Video Marketing for Photographers with Sean Cannell


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are you standing out or do you feel like , you're kind of getting lost in a sea of , sameness today, we're talking with Sean , kennel of think media about how to use , video to, up level your business, standout , and, book more of your dream client so , I'm excited to introduce you guys to , Sean, kennel just hit over a million , subscribers across all of his channels , and is an expert with online video so , Sean sh area, little bit, about, what you , do with us , yeah my, passion, and thank you so much , for, having me on, your, channel but, yeah , my passion is helping people build their , influence income, and impact with online , video and we'vie been doing, that, for , years, now my, background is, video Igor , cert, in W and built business, and , then eventually, started sharing my, tips , and my answer sand, we help entrepreneurs , photographers businesses stay-at-home , moms learn, how to use video and YouTube , to create more revenue meet more people , and, ultimately build, their influence , over all that's awesome I love that , first, I wanted to just start, with, Sean , what do you see as kind, of the current , benefits or, opportunities for , photographers to build, their businesses , using online, video yeah, I think there's , so many I mean really, we're, living , through, this age right now, which is , arguably one of the, greatest times in , human history , for building your, brand getting noticed , and the reason is some things that , everybody knows but because, of the , internet, because of, social, media , platforms, because, of lower cost, tools , and free tools we, now can share our , message, with the world globally and get , it out there, lot of times, by just , investing our energy our, time and not , even, necessarily money , however because of, all that opportunity , it means that everybody'straying, to , maximize that, opportunity so I love this , conversation because the challenge is , how, do you stand out, and you, know, I , think the main thing, to recognize is , that people's, attention is on, this, right , people are looking at their phones , brides, are, surfing Instagram for ideas , people are, looking at blogs and websites , people are, going to, YouTube, for ideas , other photographers are going to YouTube , for, looking for, information, and, training , and, tutorial sand, so it'snowing, where , attention is, and then asking ourselves , how can , in, the relevant places, so, that we, can be , attracting clients, the right audience , and things like that , I, loved that especially, the idea of , being where our clients are so knowing , that, how can us as photographers , especially, portrait and wedding , photographers use that online video to , book mo repaying clients yeah, it's a , great question and, I think the, first , thing you have, to, decide, as a creative , as a photographer is you have to make a , decision that you're, gonna, do content , marketing, and that you're gonna start , creating content now, photographers, are , already content creators because, they're , shooting those photos for their, clients , they're putting all that, content and , that, work together but I'm I'm, talking , about, creating relevant content, that you , putout, into the, marketplace that, will , attract your ideal audience now I really , believe there'stow, paths that , photographers, can take to do this and , what you want to answer is, who is your , target audience so, if it's awe dding , photographer that, wants to, book more , clients but content that you would , create would potentially be relevant, to , brides, that are, researching so, it might , be tips about how to, get flattering , photos in the dress or prepare for, your , wedding or, how to choose a wedding , photographer, would be a good video, to , make mistake sand, choosing a wedding , photographer the other approach is to , actually, position, yourself as one that's , gonna educate other, photographers and , that's two different things because if , you think about, your channel, you're , helping photographers learn business , that's, not gonna, like help brides, so, who , is your target audience you really, want , to know that, but, I think that on, either , path you, still win because one, of the , biggest pieces, of authority, in our , culture right, now, is, celebrity and, I'm , not talking about becoming internet , famous but, I am talking, about becoming , famous in, your sphere you, want to be , known in, your, city you want to build , your brand blow your brand up even, if , it'sin, a small world you, want, to be the , known wedding photographer in, your area , and, so if you're, an, authority, helping , you know sharing tip sand, people see , that, you'vie goat couple thousand , YouTube subscribers they see that you're , creating content, and you're, out there in , the world, even just, that, positions you , different because imagine if, if two , people's work is generally, the, same, but , I see like wow they'vie got more , followers morning , just more happening, around their, brand , that, leads to more business hands, down , because, we perceive those numbers that , content, as an authority pay, piece and we , ultimately do business with people we , know, like and trust and, the content that , we, put online, builds, trust which is a , bridge to business, love, Ito, guess the , next thing is really overwhelmed, you , know, as photographers we wear, so, many , different, hats in our business, and, I , know for me you know it's a lot taking , on, video as Welland, probably, for a lot , of, my audience but, it's Justine, more , thing, that, they're adding to their, plate , and they're gonna be asking is this , worth it absolutely, that's, a, great , question, and Think, couple things is , first you, can just, start simple and , start slow you, noway, huge advantage , that, your community has, is that, lot of , their, SLR's are already equipped to , start shooting video, they're already , brilliant