna sell across , most markets at this moment but in the , States price reductions is a real thing , price Correction staking it off the , market relisting it all that now if you , have to have that conversation with the , seller to reduce the price using video , to explain to them what's going on in , the market how you'vie been marketing it , it really positions the idea that yeah , we really should be changing the price , but if you don't communicate with them , about the showings and they're the about , the marketing activity they don't see , that and they create their own story in , their own head so using video allows you , to help position the story to make that , conversation much easier so these are , the tools that we use I'm going to do a , full webinar on Bomb Bomb because it is , just so in depth bottom Bomb is really , cool it allows you to create video on , your phone and send it as a text and an , email if you have ever created video , on your phone just using the native , camera and then tried sharing that video , it is like nightmare the file is too , large you can't send it it's just it's , ridiculous but with Bomb Bomb it's , literally point and shoot and hit record , stop type in the email or type in the , cell number it also works on your , desktop so that you can send video , directly through yokel as an , example and it integrates with overarm , s as well they do have a free trial and , you can download A's day game plan at , this link and I'll include that in the , notes when upload this video but we're , probably going to do a full , webinar on bomb bomb in the future so , I'm not going to spend too much time on , it now if you don't want to be on camera , and you want to record your computer , screen there area ton of option son the , market you can find the ones that work , best for you these are the three that , particularly like and use because they , work on both PC and Ma cit's King and , King is the free version awesome so , we'll go ahead , Google search King and download the free , version the reason it's free is because , the videos that you make you can't , actually upload to YouTube so why would , you want that why would you want a video , that you can't share well withing it , allows you to save a video as a link , that you can just copy and paste and , send it over text over Facebook or , through email and it's Private video , that only person with that link will , see so I asking daily it allows me to , communicate with my team and with people , all over North America and I can share , with them examples and answer their , question sand it's not like I ha veto , make a video save it and upload it , that's the benefit of sinking the , benefit of using Snags that it , allows you to record your computer , screen and you can save that video and , put it on YouTube so this is the tool , that we would use for creating our , videos for the landing pages and that , sort of thing so Snag it is really easy , Camacho is the Big Daddy of the three , of them and I suggest most of you don't , need it it's quite a bit more money they , all have different price King is free , Snag it is usually around dollars and , Camacho is usually around dollars , the reason Cotswold cost so much , more is because it has built-in video , editor and King it'skint of like record , once if you make a mistake you'vie got a , rerecord same thing with Snag it you , record once if you make a mistake you , Giotto rerecord it with Cartesian can , do video editing that's the significant , difference but most of you will be fine , with Snag it because I want to share with , you some free video editing tools that , you can use so you don't ha veto pay for , fancy product all of them are by the , same company by Tech Smith , and what's cool asceticism has another , company called screenshots that's , where all your videos are hosted if you , want to share them privately because not , all videos like your seller feedback , that'snot video you want the entire , world to see so you can share that , through grandstand I'll do an , example of it it's really easy so watch , this video this is on Snag it , welcome to Snag it the all-in-one tool , for capturing images and video on your , computer click and drag to capture just , what you need , grab an image and annotate with arrows , text stamps blur highlights and more go , beyond the screen with panoramic capture , scroll around a large page and snag it , will stitch your capture into high , resolution image ready for your edits , but Snag it USN't just for images create , a screen video and personalize your , capture with webcam footage or create an , animated gift share in an email or , chat client Snags customized , fit your needs , drag-and-drop the tools you use most , often into the toolbar and rearrange , them to suit you best , Snag it makes it easy to share your , images and videos to save to multiple , formats publish to an ever-expanding , list of cloud platforms or use batch , processing for repetitive tasks like , water marking or resizing multiple , images at once and with the Tech Smith , fuse app you can send mobile images , directly to snag it wirelesslyand , quickly soon matter how you work it , works for you Snagged premium tool , for quick clear communication download a , free trial today , [Music] , perfect so let me get rid of that so , that tool you saw how the it showed the , guy on the webcam