Level Up Your Marketing with Video: Top 10 Ways


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hi hello it's good to see you I hope , you're doing wonderfully today and in , this video want to talk about , different ways you can use video in your , existing content marketing efforts so I , saw this interesting fad here today , which is that experts think video will , make up percent of all web traffic in , A's I want another statistic that , said% of marketers and business , owners plan to invest more and video in , SO I don't allow to you but when I , see stuff like that I think man I need , to be making more videos W or genomics , community at all maybe you're thinking I , definitely need to get into video this , year and so today I want to talk about , W different ways that you can start , using video in your existing marketing , efforts because there really is to me , content marketing is all about , repurposingeverything that you can so , that you you get the maximum results , with the minimum effort so without , further ado let's jump into these W , different ways number one you can simply , re purpose existing text content now , after doing much content marketing , you're probably already spinning quite a , lot of time researching and writing blog , post sand things of that nature probably , to attract traffic to your website or , just build a relationship with prospects , and customers so why not make the most , of your invested time and energy , creating all those resource sand , materials by system down in front of the , camera and talking through them this is , a great and pretty easy way to get your , content in front of more people read , that the other day that said four times , as many people would rather watch , video about product than read about it , and the great news is this takes very , little in a way of resources or an ear , really there are two ways that you can , approach it you can do what I often do , which is sit down in front of camera and , talk through this material while it's , fresh in your mind or if you a little , camera shy or don't own the camera or , other gear that you feel like you need , to create a quality video you can also , create an animated , that just pulls out highlights from your , art have it tutorial that show show to , do that'll link it up so that you can , check that out too okay on to number two , you can fill your podcast episodes this , of course assumes that you have , podcast if you don't maybe just are one , or probably not but if you have a , podcast and you're often doing , interview sand things like that then why , not just set up a camera and film the , whole thing in the end you have , something that increased Little more , intimacy and depth that I think your , audience will really enjoy it kind of , shows off more personality just adds a , wholeness dimension to what you're , doing and again it'serially easy all you , got to do is setup a camera like my , last suggestion this really is just all , about reusing things that you'vie already , spent time creating because again I , think successful in effective content , marketing is all about re purposing , things when you can a certain way that , you can use videos you market yourself , or your business is to feature your , customer testimonials so in psychology , the rule of social proof states that we , are more likely to do or try things when , we see other people doing them now this , is why customer testimonials can be so , powerful when you see someone talking , about a product or a service and how it , fix some problem sin their life or how , their life is now better as a result , that can be very compelling for an , effective customer testimonial video try , to tell a story how the customers start , with the problem that they were , experiencing and describe how they found , your product and how it eventually led , them to have a better life in some way , another way you can use video to market , your business or particularly a product , is to do a product demo allegro , so one of the biggest deterrents and , reasons that people hesitate when , thinking about buying something is fear , fear of making the wrong choice anxiety , that sort of thing and the best way that , you can leave , that is to give them a lot of , information all the information they , need to make an informed decision so one , of the easiest way to do this is to , simply walk through your products show , how it works so what it's really like to , use it day in and day out when you do , this you'll be giving all the great , information that your prospect needs to , make that decision so this could be , exactly what your prospects needs to get , them offices all these people are the , fit straddlers you cannot makeup their , mind about your product so go ahead and , open up my screen recording tool and , talk through your product benefits and , features the fifth way that you can use , video and your content marketing efforts , is to include it in your email so , studies show that including video use , email can actually boost email , engagement by's percent that's talking , about things like reading time click for , words things of that nature , not only that research also shows that , simply including the word video in your , email subject line scan be open rates so , there are alto of potential benefits of , using video in your email so give iota , shot , all right we're over halfway done to , number six which is create a video force , so if you know a lot about a particular , thing it makes sense to create a course , around that courses are viewed as really , high value types of content so this will , help you whether you want to use it to , get leads you make a free course and you , only ask people to give their email , address to sign up or you can even , directly drive revenue by charging for , the video course there are a number of , ways that you can build and host your , own video course or you can borrow the , authority and established audience of a , platform such as Lindsey Skill share , or several others my second suggestion , for you today is to broadcast live so I , think we're going to be a lot more my , video in W , partially because there's so many more , platforms for it you have Facebook live , YouTube live periscopeinstagrams , has big live aspect to it now so all , these platforms are not only offering , all these live video tools they're also , prioritizing live video and this is a , good reason for it , Facebook found that people watched live , videos on Facebook three times as long , at just standard videos so it's a good , idea to experiment maybe if you have any , events coming up or important , announcement , try live-streaming them and just see , what the responses another type of video , that falls into the live broadcast , category although it's probably less fun , than you know Instagram live or , periscope or Facebook live or something , like that bu tit's the webinar so , depending on your industry webinar can , be really useful forgetting qualified , leads or even directly driving revenue , so you might want to consider that as , well either way by the video apparently , has a sense of urgency so people want to , watch because you know there's a whole , FOMO you're missing out element at play , there so you can use that to really get , a lot of people to tune in to your , message the age way that you can use , video in your marketing really USN't all , that inspired it's actually been around , since the Sand that is video , advertising so the difference is now a , social media you can get really granular , with your targeting so you can make sure , that the perfect person is seeing your , message at the perfect time and you can , get a pretty good return on investment , number nine , you can supercharge your customer , service with video now most people , probably don't think of customer service , as being part of content marketing but , if you approach it creatively it , definitely can be both Dell and War by , Parker got acknowledge don major , publishers website by simply responding , to their customer question sin social , media with brief video sit's just , something that was at the time so , unusual Andean uncommon that it you know , people took notice and they got a ton of , free PR for it even if you don'Tet , that it's likely going to surprise your , prospect sand your customers and not , that they're either going to like it or , retweet it or share it with someone , and so you know your message will then , exponentially reach more people my tenth , and final recommendation for you today , is to capture your company's culture , with video so there'San old cell truism , that says before we buy from someone we , must know trust and light them and this , is very much inline with the modern , trend for companies to be very , transparent and authentic what better , way to do that and to humanize your , brand than to share a few , behind-the-scenes videos of what it's , like at your company of the different , people who make up your comments whether , you choose to do this with snapshot , Instagram stories I mean there's a lot , of platform sand ways to do it but the , point is you know it's good to show what , goes on and what you really like this is , going to help give you a human , relationship and connection with your , prospect sand your customers so that's , all I'vie got for you today but before , you go please know that if you need , royalty free background music for all , the new videos you're going to be , creating this year you can rely on music , from makers so music from makers send , out one free stock style every week that , you can really use however you want and , if you want more than that then you can , upgrade your subscription and unlock my , entire library of stock music so it's , something to consider as you'retrying , to create better more professional , videos this year now I'd lo veto hear , from you do you plan to create more , video in you plan to use any of , these tactics or you have anymore that , you plan to try please leave a comment , below because I'd love to hear about it , I'd love to hear from everyone and I , read every , and Dr respond to every comment that I , receive and if you liked this video if , you found value in these recommendations , please like this video and subscribe for , more content like it until next time I'm , Logan and'll see you later .

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