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hey it's Danny Walsh and in this video , would like to introduce to you video , marketing blaster pro now this software , is something that will help you to rank , your videos much higher on YouTube and , Google by finding out what all of the , competitors are using for their keywords , titles and description so that's pretty , cool right you're able to spy death , eclairs on all of your competition and , make your wrong titles descriptions and , keywords using those the highest ranking , on YouTube and Google so for example if , we wanted to you know look at something , in any niche any sort of category , imaginable we can just search that , keyword and this system this software , video marketing blaster Pro will pull , the information together in one , interface and then allow us to create , our own customs titles description sand , keywords that we can then copy and paste , straight into YouTube and help our , videos rank much higher and in some , cases higher than the actual competition , now I'just landed inside the software , my good buddy Ali G has just provided me , with access right and you may know that , I'vie been of its Portugal and a few days , ago to the Marketing Alliance event and , this software was something I was , speaking to Ali Ga bout now this , software is actually game changer I'm , overly excited to get going wit hit , myself'vie done some keyword research , in some of the niches that I'm actually , operating in and I know that I can get , my videos much higher in the rankings , organically now let me just tell you a , little thing about videos use YouTube , videos to drive a lot of traffic to my , offers if you know me you know that I , sell things like click funnels or sell , other affiliate marketing products I , sell bunch of stuff and everything , requires a video all right so I'm , recording video right now for you , about video marketing busting crop and I , will need this to appear on YouTube , right this morning I put our outsourcing , mastery , Sam baa you may have seen this on my , wall again I needed a video when I do , click for all stuff and need avid and , the amount of times that people message , me or contact me or come into one of my , funnels or websites through these videos , is unbelievable , in fact I'remade a tremendous amount of , money just by doing YouTube videos , putting them on YouTube tagging them , right in the description and then , creative title than I'verve made in my , entire life so I'vie made altos of money , from YouTube videos right and people , ring me up and say hey Danny I'vie seen , your video really like what you're , doing a real lightweight talking about , can I give you money of course the , answer is usually yes right so if you , want people to ring you contact you , getting to your floor's getting to your , website and give you money then this , software's really going to help now I , seem to have a bit of a gift that not , everybody has got I can write very good , effective titles descriptions and , keywords right because my mind works all , the time and I'Webern doing this for a , longtime but you may not have that , ability you may not have that gift well , video art marketing blaster pro is your , shortcut and your easy route to getting , the keywords the descriptions the titles , in place that you need so inside the , software there's a bunch of stuff here , there's some training videos that you , can look at it explains about keyword , research everybody's heard of keywords , and you know that you need these , keywords for people to find you on the , internet and these tutorials are short , they get straight to the point and they , give you some really useful information , but what I want to show you is just some , of the sections inhere this is the one , that I'vie been messing around with this , one this one I'vie also been looking at , in this as Welland this one is quite a , unique one so you can see there's a , click funnels one and this is one that I , was looking at for outsourcing mastery , I'vie been doing a few experiments with , this software and I'vie only had it fora , few moments right so this is how easy it , is to use , if you go inhere and you say you want , to look for keywords from competitors , right this is ho wit's gonna work , you type in your keyword so for example , let's type in the outsourcing mastery , one and just pretend that we'vie talked , today and then what we do is we press , start generating what it does it gives , you all of this stuff so you can go in , here and you can choose new titles you , see how this works alright so what it's , done is it'scone out and it's found all , of the titles all of you competitors are , using right so I'vie spun that off a few , times and you can see that everybody's , doing different titles right so , outsourcing mastery outsourcing mastery , review and download you change new title , best out sorcery mastery bonus and , review outsourcing mastery discount now , that could be a quite an effective title , right but then it gives you this , description box of what you can do is , clear this and then go down here and it , gives you titles suggestive titles this , is where it's getting getting them all , from then it gives you these phrases , right and you can see there's a big big , bunch of different phrases at the bottom , these phrases can be combined to create , the perfect description so double click , and it starts to lured these into the , description so have a look see what's in , the in the thing at the bottom and you , can start to add sections of other , people's stuff that we already know is , ranking on Google and YouTube right so , what you do is you put a bunch of these , in alright and then once they'rein , there you gonna fill in the blanks but , you can see like humph on the internet , man is cool guy he does a big bunch of , affiliate marketing stuff you can , literally take the keywords from these , people and combine them into your own , description so