and then he switched , to his screen and he was showing like a , blueprint or whatever he was looking at , for you you could do the same thing you , could have your face and then switch it , to like the marketing that you did that , week and you can give the seller , feedback and be like look this is how , many times we showed it on Facebook and , this is how many views we got on YouTube , and it's are ally good way for them to , see your face and for you to get the , message across without having a , half-hour conversation you can get a , video done in four minute sand get the , same message across sou love that , program another program that we use is , potent creates our animated videos , so sometimes you want to make a video , and you don't feel comfortable being the , center of attention you don't think you , look good there's a whole bunch of , reasons for why you may not want to be , in the video yourself and so pontoon is , really cool it will take your audio , recording so you'll just record a script , and you can record it directly in , Portland then it's much like , PowerPoint where you make the slides and , the images and you say on next click go , to this image on next click go to this , slide it is the exact same thing so you , can have it timed based on the words , that you're saying in the video so , here's two examples of us to do an , animated video those values are changing , every week to get glimpse of what you , could sell for simply type in your , address it's fast and free you'll see , recent solids plus active listings that , you would be competing with this is a , free service and you are not automated , to anything it's a perfect way to see if , moving as a possibility it only takes , one minute , we won't trick you in a W page , questionnaire simply enter your address , to get started so that's an example of , one animated video and then here's , another animated video that we would use , for other landing pages when looking for , homes for sale online one thing you'll , notice is that all the listings you look , at today I want to get mixed in with the , new ones that you look at tomorrow so if , you're looking at buying simply tell us , what you're looking for and a daily , alert will be activated it's the easiest , way to start your information gathering , so you might as well start today so , those two videos we actually uploaded to , our online membership website and you , guys have access to that and you can , download both of those videos today for , your YouTube channel , so you don'thieve to make them these two , are already done for you but what I want , you to point out or notice is you saw , how the animations went with the words , of what I was saying it literally was , drag-and-drop they'vie got all the , animations you just search angry and I , found a girl that was angry because at , that moment in the video I was talking , about competition and it fit really well , and or a guy searching on a computer and , looking at houses so I basically typed , in the word of all the animations I was , looking for and it has a library and I , just drag and drop it onto the screen , and export it as a video'm looking now , in the background of those two videos , you'll notice that I had soundtrack , now that is a big pain point for real , estate agents because you guys tend to , just use the songs that are on your , phone and you don't have the rights to , use it and the big concern with that is , like when you post it on Facebook and , with YouTube they have an algorithm just , that just automatically Flags it saying , that you don'thieve the right to use it , well these two sources give you free , royalty-free music that you can use so , the first one is Free Music Archive and , I'll put the link here and in the show , notes'll include the link as well now , if you just go to that UR Lit already , has all of the most popular downloaded , royalty-free songs that you can use in , your , videos so the artists that like the , most his name is broke for free which is , a really funny name for a guy that gives , away all his music but the publicity , that he is getting if you look at most , of the playgroup video sit is most , likely one of his songs in the , background he just makes really good , soundtrack sand none of them have lyrics , and that's cool because it dozen't , compete with what you're saying in the , video it's just got a nice audio tone in , the background so I use I'd say W% of , my stuff comes from this website and , most of Otis actually this artist but , you might want to use audio that you , find from YouTube and YouTube has an , audio library that is already free this , is the link up at the top now the , problem with it is it's not the greatest , quality it's kind of like elevator music , you can search base don the genre that , you're interested in and basically , consider it like the worst of that genre , it's not the greatest stuff but YouTube , has another option for you and this link , I want to put in the show notes as well , it's up at the top right here and you'll , notice on this page it has Justin Berber , which is not a great artist for you to , be using in your listing videos but you , can actually search up at the top , there's a search bar and you can search , any of the popular current hits and they , are allowing you to use their music and , the reason for that is because when a , person