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benefits of video marketing part 5 , secrets of highly lucrative video , marketing when I thought about recording , this video started to compile a bunch , of stats to show you how popular video , marketing is becoming and then I , realized the last thing that you need , are more stats about how video is taking , over the Internet , the fact is if you're not using video , yet you're losing customers clients and , revenue consumers love video they watch , video they enjoy video they even enjoy , video when the video is selling , something as long as the video still , entertains and informs so how can you , use more video in your business and how , can you make those videos perform as , well as possible in getting your viewers , to take action by the way if you want to , learn all about video marketing you , really need to look at video marketing , insider it's the best course I'vie ever , found encompassing all things related to , video marketing and the Creator really , supports his stuff and has already added , more to the training as well as some , exclusive software'll pop a link below , this video , okay so here are five tips to get you , reaping the benefits of video marketing , one make your video about the story not , just about the sale anyone can slap up a , sales video and put on YouTube buy my , product but will it get view snot likely , instead tell stories and deliver value , guarantee those videos will be watched , and shared among your audience these , videos may not sell your course for you , but what they will do is make it far , easier to get the sale to make the first , ten seconds the Best seconds ever , once tat says that W% of viewers will , click away fro ma video within the first , W seconds now you'vie got to ask , yourself why would they do that they , came to watch something yet they leave , almost immediately there could be a , number of reasons so try to workout why , they are leaving make sure that you , produce high-quality videos start with a , good stuff and the nit just get better , from there lighten up your video might , be too informal instruct but that , dozen'mean that you ha veto sound like , a boring stuffy college professor find , ways to inject fun and humor into your , presentations you may be nervous but , that's fine and have fun if you're , having fun then a viewer will only have , fun as well , 4 be yourself don'strive for , perfection , no one really likes someone who is , perfect or even someone who comes across , as perfect that's why it'soak to make , mistakes on camera if you are nervous or , if you do something wrong just , acknowledge it and move on it's a funny , thing when we admit to the audience that , way human and we can laugh our own , foibles the audience begins to like us , more it's a truly effective technique , when done Right tell embarrassing , stories about yourself , as an extension to the last point usual , surfers an example of what not to do and , then go onto tel la story about , yourself doing something stupid or wrong , or whatever notice that now instead of , lecturing the viewer you're sharing a , valuable story about how you goofed up , so there are five secrets to make your , video marketing more profitable will , do follow up with five more secrets , so until then go out and get video , marketing and don'forget to checkout , video marketing insider'll put a link , below this video so make sure you click , on it below hope you found this video , useful please like and leave comment , about any benefits of video that you'vie , experienced and don't forget to , subscribe to my channel for more videos , helping you to grow your online business , and wherever you're on the world have a , great day .