Video Marketing Strategies to Captivate a Modern Audience | #TomFerryShow


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hey welcome to tom ferry show today the , table was flipped got interviewed by a , former sales associate of mine on the , power of video marketing as you all know , online video marketing is a super , powerful tool today I have the pleasure , of being with an innovative and very , dynamic coach who happens to Beau master , in this department Tom very big I was , like I'm so happy it was me Iowans't , sure who you were talking about for a , second there thank you appreciate it , today what I'dike to touch upon is the , do's and don'ts of video marketing and , also I want for you to share some ideas , of how to captivate the client not , interest or you know engage in the , client but actually captivate them and , bring them in sure sure so can you share , with me a few ideas of what what we must , do to stand out in video marketing so , let me give you a little backstory first , so in I was on the golf course with , a buddy mine and a guy who has , absolutely no personality gets , introduced me and I'm like hey so who , are you I got my name is David I'm like , where you from , he's like I'm from New York I'm like , what do you do he's like I work so so to , come to Google and I was like Google let , me carry your golf bag want to talk to , you right like what do you do it he's , like basically I'm in charge of media , and content think about that title he's , in charge of media and content for , Google in New York City so you know , we're talking and we'rehanging out and , I'm like just finished W days of my , new podcast every day audio and the guy , looks mean he says podcasts suck , podcasts suck had spent days of my , life creating this content super fired , up was actually talking to blackberry , about having exclusive real estate , contract remember the BlackBerry like , yeah thank God Is aid no to that one but , here was the deal he said to me if , you're not YouTube today and in the , future you will be out of the game the , stats now show that more than W% of , consumer behavior the way that we're , consuming content is all on video so the , first thing I would say it in an agent , is is rather than looking for like the , crazy innovative stuff it's just be , there like be there the most important , thing we talk about is be consistent by , creating consistent , you're going to win over an audience , you're gonna bring value you're gonna , deliver fresh ideas new ideas or maybe , just what'seagoing on inside the market , in house sand by doing that you're gonna , win wonderful one thing that we were , talking about previously was three's , that I see in you you engage you , entertain and you educate let's talk to , me a little bit about that if you were , to put those in a particular order would , you say that all through your essential , you know here'st he thing so you know we , were also talking about people that , don't have like do you know someone , dozen't have personality right like if , they try and fake energy because they , don't have energy then when the client , meets them they're like what happened to , the gal that was all fired up and bubbly , so I think you need to be who you are , first and foremost right and recognize , that you're not here- you're not here , to convince people that they should work , with you they they like you or they , don't they either feel that sense of , trust with you or they don'ts I'vie got , clients that are super entertaining and , I'vie got clients that just sell a lot of , house sand you know what they're a , little more analytical a little more , quiet a little more reserved but you , know what happens is people get to know , their style gets another personality and , you know they fall in love with them and , it's okay that they're not the , razzmatazz you Fredrick all that , kind of stuff so energy is important if , you have it you with me now education , that is the game changer if you look at , the last couple years what's happening , is it'snow the haves and the have-nits , whether we're talking about YouTube or , Facebook or Instagram via video the , agents that are consistently doing video , stand out in the marketplace they are , the ones that have weekly show where , they're saying you know hey it's Tom and , I with banana real estate and you know , we're talking about what's going inhere , inbox Knolls in Long Beach California , and by consistently creating that , content and educating both buyers and , sellers on what'sharpening in the , marketplace you stand out you become the , trusted voice you become the trusted , adviser so that education part is , critical entertainment it's speculative , right like I mean it's you know like , what is art like some people are , entertained by like people punching each , other in the face and other people want , to watch a ballet sou think the most , important thing is to stay in your lane , to know who you are , like don'try and fake it with , and have them then meet you and go what , happened , does that make sense it does so let's , talk about the don'ts do not do these , three items do not for instance