Healthcare Video Marketing Secrets #1 Website Video


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what better way to talk, about video as a , marketing tool than by way of the video , right now, you're watching one, of the , billions, yes billions of videos that are , seen online and offline every month , video is powerful pervasive and , persuasive and video has become a cost , effective tool that delivers strong , marketing results for your healthcare , organization or practice as never before , video needs, to be part of your marketing , plan welcome I'Lonnie, hurt co-founder , of health care success strategies My , partner Stewart, Gandalf, and, created , this video series, in order to share some , of the, best video marketing ideas we'vie , seen video can be a powerful tool in , your, marketing arsenal, for example you , can use it, to, attract new patients , retain business increase lead conversion , boost your, search engine ranking, and , enhance your reputation or brand the , most exciting news however is that video , is now more affordable and, practical , than ever to start, costs, and technical , requirements are way down that includes , both the video production itself and the , process of loading the video content to , your website Plus, video is highly , versatile you can create content once , and then use it in many ways best of all , thanks to the internet, your potential , audience, size has skyrocketed speaking , of which, the best, place for you, to start , is to, incorporate video, on your, own , website or blog video is a must for your , website for, several reasons first video , can help your website attract more , visitors people share great videos, with , their friends all the time, and, search , engines like Google can include your , videos in their search results as well , of course since, search engines arena't , human they have, hard time , understanding your videos content so , you'll need to, work with someone, who , really understands search, engine , optimization in order to, maximize your , visibility , they'll identify appropriate keyword , phrases and include them in tags and , copy on your, landing page they'll also , register your video on appropriate site , maps, secondly great videos can convince , a much higher percentage of visitors to , contact you video motivates visitors by , engaging them building trust, increasing , time on your site and directing them to , action video testimonials can be an , extremely, powerful tool in your online , marketing mix like word of mouth video , testimonials are compelling and gender , trust and help shape, expectations we , recommend that, you ask satisfied , patients or clients to share their , stories just like, they would tell a , friend oh and the endorsement of a , satisfied customer is more powerful than , anything you, could say about yourself , that's the one thing that, people were , mark when they see me just random , strangers will come up to me and tell me , that, my smile is the best asset that I , have and I meanie, can'help, but, say you , know, it's because of, Dr. carpenter it's , because of, everything that he's done for , me if you're looking, for great, smile I , would say Dr. carpenter is the, best , dentists for you he will transform your , smile and, make it beautiful effective , testimonials are sincere not a stiff , reading or sales pitch a good video, will , come across, is friendly and believable , and overtime, expand your, collection of , testimonials and success stories in , order to keep them fresh be sensitive to , Highland, legal requirements you'll need , a signed release granting you permission , to use their likeness, and voice a , welcome video on your website reduces , some of the mystery for visitors or new , patients treat visitors like you, would , if they were a guest to your facility or , home be warm and inviting, and tell them , how you can help you're welcome videos , should always focus on the, benefits you , deliver you may want to, feature health , care, provider executive or perhaps a , professional spokesperson and sometimes , you can include, quick tour around the , office most welcome videos are embedded , on your home page and you can, choose to , either set it to play when clicked or , automatically upon, arrival obviously , some visitors feel the ladder, technique , to be intrusive, but it can work there , are pros, and cons to, both methods and , you can, always, test them to see which , works best for you , an increasingly popular, feature of the , Welcome, video is to have your , spokesperson walk out in front of your , website, pretty cool huh, under the right , circumstances this can be a very , effective, technique and remember your , spokesperson can be an executive a , health care provider or even a , professional actor meet the people , videos go one step further and introduce , you and your team as real people this , helps give human, face to your , organization and allows various , personalities to shine through it, works , really well, for organizations or , practices that wish to, present a unified , team image the best video of messages , are not, about what these people, do but , instead why an dhow they can, help , someone, wit ha, health ca reissue, or need , one other thing yes we realize that not , everyone will be good at being in front , of the camera other people may simply , does not feel comfortable talking, about , themselves has an alternative consider , using a spokesperson to do the talking , another option is to, use an, interview , format where comments and questions are , presented by, a host and the , personalities of those being interviewed , can come through in the, responses the , big idea is, to show that health care, is , all about people helping, people a video , about health care, treatment, or , procedure presents benefits helps shape , expectations and opens the door, for , additional information think, of this as , an informal commercial with a benefit , Laden message to be clear we're not , talking about a clinical presentation or , even traditional patient education an , online video, educates site visitors , about the, benefits of a procedure , product or service in most cases, it , makes sense to, not go into too much , detail in the video rather encourage , prospective patients or clients to find , out more once they come, in one more , thing, before in this, first segment , what's the right length for avid, well , as a general rule, video that has, rich , and compelling content should ideally be , about two to four minutes, in length now , sometimes you, can stretch that a little , but if your content is really long, and , demands a lot of, time we reckon , men you subdivide that content into , shorter slices now also, keep in, mind , that people have very short attention , spans these day sand, they're rarely , willing to watch long videos especially , online now regardless of format you'vie , got to have a point to, your video if , your message is downright boring you'll , lose the viewer no matter how short or , how long you make it don't drive away , visitors with mind-numbing content , thanks Stuart our time is, up but, if you , would like us, to help you, with your , video, marketing I encourage you to call , us at W W W for more information , about, how healthcare success strategies , can help you with your, marketing or , video needs call one eight hundred .

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