say we end up now with , all of this stuff in our description , it's not meant to be read word for word , what we do is we go inhere and we start , to ad dour own keyword , so gets it here and then you'd put like , your your put your link in there I'm , gonna write my link and then you get a , set by system that lets you find the , best freelancers because you detect some , information from the actual page of , whatever Otis that you sell you know , you must know something about the , product but you fill in the blanks right , some bucket I understand a little bit of , creativity to this stop and before you , know it you're building up perfect , descriptions and the same again comes , with you tags you can take a bunch of , these tag sand you can add them up top , so the tags are competitive they're , already being used to help people rank , alright pretty cool your descriptions , you get a bunch of inspiration based on , what other people are using in their , existing videos that are already on , there , you can remove some of this stuff you , can spin some of this stuff you can , change it and the thing is a spin and , copy to keep air clipboard which means , that you can just read order some of , these words just check that it's right , but what it's doing is it's giving you , suggestions to help you get ranked , sooner and faster so once you'vie created , a title and you might want to get a new , title in there whatever you know you see , how people are doing this stuff you're , able to imitate and modify yours to help , outrank these people so you get a title , a description and a bunch of tag sand it , saves your lords a time pretty cool , right so from there you can copy and , paste this stuff into your YouTube video , and go ahead as passed it as normal and , it , start to outrank the other people that , are doing this stuff now if you look in , these sections for example in the key , words it gives you a bunch of stuff , shows where things are ranking saw these , keywords are from the tags and the , ranking in this sort of less than top W , so they're above above the top W fold , so that means you know that these , keywords are really useful to using your , titles your descriptions and your key , tags right you can see where they're , listed and what you can do is you can do , some other stuff which is explaining the , tutorials to help you really drill down , now there's this niche analysis thing , and what you can see is that how many , views people gets in so you can get a , view of where people are now the green , boxes come up green show that it's , difficult to outrank with something that , comes up orange or red or so a green or , a sort of yellow or what it mean sis , it's as it moves down to a darker color , moves towards the red it's easier to , beat these guys so with a little bit of , research understanding what's going on , in the rankings already taking what , other people using in the video details , that'vie shown you to create your own , custom tags description and title when , you put this stuff together in your , video in YouTube'vie got a really , good chance of beating the competition , and this sort of analysis screen allows , you to see what's going on and , everything has got a tutorial video so , you all get lost you can see what's , going on and you can start to put your , videos above all of the others that are , out there you can see what videos are , out there so you can go and click on , these thing sand you can watch what , other people are saying in your niche , you can watch the videos you don'thieve , to go trawling through YouTube to try , and find this stuff individually it's , all in one screen now if you're new to , this and you'vie just been putting and , random titles and tags on YouTube videos , then this is a must for you so as always , to help you incentives and help you , get going I put together a bunch of cool , bonuses everything is available on this , page if you enter your email it will , take you straight through to the sales , page you'll be able to grab a copy of , this video marketing Buster Pro software , which I must say got products of the day , on kazoo and if you think that there are , around W,W transactions every single , week on kazoos you get the product of , the day says something right Ali G is my , buddy my friend the person who I bought , my first ever digital marketing product , off many year sago and he ISS legend in , the internet marketing world none of us , put out , software tardiest't work if you don't , like it you can get your money back but , I don'recommend it I recommend you go , in there you analyze some keywords no , matter what measure and it could be , fishing golf you know outdoor activities , sports food drink dogs cats whatever it , is you can see what the competitors are , doing and you can use the training , that's inside this software til be able , you to go out there and really really , push it in your niche now I'm excited to , do some of the stuff for click funnels , there's also a rank tracker where you , can actually put your video link and , some keywords and some notes and what it , will do is it will help you to see where , everybody's ranking on YouTube who's got , the best rank on Google and you can , again use this information when planning , and marketing your campaigns , if this sounds good if this sounds , awesome go click below this video or , you'll get access to everything I'vie put , a big bunch of bonuses allergies given , me some bonuses to give you too this is , one of the best pieces of software'vie , seen in a longtime to enable you to , rank above your competition in Google in , YouTube and remember I get paid a lot of , money from the internet for promoting , things via video it works guys and if , you're not using proper keywords proper , descriptions proper titles you're , leaving money on the table it's Danny , Walsh , I'll see you on the next video and , look forward to hearing your success , with video marketing blaster pro that's , a curt mobile .