oh , probably a hundred we just sure don't , brag I mean there's some brag videos out , there , and it'sues for the love of God right , so what are the three don'ts do not do , well Certainly like that one but but , at the same time there is some you know , that some shameless self-promotion that , could be done in a more elegant way like , I think one of the hotter videos right , now to pay attention to is taking an old , method that always got the phone tiring , aka a just sold card and turning that , into a just sold video where you could , literally say you know hey I'vie recently , sold this property 1 2 3 4 banana Street , and I want to tell you about it right , this was a complex transaction you know , the sellers that you know they really , wanted to move but they had to get a , certain price point or it wan't going , to work so they rely on our services to , really market an exposed to property in , a different way so rather than just , putting the home on the market we , actually spent days and so you , described almost in a case study how you , were able to drives number traffic to , YouTube number traffic to Billow how , many properties were saved , so you're sharing that that success if , you will versus you know like hey I'm , just number one right it was only about , the client there'sabot the strategy , that you chose so I like that way okay , right versus just the straight-up look , at me yeah so I would say don'ts in , today's day and age like it's don't have , bad lighting you know don't have bad , sound quality and probably the most , important thing that most of you maybe , will pay attention to especially if , you'redoing stuff on YouTube is you , can't have a bad thumbnail like you have , to have like what you know when you look , at YouTube and you're scrolling down , you're seeing all these videos that are , available or even now in an email if I'm , sending out avid to someone right , inside of an email that thumbnail photo , is super important if outdoes't , captivate them engage and make them , curious all right think about it you're , walking through the grocery store and , you're like thin thighs in W days or , less without diet and exercise you know , Michael Jackson's alien baby like it , shocks you into saying what is that I , want to find out more , that thumbnail photo our numbers show if , the thumbnail photo USN'trig ht it's not , even gonna get opened so that would be , another thing you if you're not testing , these things you're gonna lose okay , wonderful thanks for that feedback what , about the dues what must you do in a , video in order to captivate the audience , and keep them engaged because you know , the with the Millennial's get so , engaged right away are we talking about , like like a video like a quality video , where I'm producing something like doing , this or each I might live either or , let'stalk about three to five okay talk , about Maya so so live it's all about the , headline right what are you gonna talk , abduct remember like you know , everyone's sitting here on their , news feed like you know I don't know if , we're engaging you right now like are , you watching this you're gonna make a , comment on YouTube you're looking down , your news feed you got W seconds you're , in your ca rand you're driving you know , you do it right you know you do it and , you're like oh Could see oh what's , that if that headliners't pop if it , USN't something that's interesting to me , I'probably not going to click on it , right so so some people would say you , know you're always testing around that , headline agree with that theory okay , the second thing is once you go live if , you don't recognize people if you don't , go oh my god hey Mark what's going on , Patrick in the house from Germany like , if you're not giving perplexities , live you're gonna miss them if you're , not saying things like hey do me a favor , could you give me some thumbs could you , give me some hearts if you like what I'm , saying does this make sense for you and , what happens is they start to hit likes , and they start hit hearts and Facebook , and Instagram pick up on that algorithm , which actually gets you out in front of , more people so there's ways that you can , actually hack getting more viewers if , you will by doing just some of these , simple things remember at the end of the , day right , people like to be recognized so even if , there's four people on there you're like , mom Just want to say thanks so much , for watching and oh look my aunt's on , there too right and you're better off , doing that they're not recognizing , anybody that makes sense yeah so those , would be just a couple things you can , test certainly length of show right so , if you're live you know sometimes it , takes couple minutes before people , even engage and get connected , I got Facebook mentions million , years ago like I was one of the early , innovators when they might check out , this live opportunity and I remember , thinking to myself oh my god like I'm , gonna I'm gonna totally interrupt their , Day was actually thinking that and , then I reached out to a guy named Gary , Anarchic and he's like congratulations , you