YouTube Marketing Tips From A Pro - Melanie's 30 Day Video Marketing Challenge Results & Strategy


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hey miles Becker, here miles Becker calm , and, I have my beautiful wife, Melanie , with me again and, in this video we are , going to look at YouTube, marketing , through, the lens of Melanie'splat form , Melanie, has just completed, W day , challenge and, she already, had a YouTube , channel and, a platform going so we're , going to look, at is we're gonna look, at , some statistics, we're, going to look at , how this works when someone already has , YouTube, channel going, and, we're going , to learn, from, Melanie about what she's , learned from doing, W day challenge, so , welcome back Nanchang, you excited to , have you here, so, first thing, let's go , through the statistics, on what, she's , seen in W days so, IN, days her watch , time on YouTube is up by's percent the , number of, views is up by W%the, number , of subscriber sis, up three hundred , percent, month-over-month comments, of the , seven hundred and, fifty percent lights , are up, percent shares, are up%, so , literally twice as many people, sharing , her videos this month, as the month , before and, really cool we're going to , get, into how this, works with hers, is the , web, traffic her, website traffic is up , over% and she has, W percent more , visitors to her, website alright, so, the , one thing you, did'mention, thudding't , make the list and, this is, awesome to, see , because I Haydn't really broke nit, down , like that, but unlike are, also up, and , just want to mention, that because um, you , are, the one who told mien Grant Car done , house, is, like saying if you'vie got five , meter sand, go get yourself, five more and , so like plunking, my video sis , such appositive, sign that, I'm reaching , more people, so I'm not like, taking, that , as a bad thing and, unlike so I don't , know the exact number but, unlike are , they, are yeah I thin kit, actually , doubled I noticed that myself, and, if , you're not moving, people it's great , point and, if you're not moving people , with your content if, you're not , polarizing, you're not building a motion , in any one, and she gets people who, love , her content emotionally charged for her , content and people , her content, is not for oh I was the , wrong place , just like, entreat I'm out and that's , that's what we want to see, that'SA , great time so thank you, very, much again , I, appreciate that, now, talking about, your , W-day, challenge, let's actually go , before you started what was, your channel , like before, you started how have you , been building your channel up, until , recently so I started my channel quite, a , while ago probably, about five years ago , and, my initial YouTube, strategy was , literally take free audio channels angel , messages turns, them into a video , slideshow, and publish them to YouTube so , that was, all I did for, year sand, it sort , of works my channel is growing along , very slowly, but it but, had Little , base when I decided to, start doing more , teaching based videos actually putting , myself right so two things, there, real , quick is number one she, was just kind of , syndicating content to YouTube it wan't , like, content created specifically for , YouTube it, also wan't her it was for , audio but it wan't her talking head it , wan't like this where were framed , you're, seeing us talk, it was pictures , layered over something, and it was an , afterthought right, it was an astronaut , and, they're not very, high, quality the , audio is very high, quality the audio is , incredible and, those videos still, get , viewed and loved and liked, and shared by , so, many people, because the, audio is , immensely cal lit's, immensely high , quality but the, actually live show is , not that right now next question have , you ever done any sort of, W-day , challenge or longer in the path, of, your , kind of internet marketing career so , this is my first A's, day challenge on , YouTube, however I did do a W day , challenge on, my blog when Ibid, a new , blog post every day for W, days and, that , grew my blog traffic immensely, creating , that, consistent heartbeat of new content , and, so when I saw miles, results from, his , YouTube challenge, was like okay I want , to do more video okay, sou mentioned how , my channel started up, doing these audio , meditation slideshows, I, did then add on , spiritual teaching videos free angel , card readings but, it was really , inconsistent I would go through first , where, I would do four, videos a week and , then I would drop down to doing like, one , video, a month I was like very, sporadic I , had no schedule I just kind of, like if I , was inspired, did it if I was not , inspired, students to it and so it was , like very, sporadic was my YouTube , publishing schedule so, miles had huge , results with his, W day W, day Talent , so, I was like okay, I'going, to, do a W , day challenge, have now, don ea, W day , challenge and, now I'm going to, throw my , hat over the fence here and say that I , think, it, would be really, interesting, to , keep, this going and, I'm going to do W , day, challenge, too, so awesome let's do , that , nice she's competitive in nature, so it's , good to kind, of like set the, bar and , interestingly you, notice, how many videos , did you make when I was doing, W, day , challenge in, those four months, not very , money, at all, right Id on't, know did you , look at no I think I, learned I think a , handful not very many, but the, other day , we were comparing how many videos each , of us, had on our channels and miles, was , like I'm going to, catch you, soon and it , was like oh I'vie got about W W ad , W something yeah and her channel , something like 6, OR, years, old and my , channel, months old so, we're both , experienced really good