watches that video on YouTube it , gives them the option to buy the , soundtrack for it so they also have , advertising that happens on the video , and so it's like aw in-win so I could , see right here on the screen it says , Handwork work work work work you , know that song that is very fitting for , you guys in real estate so if you want , to use popular music in your videos this , only works on YouTube you'vie only got , the right to use these tracks on YouTube , if you save that video and then throw it , on Facebook it's it's going to get , flagged Burton YouTube as long as you , search on using this link and then find , music that you like you can go ahead and , use , those in your soundtracks now an app , that Absolutely love is this one it at , the time of this video it only work son , your iPhone which is really strange , because YouTube and Google would have a , better relationship with Android phones , but for whatever reason it's only , available on the iPhone but what it does , is it takes you through the process of , making a video and it gives you the , script sand angles to take the shots at , and you'll do one shot at a ti meat the , end of the session it edits the video , for you and then uploads it for you so , that is so cool so take a look at this , oh wait yeah we're here today to show , businesses how quick and easy it is to , make a video ad for YouTube we're asking , businesses to take part in a YouTube , director video challenge so you guys , ready for the first part OK so I want , you to make a video about your business , film Ito edit it put it on YouTube in , W minutes or less can I cook instead , all right no clue welcome to my market , right all right welcome to pinning a lot , of times you would actually fine eight , minutes Sara and I did't press the play , those are all three second videos do you , know how to edit video oh no I'm trying , to figure that out ca nit be on YouTube , In's seconds , so how doe sit idiot yeah it was hard , you know when you shoot like this oh , it'steerable , I had no story no concept now I know why , I became a barber and director well , you did okay you ready for part two yes , sir okay the exact same thing but I'm , gonna give you some help okay so I'm , gonna give you this the YouTube director , for business app and it has all these , template son here and this is gonna , guide you through the entire video , what okay and help you publish it to , YouTube really all right so here's a , template right here short owner story , minutes on the clock okay describe , yourself shut you talked about some , products whose Dave one of my awesome , bartenders am Mai via Geller , welcome to Pink's hot dogs grew up in , an old barbershop like this shot five , explore what we have to offer variety of , beautiful things for your home we nailed , it we're ten minutes , that'amazing soundtrack to make the , film'm ready to publish all right WHO , this was a lot easier once you walked , you through it and gave you tips step's , 2 3 4 it was like as easy as AB Cit was , designed well instant commercial mean , that's priceless , the app works as the director great and , how much did it cost you nothing so easy , and then you can just publish it we can , use it as paid advertising on YouTube , all right make iota great video let's go , play the book yeah , he Buffy's perfect so let me pause here , so it actually has real estate templates , there is a couple options where it takes , you through explaining who you are as a , Realtor and it takes you through say , this hold the camera at this angle , save the video save this hold the camera , at this angle so it'll be like stand at , the front desk explain who you are as a , team explain the city that you live in , and work in and it takes you through the , whole process so that obviously you , could do it for yourself but what if you , took this concept and started making , these videos for all the businesses in , your farm area it'd be a great way for , you to get out into the community you , can make video in under W minutes , it's gonna create share-worthy content , that you can put on your blog and then , also that establishment like that local , barber shop in that local pet store or , whatever they are all going to want to , share the video as well and it's totally , free so Think that is amazing a lot of , you are looking for ways to get content , on your website I'm sure you can pick , off or just W if you just did , store sin and around the area that you , serve a native video once a month you'vie , goat year's worth of content and it's , share worthy it's positive and it's fun , and easy so that is a cool tool to other , apps that I really like is the Copra , and you don't need a Gorps if you go , to your App Store and type in the word , splices IC e or quick Q UK both of , them are developed by Groaned both of , them allow you to easily edit videos on , your phone so it'actually easier than , the main programs that come on your , phone and they come with high-quality , soundtracks so it's like free royalty , free music built right in it's easy to , edit and you don't need to go pro so , don't be fooled this is a video on , splice take a look at this , [Music] , introducing splice the simplest way to , transform your go pro or iPhone footage , into fully customized , professional-looking videos in just , minutes , imagine the performance of a , professional