got that hit live go now the first , live show we did was one-hour live , show we had over,W views in like , the first hours because it was new , and innovative right it was different , today you ha veto do stuff to stand out , so headline first and foremost what , you're going to cover content wise super , important and then engage right engage , spur thumbs ask for hearts right get you , know say people's name sit just makes me , feelgood and keeps them activated , alright one thing that we're saying that , is standing out a lot is that the videos , are very common they're very cookie , cutter it's boring everyone's like just , scrolling through it that's looking good , so be sharing with you something totally , cool that I saw yesterday on YouTube and , it was this guy he's showcasing his home , it's a beautiful luxury home and all a , sudden he walks in the bathroom walks , outwith his swim trunks yes wellie love , it dives in the pool he's like he wan't , so he dives in the pool and he's talking , about how would you like to come home , and unwind to this right he's in the , pool Jacuzzi ends up in the sauna with a , nice old fashioned yeah creating an , experience exactly creating an , experience so so you sort of laid down , by the fire could you imagine living , here with me exactly so what advice , could you give to us for those that , don't have that huge marketing budget , for instance another agent that met , with was endorsed bay shark tanker yes , his business flew out of the part series , I think Cochran yes Barbara yep she was , doing that so for those people that , can't afford camera guy sorry they , can'afford to get endorsed by a shark , tanker sure what's a good starting point , look I think at the end of the day it's , very simple today you need to decide are , you gonna be in the , or not right when when Google and when , all the major players Facebook is saying , a hundred percent of our content is , gonna be video by okay like , tick-tick tick-tick that's tomorrow so , so if you'resitting on the sidelines , and you haven't engaged yet I would just , have you recognize that you better get , really good at writing and blogging , because it's gonna be really hard for , you to get noticed unless you're playing , in this new world which is video first , from there , assuming you're in I would say create a , weekly show like that would be my most , important piece of advice is it you know , real estate at five is it what's , happening in Huntington Beach is it , Huntington Beach homes for sale whatever , it is you decide to do credit anchors , show and then make the discipline , whether it's fro man iPhone on a tripod , you with me where you poem and you , just do your thing , or getting a buddy to hold your phone or , like we'vie got a couple of guys with , cameras you Giotto do whatever you got , to do to be in the game once you create , the anchor show then it's about taking , that one piece of content and , re purposing it multiple times so you can , take one three to five minutes show , saying hey we're driving through this , beautiful community and I want to , educate you on what's going on and you , know the builders and how long it's been , here and what are so you know home , price sand who's building and who's not , building all that kind of stuff and then , take that same piece and take some , snapshots photos that end upon your , Instagram page your Facebook page your , Twitter feed you with me like , re purposing and then taking that three , or four minutes show and carving out W , to W seconds snippets or clips they , refer to them as okay and by the way , those those clip sand snippets get more , views because they're W second's , seconds an interesting little piece you , do that from one piece of content you , end up with seven eight nine ten , additional pieces of content to promote , throughout the week and say top of mind , with your clients do that W times in a , yea rand guess what you're gonna walk , your grocery stores and people gonna be , like like they're gonna want to get , selfies with you because you're gonna , become celebrity in your town does , that make sense love it that's my , advice one thing that I think that , really attracts me and and that has , always been one of your highlights one , of your personal traits is your passion , yeah , and humor I think also engages people , prompts like can you please kindly oh , yeah yeah yeah , prompts so these guy shell Could , really screw people right shoot some air , detox do you feel that these are a temp , attention captures distracts how , can we utilize this to to engage yeah I , mean look at the end of the day you're , you do want to have some level of , entertainment so something visual , something stimulating for me this was , just this was a gift and this was a gift , and they just mean something to me so , they're just sometimes inside my show , and sometimes they're not okay um be , mindful you don't want to have , distractions right right you don't you , know like did shows in downtown , Chicago on a flip video camera I , remembers flip video cameras like full , ghetto style me holding it like this , with wind blowing and like