at you know knowing things , about, lighting and having a lot of , advantages that my community dozen't , even understand yet as photographers but , I, think the other, thing is to really , realize that you, should, be planting , seeds today that, will grow the trees , that will, provide shelter for, you , tomorrow , so, it's also just like, diversification , think it's nice to diversify, your , influence and potentially, diversify your , income so, you know, your communities , photographers as a agoraphobic, in , I, was, doing wedding videos business , videos for small businesses and whenever , I, had some extra time, Is tarted, building , my influence on YouTube I'd put out some , videos, I putout, some, content and, I , started to monetize and created , another, income stream by just maybe if I , reviewed a camera I gave some tip I did , affiliate marketing we could talk about , some other tips, I know I'm dropping a , lot, the rebut, ultimately I did't you , know go, into full-on , video production mode until potentially , years, later but I don't want people to , miss, the opportunity to start now, start , building, some, momentum, start getting , into it, Little bit because you'll, be , thankful years from now that you, created , some of those assets, and started to , build your, platform , little by little yeah, I love that, and , mean, it's clear to see, that video, is not , going anywhere, it's becoming more and , more something that, we, as photographers , can't, ignore so , that in mind you know you'veined, of , shared some of the, benefits the , opportunities and why it's great for us , as photographers what, are you know for , those wanting to, dive in some of the big , mistakes maybe, thereof, the biggest , mistakes that you'vie seen when people , are just, getting, into video yeah I think , that, a couple of the big mistakes, that , people, make with video is actually , focusing on the video you know the, two , things we, always talk, about are, the , three things is AVL, audio/video, and , lighting now picture, image, and picture , quality photographers understand and , even lighting but, Think, that audio , piece is pretty big and I, think, for , photographers if you haven't been used , to that, a, lot of, times, people will, watch , a video that, is maybe, it's not even the , best video quality but they can hear you , well but we if we'vie seen it if we're , trying to, watch, like a live stream on , Facebook, or something, and it'just, off , the, phone the phone's W feet away from , someone, you, can't hear what they're , saying even, if you really want, to , consume that content you're, like I'm not , gonna, hang with this so I think what the , big first mistake would be audio, make , sure your audio is strong even yeah I , thin kit's, even more, important, than , video, in a way because people will , tolerate bad, video but not bad audio as , far as holding, their attention I think , the, second mistake that, people make when , it, comes, to, getting into video is, not , starting with the, end in mind before you , ever press record you want to know what , what is it that, I want this to do you , know who is this for Who, aim, trying to , reach that sometimes, we just, hit record , we start sharing ideas, start sharing , tips but you, want to, say what does this , video actually want, to, accomplish do you , want someone to email you at, the end of , the video to, get, free consul tor, fill , outta form or visit your, website, who, is , the exact person you're, talking to and, I , know some people, that we'vie coached and , helped they like to, have what'scaled , an avatar and in business we talked , about that, it's your target audience and , they think about that, bride they're , talking to, and they want, to talk , directly, to that, one person not, hey, the , whole world the internet, but you know , the one person, you're, talking to because , it's one video one, purpose does that , make sense, yes, I love that, have an , avatar as well and it's perfect you're , speaking into, the , that, one perfect, person so, kind of , swaying in you shared a little bit , about, audio quality is obviously really , important to us as photographers, but, we , might not want to, use like, our, big DSLR , to get video of ourselves, so, what are , like a few maybe three thing sand, you're , wise to help us, get started, yeah , in video yes, so I think you know really , basic but, sometimes common sense USN't , common, practice so just making sure you , have these essentials, think , stabilization you, know a lot of times, as , photographers maybe at a wedding you , actually, are handheld the whole time , you'rerunning, around, and you might have , that tripod but especially for, video you , definitely want to get stabilization for , sure you know additionally you probably , want to invest in, some light sand, even , if, you have some strobe flash , photography stuff you, may not, have , continuous lighting and video kind of , sucks even more, light because it needs , to be, on, constantly we, know cameras live , off light and sensors, do so I think , investing in some lighting and, then you , know we mentioned audio but investing in , some good audio and the, cool thing is , this these things, don't, ha veto break , the, bank but, just getting some basics , that, you could, plug into, your SLR , your, smartphone and you, know, , there could bevel, ear microphones , that you, just plug right, into your , headphone, jack or, rather your mic input , on either device and those are , definitely some, of the basics, for, just , making, sure at the end, of the day let's , keep it simple can, people, see you , clearly, can they hear you clearly and , then can you, convey the message because , at, some point and, it'definitely , overwhelming, when you first, start , shooting video you're like shoot am i , doing it right but at some point it's , never about, the camera, it's about the , content and, it's the message you , actually want to, get, across, lot of , times, I feel like, creating good, video is , actually, just thinking, about removing , distraction sand not, adding, anything no , distracting you, background, yeah, not a no , distracting lighting weird shadows no , weird hisses, or buzzes like just , thinking that's if this is the medium of , communication, but you, want to get past , that, and, speak confidence right into , that bride you know, speak whatever speak , it convey that energy that love that , life into, your target , create that, bond because, people do , business with, people they, know, like and , trust and try to, create, those thing sand , try to, forget, about all the, technical , side although it is important yes I love , that , and really Thales, it's, kind of the , last thing is I'm you know you mentioned , that, confidence on, camera so that you , can, really speak, to that one person and , have them feel you, and kind of connect , better so confidence plays a major role , in that and is also probably, a lot of , the reason why many photographers might , stray away from, doing video, like if you , want to get into it, how do you, build , that up from the, start it's such a good , question, and you're right most of the , photographers are behind, the camera and , that's, where they love being but now , you'rein, front of the camera and not , just instills, but now, every second , counts and they can hear your voice but , you know the the best, tip is honestly , from, Nike you, just Giotto, do Ito, mean , you, really actually just got to do, it , but, what, I mean by, that is, you need, to , do, it a lot your, first videos are always , going to be your, worst videos and , sometimes people, if you know these days , they'll see my YouTube channel, I'vie, been , doing this for years, and, they're like, oh , man he's confident on, camera it, seems , like he's smooth at, talking like he must , have been born that way, and, think , that's, the myth to dispel, wan't born , that way, I used to be terrified, used , to be you know, clunky and it, and I'vie , just done it, so much and and what people , I'vie actually by now uploaded over, W , videos, online and, I'd like to say , of, those are probably, pretty terrible , right it's like, the, last that have , been Little, bit better and that can , seem daunting but, just want to , encourage, people to just start and , here's, a really practical, tactic one, of , the people in, our, community Heather, has , ahem school channel so as, a video , creator she's, been putting out, content , but, like many people, in, your community , might feel, don'twat, to get on camera , how do you do video so she actually put , together, a strategy where, she said at , the time I'm gonna go snapshot every , single, day I'm gonna just get, on , snapshots, it could be Instagram , stories and maybe you know you may or , may not want your audience, to see this , but she said I'm gonna do it every , single day, and I'gonna, start teaching , before, ever shoot, my YouTube, videos , I'm gonna go beginning, middle and end , hey, I'm Heather and, today'm gonna , share with you three tips on how to get , kids to pay attention then, she'd shoot , the, middle story and she said Hope, you , have, value, from this'll, see you , tomorrow and that first day she hated it , she hated herself she deleted it, like , times we shot it that second day same , thing, was awkward and here's the thing , she, wan't, trying to impact an audience , she was hoping nobody, was watching, on , the other side but there was two things , she, was doing, number one she was , practicing, and number two she, was , practicing, in public I think that's , important, think you're putting , yourself out there getting, through that , awkward phase, and she did that for six , month sand, here's the thing at, the end , of six months from, just putting, out , about, a minute of, content on stole, in a , story's, format a day now she's like I'm , kind of getting the hang, of, this and, so , I want to encourage people to, just, start , and, here's the thing shoot your first , video upload it, to, YouTube I want to , challenge you, shoot your first video , today, if you'veneer, shot one upload it , to YouTube and here's the cool thing, you , actually don't, ha veto, make it public , but by going, through that many, steps , your, confidence will have just written, a , little bit, and then maybe you, will be , like let me just see, what it's, like I'll , just, put it out, there, and if you do that , enough times again, you'll get, more , confident you'll get more competent just , like it's a photographer that first , wedding you ever shot you're terrified , am I gonna miss the kiss oh, no you know , as my settings right you, know but then, a , couple years, later, you're like all, it's , no big deal you, roll in it becomes, like , autopilot, you, have, to start Punch , perfectionism , in the face decide that, done is better , than perfect and just get, your first , video up because, you got to get past , those first bad videos so you can, get , through the good, ones oh, my gosh yes, yes , yes so much, love there lots, of power , tips guys and a challenge if, any of you , actually, take John, up on that challenge , post, the link in the comments, I'd love , to, see that, first video, if you make it , public'd, love, to, see it too Sean , thanks so much for coming and, hanging , outwith, us today, and, talking to my , audience on, the importance of video, for , still photographers to really stand out , and market our business, thank, you so , much, for having me , be sure to check out Sean's channel for , ear tip sand, lots of awesome, stuff about , online video and, although we created a , sister video on his channel, all about , how to , get better photos the seven deadly , mistakes that, you might, be making, and , how to fix them, question, for you, guys , are, you currently, using video, at all if , you market your, business whether, it be , Instagram, stories Facebook, or maybe , YouTube drop, it in the comments, below , and I'll see you next, video .

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