desktop editor optimized , for your phone or tablet and made easier , than ever so no matter what your skill , level you can edit like pro wit hits , simple yet powerful tools just choose , your favorite moment sand start , customizing your video you can pick your , transition style trim clips add filters , show off an epic shot in slow-mo and , more splice works great with photos to , add a few to your video and bring them , to life with documentary style effects , then tie it all together with , customize text overlays and title , slides not only will your video look , amazing it'll sound amazing to splice , offers a huge variety of free , soundtracks or you can us ea song from , your iTunes library trim and mix , multiple tracks and adjust the volume to , fine tune the audio you can even add fun , sound effects or narrate your video with , a built-in voice recorder when your , video is just the way you want it you , can post it right to Instagram Facebook , and more or share it and save it in , gorged splice is available free for , your iPhone and iPad head to the Apple , App Store to download it today then , create amazing professional-looking , videos easier than ever , [Music] , so one thing in that video if you caught , it was you can use the video and images , that you already have so if you have a , Dropbox folder of a new listing you have , virtual tour you got all the photos of , the kitchen the living room the exterior , the pool the backyard whatever it looks , cool you can select all of those photos , and then you notice how it it allowed , you to animate the photo where it was , like zooming in zooming out panning , across and you could add text so you , could add five pictures one for each of , the rooms or whatever add a title for , each one and then use the voice recorder , as you narrate going through the , property you can do it while you're , sitting at the open house and nobody's , coming through not saying people don't , go through your open houses but there , are times when you're at an open house , and you're just sitting there waiting , you could be working on creating future , marketing material and splice is amazing , for that the other one was theory , quick and that one is really really cool , you select all the images and video that , you want and then basically roll the , dice and it edits the video for you you , have no control so if you're the type of , person that has no creative skill and , just dozen'twat to do anything that , would be the best option for you because , you can select the photos you can select , the videos and it will trim and crop and , edit everything based on the soundtrack , that you use and it goes to the beat so , that's also very good now if you do need , a full editing suite there is a ton of , options out there go ahead and buy , whatever one you want but if you don't , want to pay for one just go to Google , and Google search Go Pro studio and it is , desktop application that you can , download on PC and for Mac and it's , totally free and you don't need a Go Pro , you can just use your own camera you , could use the images that are already on , your computer and they have tutorials , and everything on how to use it video , editing is not easy if you're just , getting started but if you are getting , started you have a little bit of , technical ability but you don't want to , pay any money this is the best option on , the market because it's totally free , now what I do is I outsource my editing , so I use up work and fiber I mostly use , up work for my video editing so one , example of that would be remember I , showed you pontoon and that's the thing , that we use to make animated videos , well what if all you did was record your , audio script and then you send it to , somebody outwork who is good at , pontoon and let them make the video for , you it's probably gonna free up your , time it'll take you like six hours to , make an animated video and you could , just pay somebody on upward twenty , dollars or whatever the number is fibers , same thing you can outsource stuff on , Fiver but it's kind of like bottom of , the barrel you get what you pay for , I prefer up work it's a higher price but , it's also higher quality in my opinion , and basically when I do project for , video editing I'll just share with them , the link to my Dropbox folder of that , listing of all the photo sand all the , videos and then I'll give them the , soundtrack and then I'll just let them , create whatever they think works best , and if you totally give up the creative , part of it and just see what people do , for you it is so freeing when you , actually find somebody who has the , talent to create story without you , explaining to them what they have to do , soup work is amazing for that but it , might take you a couple times to find , the right person now this is not a , picture of me but this is a , representation of what I look like when , Get a box from Amazon so I'm gonna , share with you a couple of the things , that I like to purchase that really help , with video you don't need gadgets to get , started you can just use your phone but , this one right here the H is why it's a , little button it fits in your pocket it , fits in your hand and at the press of , the button it will start recording using , your native camera app and you pres sit , again and it will stop recording what's , really cool with that