trees blowing , in the background it was too distracting , right a few little props like this no , big deal but be mindful of your setting , okay be mindful of your setting , wonderful what are the essential , platforms what where should we go , we were talking about earlier some , people are confused or they're more , inclined to Facebook Twitter sure , YouTube what would you recommend if , you're getting started I think huge , mistake for people is getting myopic and , saying only like or my friends are , only on or my clients are on like look , there's too many things happening right , Instagram if you talk to people at , Facebook and we're you know we're pals , of the people at Facebook Facebook , obviously has two billion people on it , right Instagram smaller numbers W , million people but all the eyeballs are , on Instagram you with me like , everybody's there so does that mean that , I'm not posting things on Twitter does , that mean I'm not paying attention to , Linked you Giotto spread those kind , of those like Easter eggs everywhere so , somebody's gonna find you someplace and , go oh I like Linked In that's my platform , or I love Twitter I'm still there every , day so I'm not attached to any one of , them they're all like pieces of paper , and pen they are tool sand you have to , use every single one of them interesting , great for in regards to people that just , don't want to step into this game , they're reluctant to they're scared what , do you recommend , you know what you recommend is it , whether it Beau coach someone that could , guide you through the process sure sure , is that possible for you guys to tailor , to the necessities of okay we're going , to focus on this because if you don't , you're losing out so so here's the thing , you ready so it's all about fear right , right here the unknown fear of not , looking good , I'vie had people say tome Id on't want , to do video because you know like my , ha iris always wrong and I'm like Just , remind people like your past clients , it's fear know what you look like right , so if you got bad hair there D know that , if you got bad teeth there they know , that if you don't dress wellie already , know that they don't care be authentic , be yourself right you got to get over , your story because what you're basically , saying is look I got a chance right now , to buy a whole bunch of blockbuster , stock and I know this little Netflix , thing this upstarts coming up he rebut , I'm going all-in and you took your , entire nest egg and put it in , Blockbuster what happened to you if you , made that decision you're out of , business you're gone you'vie lost , everything'm telling you that in , today'modern world if you're not , paying attention to the most important , social phenomenon of our time right , video social media maybe you just pick , the wrong profession , okay right maybe don'TKO the DMV is , probably hiring and here's the thing , it'snot just the video marketing we , could incorporate the old ways the old , horizon% you know and receive direct , mail and someone said Oh Tom's really , huge on video what about the old like , roll up your sleeves type of hustle no , no no doubt we incorporate both right in , the both world we have historically been , 2/3 tried and true/3 pushed the , envelope right and today my clients will , say no it'S's/W right so we still like , we cal lit the core 4 I'm working my , past client sand sphere but where are , they today right I'm texting them I'm , doing Bimbo on videos they're seeing me , and social I'm staying top of mind okay , plus I'm making phone calls maybe I'm , doing drop eyes I'm inviting them to , open houses secondly you're working your , Geographic farm rightsize you look at , all the studies everybody wants work , with a hyper local agent right they want , to work that community experts of , Geographic farming open houses open , house is done the right way can be , listing attraction but see all these , things , add to and extend your reach for all the , things that we all know we ha veto do , knocking on doors etc that make sense , about that real quick open houses that's , huge right now but preparation is huge , as Welland I'noticing that if we , don'prepare we have to repair the , other day I watched a video this guy's , like okay coming in with his assistant , they're walking through the property he , Haydn'done his preparation or his , homework and all of sudden the lady , the wife is like oh I'dike to take a , look at the backyard so they opened the , sliding door and he's like here is the , tranquil backyard and all of sudden , the train passes by yeah it was horrible , yeah you know yeah live yeah what a , bridge burner for the love of God , prepare right so how much preparation do , you do because I know that you do this , every single day and that people would , ask me when I was working here is he , really like that yeah is he like that or , I'milker he is like that swear to God , I don't know whatever he drinks'll , have some of whatever you're having , later bourbon but yeah he prepares and , now he's the expert but you have to get , started so my mantra is just do it and , you know seriously just do it