Getting Local Business Results With Video Marketing


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are we live I think we're live all, right , we're gonna go live in a second ooh, my , dog just walked in we're gonna go live , well, we're alive, now, so, we're trying , something new today we're doing, a whole , new set up I, should be, looking here , that's where the lens is right there , that's you, we, should be we're trying , something, new today, so this is, the new , background wall brick wall, that, we made , if you, did'see the blog on that you , guys can definitely, go watch, that Google , are going to YouTube, and type in like , brick faux wall or whatever which, I , wanted to try when we go live I, think , this might be, the, new set up so we can , do like training, on, the monitor we might , go buy, a bigger monitor because, it's , kind of small and, then the background so , when we do live training's this let , me know, if, you guys like, this or, you , don't like it, again this is unannounced , I don't think we're gonna have, very many , people on the call, and see, if we have , any comments nothing, yet but what we're , gonna do today for, those, of you who have , not gone through our, three-part, video , series yet on local video marketing how , to start growing scale a local marketing , business go to, local video , and, register for that, if you want to see , behind the, scenes of this, launch admin , on snapchatBrandon, M Lucre and I'Lea , doing behind the scenes'm, actually , going Ina little bit, of a trip tomorrow , to, you guys, can kind of go with me on , that and, today, what, we're talking about , is, how to get local businesses results , so if you are a local business, owner , we're, going to show you kind of how to , get results, if, you're working local , businesses we're going to show you, how , to, get them results, using video, that's , what we're talking about today so come , people, are, logging on again like, normal , this won't be a lot of people, on, this , call because, I did't announce it, I just , kind, of like doing these , spur-of-the-moment type thing sand, I , might incorporate, these with actual , videos that, we're doing we, were gonna , have an actual video next week, for, you , guys so, that'll be fun so, let me, know , leave me a comment if you like this, if , you enjoyed, the content and, again, we're , gonna, get started in, just, a second , I do apologize for, the noise outside , again, my neighbor's, been working on , something for, like, three, week sand it's , just come, non-stop, construction so if , you hear that snore it so let's go, ahead , and, get, started let's, talk about, how to , use videos to, get, local, businesses , results this means customers patience , leads clients whatever they, want the , very first thing that we, like to use is , paid advertising and SEO rankings , meaning, that, if someone is searching , google for Amarillo-conditioning we , want to make sure, that our videos come , up on the first page , why because Amarillo, someone's , typing in Amarillo-conditioning , it's because they need an , air-conditioning company right, no wand , they need to, just, need to, know who to , use it to be the highly most highly , converted type of results or leave , you're ever gonna, get they, have a , problem they, know they want to fix , they're, trying to, find someone to fix it , for them so that's step number one , step number two is to, run paid , advertising you're, using Facebook, and , Google we're basically going to throw an , ad we're gonna have some kind of , incentive in the, video which we'll talk , about in, a, second and, put that, out in , front of people and, your local residents , and get them to come, into, the business , so, that's the first step those are the , two platforms that we like to, use, so , let's, move, on tithe, next step the next , step, of, this process is, going to, be , creating the, right types of, videos , trying, the best way to phrase, this right , I, don'Ti, don'Ti don't make a lot of , people, mad but those whiteboard style , videos those videos that, are like , animated videos doodle, videos stock , footage, videos are not the best types, of , videos to use for local businesses they , may work they may get results but we , want to make sure, we get the best , results and, after, seven years of, testing , this, and, experiencing it people, want to , see, the type of business that, they are , going to, be working with so when you're , making these videos for your business , you need to, make, sure that, you're on , camera or your clients on camera and, it , shows off the business, and we, give, you , guys, an example if, you were watching, a , video and, you're trying to find a moving , company your, concerns with hiring , moving company are probably going, to be , are they going to make my safe stuff as , my safe as mice is my stuff gonna be , safe signet, damage is it going to be , good right, like, those are the concerns , you, have when you're looking fora , a, moving company, if, you had a video , whiteboard, video that's a hand drawing a , picture and, it's like Avicenna and , says oh, yeah we're the greatest moving , company in the world blah blah blah blah , blah blah blah and, they're showing like , a moving truck does, that answer or, show , your concerns or, pain points or answer , the worries that, you have in your head , no it dozen't but if you show someone a , natural moving company wrapping up the , furniture handling it with care making , sure nothing's hurt and business owners , are, saying that like we will take care , of your, stuff if not we'll pay you extra , money or, pay for the, any damage that, we , did like that, is catering right, to your , worries, right, to your concern sand , doodle and whiteboard videos and all , that other, mambo-jumbo, stuff this just , dozen'twerk, but if we show visuals that , cater to, the, worries and objections, and , things that, they're concerned about, we , start converting, in a lot of, way higher , rate so, when we work with clients that's , why we focus, in on filming, really good , videos and hiring or, bringing people, on , the help us film those videos if you , don't, know how and why you always want , the, businessperson, the owner on, camera , that'st he reason why these convert , really well so we create this video we , we talk and speak to the worries that , people have and show them that those , arena't concerns when you use us so, the , moving company, maybe, worried about you , know may look at this and, go, my clients , are worried about my, clients are always , worried, about, their stuff being, safe so , imagine, like looking for a moving , company and all, of, them the owner comes , on says hey, I'Brandon, Cicerone, of , ABC moving company here in Carillons , I and you know, like hey I'm Brandon , Lucre founder of ABC moving companies , here in Carillons, if you're looking , fora, moving company, located in , Camelot, handles everything, with , care that takes, care of, your stuff as if , it was our own, then you're definitely in , the right place we hand wrap every , single piece of, furniture, that we move , and if by chance we we damaged, anything , you, don't have to pay for anything, we'll , move everything completely for free, and , out of twenty, years of doing this we , have never, damaged a single piece of , furniture like, if they came on and said , that would you, likely, it were you , would you be more likely to hire, them , yes of, course you would because they're , catering and, talking about, the concerns , and the conversation that, you, have, in , their head the, more that you, can, cater , to that in your marketing, and for your , clients marketing, the, better results , that you guys are going to get, so that's , par tone, or part two part one, was , ranking the video or, running paid ads or , both the, second piece is making, the , video that, is super effective the, third , piece of this is the, marketing strategy , so, every video that we do and, we, can , pull one, up in a second I have my , computer, hooked up, to this so we can go , back there, and do it but, every marketing , piece of video like a content that we , put out for our, clients and if, you're a , local business owner, you should be, doing , this and if you'redoing, this for, local , businesses you should be doing this and , this, is calling what I call the , separator offer this is the offer that , separates, your business or your, clients , business, away from, everyone else, when , you throw marketing out there, it'seagoing , to, get, views it'gonna get seen and, we , want to lure people in so we can turn , them, into lifelong customers or , high-paying, customers right so dentist , or anyone in the, medical professional , they, could offer a free teeth , Lightning's, they, can offer frees-rays , chiropractors can offer free W-minute , massages or back adjustments just, to get , that, people in, the doors by offering a , separator offer you can get people in , the, door sand, once they'rein, the doors , you can turn them into repeat customers , and even though your, this is like, loss , leader, even though, you're paying a , little, money up front, you're, turning , them into a client that's, worth , thousands so a dentist for example could , offer free teeth whitening get the , person in the doors close, that, person , they're, coming for the, chief free teeth , whitening the receptionist collects , their information when, they leave they , now the, receptionist will have them , schedule, an appointment, scheduled , appointment they, come back six months , later for, teeth cleaning, BAM , you just have a repeat customer now, it's , a customer that turns into a customer , for life, if they don't schedule an , appointment you have their information , to, followup with them , send out reminder, cards, send out , educational information about what , happens if you, don'Tet, your teeth , cleaned all, of that, stuff if, they don't , come in because, they don't, have , insurance you can send out marketing, to , them that is like an insurance, plan that , you offer , maybe it's like two hundred bucks a , month, that include sour, two, hundred , bucksaw, year and not, include , um three teeth whitening is a, year plus , XY and, Z, plus's%, off of all paid, all , all other procedures and things, like , that, we work alto, with dentists and , that works really well, that's, reason why , I know this so the let's just kind, of , recap there's, the the piece of where, to , market, it what platforms to use Facebook , and YouTube , then there's the creation of the video , which we talked, about already create, the , right video that, caters to their to , their pain points, to their worries and , shows off the business, so you can you , can say, and tell them why it's the best , place but also show them at the same , exact time, and build that trust the , third piece of this is what's the , marketing strategy behind, it , what kind of separator, offer, can you , offer and then how you're, gonna turn , that person, into, repeat customer or a , bigger customer when they, come in , because that's, what the separator offer , is it's the lure in as many people as , you possibly can, their turn to, turn them , into high-paying, repeat, customer if , you're in a business that, dozen't, have , repeat business then, obviously you, just , try to hot, sell, them At, high-end price , point but that's, kind of how we, use , video to market local, businesses grow , local businesses and bring, mo revalue, to , the, business, owner so we're gonna see if , there'San questions there's not too , many people on, the call which is, okay , because I did't announce this, I'm just , you know, let's do a call Id on't, have a , YouTube, video ready, for this, week , because, we'vie been focusing, so much, time , on this launch were in the, middle of but , again, what we do and, we do these live of , live, training sis, I like to, go here and , on snapshots, ask everyone if they , have questions , I'm, also on, Instagram, it's, old, with , video is my handle on, Instagram you, can , go, there and, ask, me questions, we answer , all those, questions either on, snap chat , or, here live I'm thinking about starting , to do alive, video like, this once, aw eek , in combination with an actual video so , we'vie done two, of these in the past, you , guys can go watch those in, the past if , you have any questions about what we , talked about leave it in the chat box , I'll answer it right now but, if you love , this live, format let me know and let me , know if you enjoy this format with the , brick, wall on the, screen or if you enjoy , the format where we want, we, were working , on the whiteboard, and drawing, out , diagram , and things like that we can, still, do , that, here like think it's kind, of, cool , because, I, can come, inhere, and, actually , do things like this and build out like , marketing funnels and show, you guys cool , stuff like this, and we can draw out that , Mike Carroll, here's step one and, then , they go through, this step over here and , I, can, draw stuff out, so you guys let, me , know what, you, like what you want that's , kind, of it for, this video, know is , short to the point, but, really again just , to recap if you own local, business or , you work with local businesses, you, need , to find, the platforms to, distribute it , on Facebook YouTube we, need to create , the, video the, right, way and, then you , need to figure out the marketing , strategy from the video if, you want more , training on, this go, to a local video , and, opt-in, for free we have , a, three videos free video series showing , you, how to do that so local dukedom ,, and, you guys, can see, how to do , that, so let's, put this all in one, line , there, we go if, you want more information , on how, to destroy, local businesses just , go to local dukedom, comp we have a , free Facebook, group that's around , until April there, I'm in there , answering all of your questions if, you , want to learn how, to do this for, local , businesses go to local video academy , just, check them one, more time for , questions no questions came in awesome , so thank you guys we'll, talk, to you all , very soon,      

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