is you can have , your camera setup like three feet away , and you can hit start record hit stop , and then you don't ha veto edit that , part out of you walking up and hitting , the record button , it'relatively cheap and I like it it , works really well for that if you need , to record anything you really should , have a lav mic and that's the one that , clips onto your shirt they are , hands-down the cheapest option that , consistently work the greatest and I , found in particular this option the orig , mic lav which is pictured on the bottom , right here has the ability to actually , connect to lav mics to one input so that , is really cool if you guys are going to , do the YouTube director app and you are , like interviewing person it will take , the audio file from both of the people , and sync it into the one video so it , just removes all the editing that you , have to do in the future and you don't , have to use two you could just use one , as well bu tit gives you the benefit of , having that as a possibility so if you , were to buy a lav MCI suggest this one , you just go on Amazon or go directly to , the company and lighting you can never , have too much lighting when you're , dealing with video it's almost got to be , uncomfortable the amount of lighting , that you need if you're just getting , started and you want something cheap you , could just go to Costco and buy one of , those LED floor , floodlights when you do plug it in and , point it up to the ceiling and then , what's going to happen is the light is , going to bounce off the ceiling and then , softly illuminate you and it's not going , to create those hard shadows that you , get that's a really cheap option mean , it'just that's not a really good , option but if you're just getting , started it's better than no light at all , right you might want to get a light kit , if you get real intense with it and , you'remaking weekly videos or maybe , monthly videos definitely weekly if , you're doing videos every week you need , proper lighting and equipment and I , found this kit at cowboy studio it is , the cheapest kit that I could find , anywhere it gave me agreeing screen , black screen and a white screen stand , for the screens case and then three , lights and two umbrella snow in video , you actually want the box diff users they , arena't the umbrellas the umbrellas are , more for photo and video you should have , the box but I don't want you guys to , overpay for things you can get away with , the umbrella like this whole kit , cost me like dollars and the same , kit at a retail store was like five or , six hundred dollars I'm like oh my gosh , so I'd rather it's not great quality but , it'll work for most of you obviously if , you think you need better stuff then go , ahead and break the bank but this is the , be stall-around kit that I could find , that is cost-effective so a couple , coaching tips for the beginner sis , number one don't post your YouTube , videos on Facebook so if you make a , video and post it onto YouTube , don't take that link and then share it , on Facebook Facebook hates YouTube so , what you want to do is post the video , directly to YouTube and post the video , directly to Facebook so you go to , Facebook and upload the video there , don't share your YouTube link because , they have like an algorithm and , basically if it's a YouTube link , it's like penalized and less people will , see it they won't they won'stay that , but it's true try and keep your videos , under seconds and the reason for that , is because lot of the advertising , platforms only allow you to average do a , sponsored ad when the video is W , seconds or less , so if your video ISS minute and , seconds or a minute and seconds you , won't be able to use that on all the , advertising platforms also people don't , have that long of an attention span so , keeping it as short and sweet and , concise as possible is ideal ideally , under W seconds add captions to your , videos because mostly for Facebook when , a person is watching a video on Facebook , they're not actually listening so you , should add captions to it and Facebook , has an option now where it will , automatically add the captions and you , can just google search that and hold , your phone like this so step one turn , your phone sideways step two and you're , done do not hold it vertically like the , way you normally hold the phone when , you're making phone call whenever , you're making video you should always , turn it sideways because if you hold it , straight up and down it's going to , create these black bars on the , right and left and you're just wasting , space you might as well turn the full in , the proper way when you're making video , so now I'going to show you some , examples of actually using those tools , and I want to say thank you for those , who are sticking around I want to answer , any questions and I'll put up all my , contact info , okay so PowerPoint is closed okay so I'm , going to share with you the Snag it tool , Snag it is the tool that I use to record , my computer screen so it pops this , little thing UPI can turn the video on , or off can record my system audio so , if want to play video and have it , recorded I could turn that on or off I , can choose what microphone that I want , to use and I'going to say I want to , make video when I hit capture you're , going to see my mouse turns into a , crosswind