3 Essential Facebook Video Ingredients (FB Advertising)


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hey guys James Vietminh and in , today's video'm going to share with , you a few tips and tricks on how to , start using Facebook video to grow your , business so stay tuned , all right so we'redoing something , little different here today because a , lot of the videos I share on my YouTube , channel talk about YouTube or YouTube , specific videos but something I'vie been , playing around with for a long time now , is Facebook video and you know for the , past twelve to fourteen months at least , from the posting of this video that , Facebook has mad ea predominant effort , to put video on the forefront of their , platform in fact probably the last time , you logged into Facebook you probably , saw or got stuck watching at lea stone , video on Facebook so today we're going , to kind of show you how I'vie been using , Facebook video effectively and some of , the stuff that you can do to use it as , wellie'vie us edit to grow my list to , promote my products you know what we'll , get into all that stuff but the first , thing I want to do is we'll start with , some stats so the latest data I found is , that Facebook is made up of up now over , 1.3 nine billion users right on Facebook , that's a lot of users and the average , user spends about W minutes per day on , the site and know some of you spend a , little bit more time than that but of , that average user they spend an average , of% of that time watching these , native Facebook videos does that , describe you do you feel like you do , watch at lea stone video when you log , into Facebook so how can we take , advantage of this well I'vie been using , Facebook video a little differently than , most people okay but we want to start , with the basics we want to start with , the big picture strategy of how we we , want to approach our marketing efforts , so the real reason why I use started , using YouTube no real strategy behind it , is because it is a it ISS traffic , generation source but it is a certain , type of traffic it is what I like to , call search driven traffic in fact% , of my views on my channel from the last , time I check on my YouTube channel are , searched driven which means someone is , typing in how to do this or how Cain do , that or a review of this or how to set , that up and they find my videos just , like they should find yours if you're , following what It each on YouTube , effectively but Facebook it's a little , different you don't go to Facebook and , search for things you don't go to face , for search driven answer sin fact Alike , to call this distraction traffic so on , YouTube and Google people are focused , they're in the mindset of seeking out an , answer so they start with question and , hopefully they find your video as an , answer which means great YouTube videos , means you need to be supplying great , video answer it's not that way on , Facebook Facebook is about a distraction , people Arron there to have fun or you , know distract themselves from work and , you need to be able to grab their , attention and use that as traffic , source as well so I call this , distraction traffic so the reason why I , wanted to create this distinction is , because on YouTube I create free content , videos but on Facebook I create , commercials massive difference so you , can go ahead and create content based , videos and upload them to Facebook but , what I do with.9% of Facebook , videos as I turn them into paid ads so , really what I focus on is paid video , advertising and when it's a paid video , ad it literally is set up like a simple , online commercial and in a moment'm , going to break down the three , ingredients or the simple three-step , formula that I use for creating , commercial now these commercials these , online videos have gotten thousands of , views some of them that come to mind , like sixty five Tao hundred thousand , view sand views are great but what , they're really doing is building my list , generating leads and sending people into , automated funnel sin my business and , can get these leads from anywhere for $1 , to $2 with cold traffic that's the power , of Facebook video done right now you got , to be willing to spend a little money , you got to pay to play with Facebook , advertising but today we'll talk about , how to create that video so you really , want to get in the mind frame of looking , at this as a commercial as a very simple , commercial for your business so if , that's the case first and foremost it's , got to be shortened to the point and , it's got to have very specific , intention so with that in mind we'll go , ahead and break out our three essential , ingredients as you can see , are my wonderful handwriting here so the , first step the first phase in the , formula is to make sure that you grab , the attention of the viewer this is , really important because again this is , there they're being distracted and there , are so many things to look at and click , on in moving pieces on Facebook and so , what can you do in the first three , seconds to call out attention to your , ideal customer grab their attention so I , always put a tension question because if , I if I don't have come up with a good , headliner good first three seconds of , what to say in the video I just ask a , really good question like are you , frustrated with this or are you a small , business owner that's wondering how you , can be using Facebook more effectively , in your business okay so can you start , with a question or can you start with a , promise or some sort of , attention-getting word sentence phrase , or visual to get people'attention you , want to do this immediately if you're , starting out with your logo and you're , into a bumper and a nice description of , who you are and what you do you'vie , skipped this whole things here okay so , you want to get that down immediately , that's the first step first three , second snow the second thing is you want , to be able to provide the solution or , the answer to a problem and so I kind of , like to blend in the problem that , they're dealing with or facing in this , first step so that I can prov idea , solution of you are not the solution , don't say necessarily like are you , struggling with this in your business , I'm the solution to all your problems I , usually say that the system or the tool , is the solution so I'll talk about how , YouTube is an effective way to drive , more traffic YouTube is a way to get , your message out to more people so you , can reach more people have more impact , so YouTube becomes the solution here and , then I might want to back that up with , either a case study a factoid or , statistic about YouTube some of the , results that it's had and we wanted to , get this done in about W seconds , okay and then you want to end it most , importantly always with a call to action , call to action is made up of three parts , what to do why to do it and now , so that's your call to action now for me , it's usually to click off of Facebook , and go onto my website or my blog to , opt-into register fora free video , series or webinar that I'm hosting etc , so there are the simple three , ingredients that I use to create up a , Facebook ad and remember it look at it , like an online commercial that gets to , the point it should have a very specific , intention to drive traffic to your , website to blog to build your list to , get people registered for your webinar , into your video series grab their , attention through a compelling question , that calls out what their problem is , provide the solution or what the next , step is and deliver ac all-to-action now , in order to make this work effectively , you need to be started you need to be , using Facebook Ads right you need to , turn this Facebook video into a Facebook , video advertisement and that's much , bigger conversation than what we're , going to provide here in this video but , the first thing I'll say is number one , we use as a campaign we use an objective , of website conversions which means when , we set this video up we're looking to , get conversions we're looking to get , people to take action not just to click , but an opt-in and subscribe a submitting , of the email address if you will but , there'something else that Facebook has , come up with recently which I'm gee king , out ab outright now will ha veto update , in future videos but that Facebook can , now allow you to target and create , audiences based off of their habit sin , your video which means if you have a , five-minute video a three-minute video , or one-minute video regardless you can , create an audience based on what , percentage that they have watched the , video so they'vie seen% of the video , W% of video or only W% of video you , can acculturated them with , different ads with different messaging , so the way to look at this in a nutshell , is that if someone goes tithe end of , your video they watch the entire thing , whether it's a Short-second video or , you put a W-minute video on there if , they go to the end what does that say , about this person what does that say , about their interest level the readiness , of them to take the next step how , targeted this ad is going to be for them , and so that's where so many powerful , opportunities are available to you , beyond them so even though again most of , the videos we talk about here is about , free targeted search , organic traffic that you can leverage , with YouTube I don't want you to ignore , the power of pain for paid advertising , when it'Stone right so if you haven't , been uploading Facebook videos if you , haven't been creating Facebook ads now , is the time to do that we're going to , put together a little training video it , would be slink below this video so you , can learn more about how to create your , first video ad so stay tuned for that , click the link below that will walk you , through how we use power editor and , Facebook advertising I think'vie spent , three or four hundred thousand dollars , on paid ads at this point obviously , there's been an There's been a , return on my investment Wanna be able , to show you how you can get started with , that , using a simple second video that you , can film on your iPhone any questions , which you have probably got some put , them below this video make sure to , subscribe to this video thumbs it up or , thumbs it down if you don't like it and , I'll see in the next one take care .

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