growth so, you , you're experiencing growth on YouTube in , view, subscribers numbers and then I , mentioned some, of those, engagement , numbers, and those engagement numbers, are , a big indicator to, YouTube, that you're , worthy of more, traffic when, you get to , like the comments and the, shares YouTube , says oh the content this users putting , out ISIS actually getting a lot, of , reach in our users , get, let's show her videos to more people , but, let'SDI, in a little bit, deeper to , the, tactics in the video creation , process like how, are you making, these , videos what, kinds of videos you're , making what's your approach, to the , actual content, creation yeah, so there's , actually, few different types of, videos , I'm, making so a friend of ours explained , this tome really clearly and, I, think , it's, really, powerful your, YouTube , channel is like channel, so you're like , HBO, or, you're like CBC, whatever your , channel and, like a network channel your , channel can also have a number of shows , and, so I'verbally, taken this on and , been implementing it and really liked it , and, find Otto, be helpful so, my channel , has those original channel, meditation , that's, one of the shows, I'vie added on , Angel, car dreading, because, in this , W-day challenge and priory, realized , that my audience really, loves the angel , card ratings I'vie committed to doing a , weekly Angel, card rating so, as a weekly , angel', card reading showier, then also , have topical based videos what, I'modding , with the topical based videos I think is , kind of, interesting because, and I don't , know, how deep you want, Togo into this , please because, one of them is an SEO , strategy so, my site asks - angel comm , ranks very, well on Google organic, for a , lot of, keywords but, I have realized that , if, there is keyword, that'm, not quite , ranking as high as I would link, to , making YouTube, video on, that topic , publishing, that on YouTube linking it , back to, my original blog post and also , embed the video in my , blog post is that, nieces, booth , I'm also been slowing traffic towards it , doing a little read damp of it making it , even better, refreshing, it and so that, is , one of my, main YouTube strategies is how , Cain, make, video to, correspond wit ha , blog posit'vie, already written so, going , back, through her past content, because , you, got, hundreds and hundreds maybe six , hundred eight hundred, posts going back , to, the content looking, for ones that are , in the number six, number, eight number , eleven, spot on Google for their, target , keyword which means they're just, out of , traffic range and then adding avid , and adding the transcription sometimes , to, it and watching it, climb up in the , ranking sand, then the blog post gets , more traffic the, video gets traffic and , the whole platform gets, more reach from , kind of one discussed, neighbor approach , creating powerful, SEO strategy you, go , back into your, older posts and grow them , Google, is dealing with the, aging web so , there's a lot of, older outdated content , floating, around out there on the , internet and so if you already have, an , established blog and present it's, going , to, benefit you and immensely, in , implementing the strategy of, going back , into your, older content and, freshening , it, up and adding content who have making , more about, you, on, camera that, makes a , huge difference not, everyone's willing , to, be on camera and, so I think that, this , is a secret weapon if you are to be on , camera and have that video pointing , towards your blog right, it's, relatively , easy to write, something is, relatively , easy to hire, a writer to write something , into, publish, text but to, do videos like , this kind of, takes, a little bit of guts , and courage and overcoming some kind of , mental barriers so you're able to to , leapfrog some of your competitors, with , that sort of approach so, that's one of , the, main ways that, I am creating these , topical based videos is going back to , older con , and, in, addition I'm also identifying new , topics that I would like to, put , information, out about and, this has , actually become my new, strategy, process , for writing blog, post, so, whereas before , I, would just write a blog post and, then , now go back in and add, a video now, I'm , actually creating, the video first, then , have the video transcribed and, edited , and then I, get, that, edited transcription , I'll add to it a little bit, and turn it , into a blog post so, the YouTube , challenge is hugely beneficial, for me , because it's not only, growing my YouTube , presence but, mycology, is growing , immensely as well so I'vie sort of turned , this YouTube challenge into ab log , challenge, as well into, multimedia, blog , challenge where, video and, article are , getting published together when then , you're also syndicating the video onto , Facebook and then the blog post gets , interest, images to the blog posts get , three, types of, pins and so it starts , with, a video it'skint, of like a row of , dominoes , she's, now hitting the, the first domino , which is record the, video she, puts that , up into the, cloud to our , transcriptions, and, then boom boom boom , boom boom boom boom, all, these other , items happen, it go back in, her hands a , little bit but most of the, effort is , done by other people giving, her these , edited business content that she then , publishes, to her blog, to Facebook she , emails her list about it, it goes out to , Pinter est and Instagram and all, of the , other social media, the way that, I can , putout, quite a bit of, content I mean a , blog a day every day like, that is, a lot , of, content that is, a lot of experts and , I'm able to, do that being totally , authentic, meaning it's my voice it's my , ideas because, they're initiated from, the , videos