I can select what part of , the screen do I want to record or I want , to record all of it or do I want to , record just a piece of it I'm going to , record a piece of it and let me pull up , this image so this is an example oaf , landing page I just Google search , example landing page and this is what , most of your landing pages look like , it'll have your branding up at the top , your name call to action and then a , form well if you want to increase the , form conversions you should include a , video on that page so if you don't want , to do it where Otis you in the video , you could always do it where you record , the computer screen so I'll pull up the , Snag it editor and I want to record just , this piece of the screen and I want to , hit , Lord SO 2 1 hey there are you thinking , oaf selling in the Durham Region if you , want to know how much your house would , sell for see the local competition , what's listed and what recently sold , fill in the forum here all we're asking , is for your name your address your phone , number and your email what we're going , to do is we are going to email you a , list of all the homes that sold we're , going to email your report on what your , house value is currently worth it is a , free service for you to just test the , water and find out what your home could , possibly be sold for but we are going to , email you so we need a real email and , we're going to followup with a phone , call as well because we have couple , questions that really helped us with , understanding how much your home will be , worth so go ahead and fill in the form , so I made that video and here it is on , my Sanctity and then you would just , hit the share button and you can save it , right on your desktop and then upload it , directly to YouTube for example so USN't , that cool you could record your computer , screen and you could use that in your , videos so what'another example of us , recording one would be a bit the buyers , so somebody goes to your website and , they're looking autonomous for sale , for example so here I just went to , Realtor but you would obviously go , to your website and then you would go to , the page that the video is about so , let's pretend this is barrow town , homes for sale want to hit record , screen and I want to capture this part , of the screen and Want hit record hey , there are you , for town homes for sale in the Durham , Region well you found it just fill in , the form below you're gonna get a list , of all townhouse available'm gonna , follow up with you to find out what your , current needs are as far as what you , want and what you don'twat and one , thing you should know as a buyer agent , you don't pa your fees so it's a free , service for you to help you out with the , window shopping and I look forward to , helping so there's your video there and , you could just save that onto your , compute rand upload iota one-trick since , I'm in this program might as well show , you they have an option that's called , selection and you can do the full window , so that'probably the best option is , just to record the full screen and hit , capture now there were a couple , questions so I did't catch the sharing , from Facebook to YouTube so if you never , post a video on YouTube and then take , that link the YouTube link and share the , YouTube link on Facebook you're , better to upload the video directly to , YouTube and upload the video directly to , the Facebook Facebook dozen'talkie , YouTube does splice and quick work for , Android it should I don't see why it , would't I'm pretty sure it does but , don't quote me on that is YouTube , creator studio the same as director no , it's not , YouTube director is an app that takes , you through the process of creating a , commercial based on the industry so you , can type in hairstylist and it has a , commercial that will take the person , through it and you can just search real , estate and it'll take you through that , as well , is there a time limit for Facebook , videos no not that I'm aware of there , could be but most of you are going to , keep your videos like under five minutes , anyways and I'vie got video son there , that are over an hour so you probably , won'tog over that do we all get Dan , shithead , that's a good idea Should make Dan , shirts for everyone and possibly yeah , okay so keep asking your question snow , seller feedback okay so here I went to , Realtor calm but you would just log into , the back end of your MLS and on it it , shows you all the homes for sale in your , area and stuff so I would make a , recording I'm not going to do it but , like maybe I should , okay I will so I'll hit uh region okay , so because this is the I will good do , this as an example so because this is , seller feedback I don't want this going , on YouTube don't want everybody in the , world seeing my feedback of why we , should have a price reduction so I want , to hit capture I'gonna record just , this piece of the screen the map within , my own your own MLS I'm gonna hit record , and I'm just gonna make a video and say , hey Mary Ann its Danny wood at ABC , Realty I'm really excited that we'vie , been marketing your property all week , and one thing you may have noticed is , that there Warren'Taney showings this , week but I want to share with you that , our marketing efforts have actually got , over 3,W views on YouTube and 3,W , views on Facebook