Using Video Marketing for Business | How to Grow Your Business With Video


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there's a reason that, everybody's , talking, about video right no whey , everybody this is Roberto Blake of , helping you create , something awesome today so, today we're , going, to talk about, video marketing for , growing, your, business, know that , everyone's, actually talking, about, video , and video, marketing, right now, I know , that almost, all the social media , platforms, are moving toward having , video, component incorporated, into them , and you need, to understand that, this is , something, that's, very practical, for you , growing your business I'm, going, to, give , you some specific, examples of how, video , marketing, can, grow your business, right , now, and I'm gonna, do, that completely , free, I, also did an in-depth article with , smart hustle, magazine about this, if you , want, W, specific, ways that video, can , help your, business'll, leave that in , the description below, so, check, out the , link well let's jump right into, it, one , of the most practical things you can do , with video, marketing right no was, a , business, whether you're big, or small is , webinars and taking advantage of live , video there are so, many companies, that , are blowing money, and payroll on cold , calling, and there are industries in , situations where cold calling, can be , effective but what's even more, practical , right now is live webinars for one thing , there are way, to qualify leads I'vie , talked about this, before, but, the real , advantage here is that even, if you , wanted to leverage, your workforce , instead, of just having, one or, two, people , do, this webinars, are still great because , you can have, them cover multiple facets , of, your, business schedule, different , webinars at different time sand, again , it's, still absorbing, only one to two , hours total of, the workday , and, you're getting qualified, leads , you're getting people, who are , decision-makers, because they're the only , ones who have W minutes to, an, hour and , a, half to spend on this you're capturing , their email address and you're, getting , whatever, other information and, data that , you, really want for, them as a result of , this and your captivating them and , holding their, attention so your call and , follow, up, with them is gonna, be a warm , call it won't be a cold cal land, you , have their email address, to be, able to , market, to them directly and, it's still , saving you a tremendous amount, of time , that means, that the person, involved from , your staff is operating in, a one-to-many , relationship instead of one-to-one , relation , and, you have this information to, plug , into quorum later or, into your call , list and then these people are, qualified , leads, and you're, doing, warm calls for , the follow-up so, I, think, that it's a , tremendous, opportunity, and, just one of , the ways that, you, can use, video , marketing to your advantage , now another obvious, method is, video , marketing through content , I think how-to, videos and demonstrations , and, informational instructional stuff is , actually a great way, to get people, into , your, ecosystem and, make them aware, of , your, brand and, how your brand solves a , very specific problem for, them this is , particularly, useful if you are product , based business but work for services, to , well, it was like lucrative categories on , YouTube, one of the most watched things , on, YouTube are, unboxingvideos, and you , know why it's because by, watching , someone inbox something and seeing what , their experience and their thoughts are , on, it you're, getting some information , that'gonna, help you make a qualified , buying decision someone you trust , somebody that you, believe in somebody , that you're, familiar wit his, telling you , how they, feel about, a, product look, my , dad brought Craftsman, tools guess, what I , buy Craftsman, tool swell video marketing , is the same, way if you, arena, authority , or, an expert in either a subject or in , an industry or, around specific, things , and, resources so by leveraging your , expertise and using video marketing you , can, sell thing sit's, not really aha rd , concept to, follow he-man, and, GI Joe , without, being subject matter experts or , selling stuff for Mattel and Hasbro for , a, really longtime, and, making, a lot of , money, this, USN't new and, it's not rocket , science, video sell stuff, go, figure , if you're a service based, business then , either demonstrating how the service , works, or getting video testimonials or , just showcasing your, overall knowledge , is, probably, to your advantage, and, it's a , great way to get people comfortable, with , you, and again, it, creates, brand awareness , YouTube, is fantastic for this as the , second largest search, engine in the , world but it's, not, the only option, there , are plenty of people doing this , effectively in, Facebook, whether it be , with , video or Facebook live in fact, Facebook , live&A s and periscope live Q&A s are , fantastic way to, let people challenge , you and show, them that you, are a subject , matter expert and, then they are more , willing to contract, you for services , this is especially true, if you'Rae , consultant of, some kind this is actually , the primary, way that, get, leads from, my , consulting around, social media, and video , marketing itself one of the, other angles , here is micro content platforms , platforms, like Twitter, and snap chat and , Instagram, the cool things about, these , platform sis, that the audience you have , there is, going deeper with you, they have , a deeper loyalty they, have an emotional , connection, and, by putting, content out , there especially participatory content , content, where they can react and, respond , or interact with you is very effective , in, strengthening that, relationship which , can lead, to conversions, later it, means , that you have less, work to sell those , people because they are interactive and , they're involved, and they have skin in , the, game but the secretory content like , this is great because you, can, you know , it can impact you getting a hashtag , trending and you can'tollways, own a , hashtag but the beauty of hashtag sis , that it allows you to accumulate data it , allows you to kind of listen in and, see , what the chatter is in the internet , around, this topi cor, around this thing , or around your own, brand and so, you can , use micro video sand Instagram snap chat , and, Twitter to, really help facilitate , that, and, to go ahead, and energize, fan , base or an audience, and get them , involve din a, conversation, so that you , can get, some feedback, and you don'thieve , to second-guess, things, you can actually , find, out what, people are, willing, to put , their face in their, voice behind and, why , they care about it and why, it matters, to , them or, what they're willing to, commit , Tao, W character tweet about it, at the , end, of the, day this is about , practicality the, reality is, that , everyone used to want to, get an ad on , television, if they can afford, it because , it, was, going to, give them the reach and , distribution to, grow their brand and , make sales or get new clients, well , social, media is , cheaper more affordable measurable and , requires less in terms, of production , values, to accomplish the same, task my , friends and so I definitely encourage , you to educate yourself more about, video , marketing, if I can be a part of that, I , would lo veto, so, you ca neither, leave , questions for me in the comments, section , you, can feel free, to use, my, contact , information in the description below, to , reach, out to, me for, paid consulting and , of course I definitely want you to, check , out, the article, I wrote in smart hustle , magazine with, W, practical ways to, grow , your business with video, marketing , anyway, I hope you enjoyed this video and , got some value fr omit, like, this video , if you liked it don't, forget to , subscribe, for more, content, as, always, you , guys thanks so much for watching, and , don't, forget, create something, awesome , today ideally, a video .

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