get , started yeah and with time with time , you're gonna get as comfortable and , become as a pro as you are is that , correct or not just get started , somewhere but do your homework right and , so talk to us about that when you start , it and and when when I started to and as , a matter of fact every single time I'm , on the camera I get jittery you know in , the beginning was like I know that , did't happen to you but it did happen , to me and therefore one of my first , interviews with Jackknifed I think I , sweated don't know a couple of buckets , and he was like you know it's okay so , I'm proud of you I'm glad you're doing , this , you have you know yeah so it was , interesting and then that opened a lot , of doors but if I would't overcome my , fear if I would'thieve stepped outside , of my comfort zone that's something that , Learned with you then it would't have , happened this would'tube happening , right now because right now I'm like , yeah yes I swear yeah very diplomatic , but anyways so tell me about you mean , when you got started with this now you , could do it in your sleep , but who taught you uh well so no one , really taught me video right video was , just natural extension of doing a live , event or in the early days of my career , making phone call , I used to envision wit ha headset on , talking to a thousand people while I was , engaging with one and anyone that seen , me speak before sees me do that today , like I have this audience of people you , know ten or ten million and'm just , focusing on the individual like calling , people out having those engaging , conversations so it was a natural , extension but in the video in the very , beginning you know video was awkward , right like you know oh my god that I say , that the right way did I you know like , could I'vie done that better wanna , blotchy or you know my glasses on and , and then just finally realized like no , one really cares any with me no one , really goes in the beginning it was like , quality content over creative okay and , in a beautiful setting today though I , will tell you you got it both you got a , great content and you got to have great , creative right you got to the right , lighting the right set it you got to do , it all so that just probably talked to a , whole bunch of people out of doing Ito , would actually I would actually go very , tactical and say checkout solution by , my friends at bomb bomb calm right so , bomb bomb there was a wonderful article , Wall Street Journal or New York Times , that the headline was the epidemic of , fearlessness epidemic of faceless is , that we get so many text sand so many , emails we get bombarded every single day , that none of this stuff is standing out , and engaging me anymore , and you know we'Head this experience , you're following up on a lead and you're , like hey I sent you at ext and they're , like yeah I never got it you're like no , I remember seeing the bubble sand then , you stop responding right so so bomb , bomb did two things I want to invest in , the app that like actually like captures , the bubble that would be awesome , bomb bomb did two things really well , actually three things ready number one , they got you on video and really , simple easy to use app right and what's , great about it the second thing is I , shoot this little video and say hey , Cheerily great to meet you at the open , house today thank you so much for taking , the time to connect with me and you know , boy Just you know really hope you , get the chance to work together and I'm , actually doing some searches for you , right now to see if can find that , ideal property'll be following up the , next couple days once I find something , and it's hell ban you know god bless , right video ends my email or text it , directly to Janine and then guess what , when she opens that email my phone goes , ding you're like oh my god they actually , open this is great then ding they just , watched the video ding they watched it a , second time now I know I'vie got , engagement you went beyond this so they , did those two things really well the , epidemic of faceless sense got our face , out there but then secondarily know , who'switching it and who USN'Tut the , third thing they did that I'm just super , impressed by is last year they created , thing called prompt where you actually , pare record OR different videos you , upload it into their system and your , email lists and they send them out for , you on your behalf so the challenge that , a lot of us have that is the time to do , it right the time to shoot the video the , time to get it edited the time to do all , these things you know Bomb Bomb prompts , that problem so if if you're just , getting started , right having someone pare write a script , for you and just being able to read you , know hi I'mt om ferry we'vie been at a , real estate I'm really you know thanks , for watching this video and I want to , talk to you about you know blah blah , blah sixteen pare-recorded video sit's , kind of set it and forget it does that , make sense yeah I would look at , something like that it's just an easy , solution there's a lot of um there's a , lot of videos you can