compared to like hiring ghost , writers or article writers that are , things that, know a lot of, other people , in the industry do but that'vie, never , been totally comfortable with, because my , platform is, about I feel sharing my , message, and light and, the teachings , receive and , body and, live with the world so, this is , an alignment with that and, I really love , it and it's going, really, well so gonna , keep, it going , and, the goal is W you heard it here so , oh, yeah so, one other, thing, you know, I , think a lot of people sometimes get , started and they get a little bit, of , momentum going, or, they don't, get , momentum, going there, W days in there, W , days in and they're not seeing any , momentum they, did't have the blog , back-end, they did't have anything going , kind of, where I was right and you'vie , noticed in my data that the numbers were , really low for a while and, then it kind , of hit how, what would, you have to say to , these people who or maybe W, days in , they're, just, starting their, platform and , they're just starting to, wonder like oh , manlike is this really, going, to work, or , like wow there's alto, of work what oh , yeah well well hey, I think miles, will , put a card up on this video to his , W-day challenge result okay maybe I'll , what I'm getting at is, if you look at , his challenge his results, relating't , start picking up, day SO, like this , really, is about, consistent effort over , time you're probably not going to be , huge results after W videos or, W , videos honestly like even, after, days , I'm like okay, my YouTube, growth like , it's not it's not huge'm, excited about , it because, it'st he strategy, of, growing , mycology, it's getting my message out and , it's providing an outlet for, me to, be of , service which, I really appreciate and , cherish, that opportunity to be able to , just, give and share and teach and make a , difference in the, world so, if, you're , only W days, then, keep going, I, think , it's important to find, a rhythm and , balance that works, for you but along , those lines, finding, a rhythm is also , something that you develop, overtime, I , think, that miles will attest to the fact , that the more videos you do but easier , it gets the, more you, talk about, your , topic the, more, competent, you become in , talking about, it the more you're on , camera the, more culture , maybe com eon, camera and the more you , start to, actually enjoy the process of , making, videos so for me at first making , videos, was super challenging, had there , was, huge build-up, around it, it like , took me a long time to think about the , ideas and turn and get it together , and, then, like for this video did we, do , any preparation oh, you did't do , preparation I wrote it down press, it on , my analogized, it was like okay, let's , let's hop on camera and talk, about this , okay, great so it does get easier keep , going keep, being a service keep giving , value Think, this is really wise, key to , be in a niche that you care about that , is, authentic for, you that's in alignment , with what, you really love, and enjoy, and , do with the message, that you, want, to , spread in the world because, if you don't , really, not like your niche it's going to , be a lot harder for, you to keep going , over time, what, are you, willing to talk , about, for, the next seven, years, right , right, I, mean at, minimum it's hundred , and, twenty days right like that'seven , that's, that's still not even, moving, the , needle it's literally years I mean it's , not, W, days and stop well you made it , go lay, on the beach all day every, day , like it's W days been, okay well I mean , your, real work gets, to, begin you have , made, it through that phase of an author , comes, comedian Kyle see stalks, about the , hose analogy that when you first turn, on , a, hose and have, to get out that, dirty , groundwater, in order, for the clean clear , water to start, flowing, so in that one , turd, day period you're flushing out, kind , of, some of, your lower, value content to , really get, to that core of your, message , and, how you really, can share and make a , difference in the world in, other , people's lives, so, if I thin kit's, Good , question to ask like, are you willing to , talk about your, niche your concept, for , the, next seven, to ten years, like, get , real with, yourself and, if the , No, you might want to reconsider, because , I, think one, of the biggest detriment to , people, in the internet marketing, realm , and path is jumping around from idea to , idea because you just kind of hop on , board a new idea or new opportunity and , abandon, the old one zero back to zero , yep, sorry, you, might have, learned from , your, previous and, others and if you, are , going to, be abandoning something , something all is not lost like you'vie , learned and, grown to, this point but , that's, why it'SOS, key to, connect with , something you, really love are, passionate , about or, that you, know is creating good , and positive, in the world because then , you're going to be willing, to stick, with , it right, and, I really love the idea , thanks, for sharing that about, your , YouTube channel, is just that, it's a , channel and, on your channel, you, can have , show so, feel free to, test different , things, and if, you'Webern, watching, my , videos, we'vie got these, talking head , style ones where it's just me that, show , number one me, and ague st that show , number two, we'begot, the over my , shoulder kind, of screen share recording , stuff, that's, show number three we'begot , the mild kind of, walking having a , heart-to-heart moment what that, show , number four I did't know what, those , were when I started I just kind, of , experimenting with, different things and , as you said which, was brilliant look, at , the feedback, you're getting from your , audience