Video Marketing How-To: Using Video for Lead Generation


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hi there welcome to another episode of , video marketing how to you'll notice , that I'vie ditched my glasses this week , because I can'figure out how to get , the lights to not cast huge shadows , across my eyes I hope you guy scan see , me because I can't see any of you this , week I want to talk about something very , near and dear to our hearts generating , leads with your video assets so what , that means is that your videos don't , need to be passive marketing tools that , can actually be actively involved in , lead generating process first off let's , talk about adding calls to action to , your videos in YouTube this takes the , form of YouTube annotations you can use , these to drive people back to a landing , page on your website if you're using a , dedicated video marketing platform you , can add more complex calls to actions , your videos like lead generation forums , to actually collect lead data through , the video next up is adding an email , gate to your videos now adding an email , gate does create a barrier to entry to , watching but it means that anybody who's , willing to give their contact , information in exchange for watching , that video is a pretty committed lead , and they're worth a follow up make sure , you save this for medium formal content , and give some indication about the value , that your content will bring viewers may , be reluctant to film their information , if they know it's a top of funnel asset , or just something funny finally making , video the creative star of your campaign , means you can put an entire lead , generation forum in front of your video , and request much deeper contact , information in exchange for watching , think of it like an e-book or a white , paper , we tend to find this works best for , recorded webinars as they're a bit , longer but if you have thought , leadership content you want to share as , long as it's worth someone's contact , information it's worth gating I hope you , learned something new this week that'll , help you turn more viewers into , customers by generating leads through , your video content check back in on , other few weeks for another episode of , video marketing how to and who knows , maybe I'll have my glasses back .

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