watch on YouTube , about how to prepare there's a lot of , great presenters out there that teach , speaking skills public speaking skills , so you know lean uni mean you're in the , communication business you make your , money because you engage in connect with , customers you build trust you bring , value and you solve problems right to be , effective you gotta be able to , communicate right this is just another , medium don't be afraid of it right why , you had me at hi Janine invest in , yourself okay by your phone real sure so , have you guys seen those videos where , people are walking in and they're like , taping the house and they're about to , fall over and stuff have you seen how , ridiculous that is yes those they're the , little extras those what are they called , the other little amenities for you to , utilize a video where the phone's not , shaking or anything weird yes yes yes , phone there's no shaky okay I think , the selfie stick is totally fine right , but at the end of the day like having , like your W year old just follow you , around is probably completely fine okay , so anyways especially because you , could'remember what the name of the , thing is that I , I know but anyways there are so many , extras that you can utilize in order to , microphone microphone super-important , plug it into your phone okay you know , put it on your blouse put it on your , shirt just for a better sound quality , absolutely yes awesome so talk tome , about your favorite videos I was sharing , one of when back in the day when Iowas , working for you yeah Tim Smith did an , awesome video awesome videos but of , course he rented helicopter and I know , that yeah the fun's not a good idea for , a house exactly so what are your , favorite videos that some of our , audience could watch get on there and , get some ideas if you could think of any , right NOW could think of hundreds just , remembering all their new feel I should , what I would do is I would look at Chris , Kw on Ken from Douglas Oilman in Irvine , California he's doing some really , creative stuff now he loves editing he , loves the production and he sells a lot , of real estate okay so he's sort of , blended a passion with his money-making , machine of real estate so Christian I , think Christopher Forever Christopher , was with me IN when Gary Anarchic , was on stage for summit and said look , you need to start a real estate at five , show and I watched you know hundreds of , people run out and buy flip video , cameras might Christopher was one , of the early ones what he's doing now is , he'getting in hi scar every week with , his iPhone you know putting it basically , in his you know Mercedes with well yes , think he sticky things and it's on him , and he's like hey everybody its , Christopher Chop Cola banker today I'm , driving through Beverly Hills flat sand , he describes the community then he flips , it around so now the videos now on the , community of him driving right and he , just drives through the neighborhood and , describes everything about the , neighborhood well guess what when he , upload that into YouTube and tags it , with you know homely hills you know new , listings in all that great stuff on , YouTube he's getting come with me cause , like he's not even gonna like that I'm , saying this on video like it's so good , from a you know from an SEO standpoint , and it shows that like you know , neighborhoods you all made that market , expert kind of like geographic farming , would also look at people like Eileen , Rivera Rivera Long Beach California does , a fantastic job with using videos like , this video this listing is coming soon , making announcement to people that's , always a good idea or the interview , series that she's been doing for years , about people inside her community right , her focus was I want to be one of the , most well known connected like , approachable people in the geographic , forum that I serve right so she's become , that by interviewing people in their , book club by you know getting someone , that was a for sale by owner ended up , listening with he rand song at a high , price and interviewing them you know , talking tithe mayor in town local , politicians all the restaurant owners , you know the the school people like , she'gotten so embedded on video in her , community that like you can't help but , not think of her name in that area does , that make sense yeah I mean look at , people like cow whistle who won bomb , bombs like number one confluence , out of you noway gazillion videos that , were looked at he does somethings where , you know he's showing like restaurants , and there's just something about like , always starting with food it'just easy , bar sand even though you say well like , what does that have to do with selling , real estate well he's wearing you know , whistle Realty on his shirt as he's , walking around saying hey today we're , walking in Janine's restaurant you know , she owns blah blah blah and we love your , hamburgers let's get a photo the , hamburger he's just getting you engaged , in the community and it'snot just hey , we're with the real estate we sell a lot , of house sand by the way all those , people I just mentioned are not just , doing one thing they're doing multiple , things right lots of different forms of , video which is what is causing them to , stand out and be recognized so in , essence there has to Beau diversity , right it just can't be like the , testimonials right right right , so in that diversity so we could end , quickly because before we end I want you , to talk to me about the summit for a , couple of minutes true in that diversity , or that display of videos what should we , have should we have an all about me a , couple of testimonials , you know'm not sure if I go to you if , I go to your website , if I go to your i G TV no wit would be , great that I could go there and you can , say you know how I'm Tom fair and I sell , real estate herein Newport Beach , California and you know here's the , neighborhood's I specialize in like let , me get to know you you know'm a family , Igor two kids they went to this school , like I'm in the community okay at the , end of the day like people need to get , to know who you are that's important , then I'Dave a first time buyer video , okay right do's and dint's first time , buyer , I'd have selling your home in Newport , Beach selling your home of Crouton Omar's , on your home of Shady Canyon like I , would do a bunch of area specific or , neighborhood specific videos okay about , selling your home there and talking , about the trends what works what dozen't , I don'think you can have enough if you , can get clients to give you reviews on , video bananas otherwise you know Billow , and Google are still really effective , for that okay why not do an Instagram , video of just sixty five of your Billow , reviews just the text that'scaled , scrolling like that I mean that there's , lots of you know creative ways to do it , so I'd have all those and more great so , in essence thank you so much for having , me and want for you to talk to us a , little bit about the summit because it's , Finance of America will be raffling out , two tickets to your summit awesome we're , excited about being there cool talk to , us a little bit about you know what's , going on this year I know you're always , full of surprise sand yeah well it's the , W year anniversary you know they say if , you make it past W years like in , business like you're doing okay so you , know W years later having a lot of fun , we're gonna have you know several , thousand people plus our live cast with , you know kind of thousands of people , around the world with sort of the same , mindset like hey the markets making , shift right now so what are the things , that I need to be doing early it's kind , of like that Netflix example you know if , someone told you three year sago hey you , should buy Netflix right basically you , fell into one of three groups the people , that were like'd like the stock where , it's not my thing , right some said oh it's a really good , idea they wrote it down they did nothing , because that'SA lot of people they go , they get excited do nothing and then you , know the third that's like I'gonna , take advantage of that well in three , years that stock went from to , then it split seven ways and now it's , back over W so if you bought you know , $W,W or the shares that ten is now , worth about W right that was a really , good decision , challenge that agents have the days , there's too many decisions there's too , many things to do so by attending an , event like the summit where we really , narrow the focus around what are the , most important concentric , decisions you need to make let's narrow , that down what are the behavioral , decisions you need to make let's narrow , that down what are the most strategic , marketing decisions you need to make and , let's narrow that down the goal is to , lead the room with like six or seven , things to do make an two or three extra , business and that'SWAT the summit's , about plus then never gain the fun and , the idea sharing and just you know the , people we attract it's really , extraordinary but it really is a Netflix , moment right now okay and there's gonna , be over the next W months to two years , a whole bunch of people that fall in , that cam pup yeah that's a good idea , right and do nothing and some people , like we saw this in two thousand six , seven eight when they're like you know , I'just not into that you know short , sales not my thing you know forge tit , they just tanked and then a third of the , people that made the right strategic , decisions they dominated that's what the , summit is all about awesome well thank , you so much for watching us and thank , you for being with us during all these , tips and resources I'm so grateful for , this time for the opportunity I'll see , you soon hey I'm Tom ferry and want to , say welcome to real estate now there's a , pretty good chance no one'st old you , there's an percent failure rate every , five years in this business and there's , only two factors agents don't have the , tools and they don't take the right , action'm going to invite you to click , the link below and get access to the , tools so you can win in this business .

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