you, know the, angel card reading , videos are crushing it for for you right , now, they're they're, by far her, they get , the most response to get the most views , in the shortest period of time by far , and it's something that you, did't , necessarily, at first want to, do a lot of , parse, you were kind of like, don't , really, know if that's, what, I really want , to do you'redoing, one of Mines, you were , kind of in and out, of it but when the , audience in, the market show you through , data of, views and likes and shares, and , all, that subscribes and all, that stuff , do, more, of it because it's working and , we'vie, done that, a, few times in your , business ye aha number, that, was the , angel card reading things specifically , think, started to fall, into something , mild talks, about of, the market , saturation myth and, that, there are, a lot , of people, in my space doing weekly angel , card readings so I was like I don't want , to, just , on the bandwagon and do what everyone , else, is doing but, then when Realized , how much my, audience loved those I was , like oh can, man, and do them and now that , I'vie been doing a few of, them in this , challenge, realized that I do them Ina , way, that'different than anyone else , I do angel, card readings in my own , unique way that, my audience loved, so , great there's there's totally room it's , giving value and it works so, you're, more , about work and yeah, do it, mentally, yeah , pay, attention track, but also, be willing , to, test, and try new things just most , will, keep, going, really like your idea , of you, know are you thinking, five, seven , ten, years down, the line with, your niche , because, if you're not, like it could get , tough at some point because literally , we're still doing the, same thing that, we , started eight, plus years, ago we're, still , hungry, we still feel like we're barely , scratching, the surface, in our niche, we , really feel like we're just now , approaching kind, of a new starting line , or like a midway point Id on't even know , how to explain, it but, we're hungry , and, we're still fired up but what's , really cool is, the effort we're putting , in now is compounding with all the , effort we, put in for the last seven or , eight years so it's kind of almost a , similar amount, of, effort we're, getting , magnified results, which is, really , inspiring bu tit, takes a lot of work to , get there so you're not, on the right , niche you need to kind, of dig deep and , have a moment with yourself and, figure , out, if, that really, is, if you're in it , for the, long haul because it's a , long-term game yeah and as you, keeps , going you start to reach more, people, but , don't let that make you, think that what , you're doing now, dozen'matter, because , when, you do get, to, that point, of an , expanded audience they're going, to, find , your, older stuff as well now some of , that freaks you, out because, it's, okay if , you're not amazing, on camera, yet people , arena't watching YouTube to be, perfectly , polished and edited video , sure there's, some, of those out the rebut , I think the, real power of YouTube, is , connecting with, real people, so be real , be authentic share, your message and , YouTube is awesome, I'morally, enjoying , it, I think that'something, I'vie learned , in the-day, challenge is that, I do , like making videos my, audience likes the , videos it'beneficial, for, my blog my , channel is, curly, Dona, system around the , system, around it, like it's fun it's , positive, feel like I'm getting better , on camera , oh, ye aha, positive thing so it'll, be fun , to keep the challenge going, and , hopefully, have some even more awesome , exciting, results to share awesome , any last comments or about Ito, think , that'sabot, it, go, fort hand, create , claim, create create make a positive , difference in the world because, our , world could use some positivist now our , world could use an inspiring message oh , I think one maybe, final thing to, add is , I do love Grab's concepts of , documenting you, don't have to be sitting , on, camera teaching about specific topics , you, can, literally document what you're , doing any blogging is huge, neither, of, us , have added on the blog but that could , potentially be, a new show that that we , could add on so, documents, teach create , share there's no rule right just put it , out, there, and your audience will let, you , know if, they like it, or not, and, if they , don't don't beat yourself up over that , keep it up, in, a mess today, whatever all , those all those, buzz words from from , Silicon Valley, do, all that stuff but, for , momentum , adapt for, momentum adapt, for momentum , adapt, and all sudden you might, be in a , totally, new place our business is very , different, than the business we started , together, but we for momentum adapt pivot , adapt and just keep going and the path , on full thank you very much, Melanie, for , coming on again, appreciate, it we're , going to, track your, progress in this , because you're doing, wonderful things , really, exciting to see if, you are, amiss , a, challenge right now if, you're doing , W-day W-Day day challenge leave us , a comment let, us know let us, know how , far in you, are and fire us up if you , want to, plug your channel or, whatnot do , so in the comments Want, to check out , what you'redoing, I, really like seeing , you, in action as, well it helps me, kind , of come up, with these ideas for the , newest thing do, you like the video give , us, a thumb sup, here in YouTube it, does , help, get the, reach out and, we do , appreciate that , and, if you have not, subscribed yet , please do, because I got some more cool , videos, coming, for you soon and, you have , subscribed, thank you very much we or I , will see you on the, next video .

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