on the local ML Sit's , been looked at W times on our own , specific website we got it out there , about times so collectively that is , a lot of views and one thing we know is , when that many people look online and , don't book a showing it usually reflects , price so I just want to give you a , little update so this is your home right , here it's listed At.6 million dollars , and the people right around the corner , they also got listed but they're at 1.6 , million you're At.W so there ISS , little more traffic that is going to be , swayed to looking at this area the other , thing to note is they have a finished , basement and you do not have finished , basement'm just kidding that price , would definitely have a finished , basement but anyways you can you can , actually show them the property and walk , them through of like these are the new , listings so these are the ones that sold , and this is why and this is why we , should talk about price when that video , is done you're going to hit stop and , then you're going to hit share and then , instead of saving the file you're going , to save it to screenshots if I hit , scroungiest , it I'll have to choose my account so if , I click that little button there it will , upload my video to grandstand when I , do that it gives me a link , WW scroungiest /u whole bunch of , numbers and those numbers are unique to , this video in this video alone and only , that person will see it so I can share , that video specifically I can just type , an email out Tommy seller send Otto , them in the email copy and paste the , video and now they are the only ones who , were going to see that video and you , did't ha veto take the time to upload , Otto YouTube and save and like embed , and do all this crazy stuff it was , literally hit record stop and get the , share button perfect so I'm gonna skip , that because it's basically the same , thing'm going to skip that as well , it'st he same thing so a lot of times , here's an example you have to make a , video walking through you got buyers and , you're in sign back or they have to sign , something and you're you meet the , husband during the day and she'working , nights and you get him to do the new , price and sign here initial here across , there well make a recording of that PDF , while you're looking at it and make a , video specifically for her and be like , hey sue hopefully had a good night this , is what we walk your husband through , these are the changes that we're making , this is what you're going to be , committing to and what you ha veto do is , you ha veto sign here across here and do , the same thing your husband did and , you're literally just showing them the , PDF on the screen , talk to your broker owner about that if , you if that's legit but it dozen't have , to be about signing contracts it could , be about anything that you're walking , people through that's just an example , that I wanted to give you so if there's , any questions I want to stick on the , line we are going to edit this video and , upload it all all of you are going to , get new access to a brand new membership , website so patrons been kind of an , issue with people logging in and getting , notified and stuff we still have to use , parent all of the content is going , to be stored on a brand new website that , has an even better chat box that allows , you to create support tickets and get , support , on the go so Appreciate you all being , with me and I'm going to upload this , late rand I'gonna stick around for any , further questions question so if you , have Bomb Bomb and you do the seller , update do you save it to screen cast or , somewhere else , well Bomb Bomb is really only good for , recording you so if you were the center , of attention and the focus of the video , then yeah you could just use Bomb Bomb and , send it directly to them , you don't need screensaver you want to , record your computer screen then I would , use screen cast so I would use King , because it's free you make the video and , then save Otto screen cast hopefully , that answered that question and do you , have a link to the W daybed Bomb trial , I do and I'll post it right here let me , do thesis't the same link in the video , but it's it basically is sower to that , can you show us where to get YouTube , director site yeah it well as far as I , know it'singly available on iTunes so , and all the show notes I'm going to put , this in the show notes so here is , director on site yep , here that'st he link right there any , recommendations for Android if it's not , if YouTube director is not available on , Android like anytime soon that is , ridiculous because they I'm pretty sure , Google owns Android I'm not sure why not , on on Android so it's definitely in the , pipeline like they can'ta void it they , ha veto get on there as far as something , else that does this where it has the , scripts and does all the editing for you , Id on't know anything this is the first , of its kind okay everyone I guess'll , end it here , hey if you want to close more real , estate transactions get more buyer leads , and get more seller weeds click this , button right here it'll take you to our , real estate group coaching page also if , you liked this video and want more you , can subscribe by pressing this or you , can checkout some of my past videos , here , enjoy  

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