Lawyer Video Marketing: 8 Essential Elements of a Law Firm Facebook Video Ad


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hey everybody Andy, Stickler, her ea, lot of ,  you may have, seen, my ad that I'vie been ,  running recently where I'm giving, away, a ,  free cheat sheet it's a social media ,  cheat, sheet that teaches, lawyers the ,  three secrets to, getting more clients ,  using, social, media ,  I recently recorded, a video and, I want ,  to show you the different elements of ,  this video so you can, you can kind, of ,  watch this video a lot of, people have ,  seen the video and it's actually the ,  videos actually, work very well, I'vie ,  gotten alto, of new, leads from this ,  video but, everything in this video is ,  very, deliberate and, I want to show you ,  exactly, kind of, step by step, what each ,  piece of this, video is so you can kind ,  of understand maybe, how to frame an ,  offer and, lot of, times you can do a ,  no-cost, cheat sheet for, your law firm ,  for, a lot of, different, thing sand ,  typically, the difference between that ,  cheat sheet getting downloaded, and ,  getting traction and and no one caring ,  is the offer so, I want to show you real ,  quick kind of the the parts of this this ,  this video this, is actually a screenshot ,  at, the ad right here, now ,  I learned this method, fro ma, guy named ,  Dan, Harridan, Henry is actually one of ,  what can I not shift here Dan, Henry's ,  actually he'st he one who directed this ,  video, and he actually filmed, this video ,  and helped, me wit hit ,  but basically this elements these ,  elements are kind of mostly from, his ,  method, kind of some of, those taken ,  from, other, places also but I figured I ,  wanted to, give him some credit because ,  he's actually one, that directed this ,  video for me so, as you can see, there's ,  eight elements to this ad, and, I'm gonna ,  pull up, Final Cut Pro here and show you ,  all eight, element sand, and what they are ,  so let me go here, Final Cut, Pro okay, so ,  this is, Final Cut Pro right here and ,  basically let's see now the, first thing ,  that, I want to, point, out is that this ,  video, starts with, a pattern interrupt ,  and, if you look the first element that's ,  pattern Rob, now pattern interrupt means ,  that basically when, you're going through ,  when, you're going through, your, news feed ,  you're, scrolling through, your, news feed ,  there's so much stuff there ,  something has to, kind of, get your ,  attention and snap, you out of, the ,  mundane now, for Meir, did at the top, this ,  big red bar that says, hey lawyers now I ,  just recently, recorded another, video ,  that I'gonna be releasing here pretty ,  soon, and Used a different type, of ,  pattern interrupt check it take a look ,  at this let me see, if I can bring this ,  up, here so, this is the, this is my newest ,  video that, I'gonna, be doing, but, if you ,  can see the beginning, I, start with a ,  gave land, just kind of and Also have ,  the red bar but it kind of, grabs your ,  attention watch this so as you can see ,  it's, just something, that you, would't ,  see every day is something that's a ,  little different it's a little gimmicky ,  but you, know I don'really, care, you ,  know, and it gets, people's attention and ,  that's that's what's really important ,  these these bars at the top work really ,  well I had actually, I had bars at the ,  top, and, bars at the bottom, actually, said ,  hey lawyers at the top, and then do this ,  at the bottom but, Facebook at, first they ,  limit your care, if you have too much ,  text they, they limit the display but the ,  problem is they actually, will stop ,  displaying your ads at some point and ,  they stopped displaying my ads so I got ,  rid of the bottom bar and I made this ,  add the, last ad, was a square ad, this is ,  actually,W, by you, know but but ,  yeah, that'st hat's, Avery, important part ,  as the pattern interrupt because, if you ,  don'tiff, you don't, get their attention ,  then, they're not, going then no one's ,  even, gonna pay attention to, your ,  attitude, your, your video so, that's the ,  first step but, now the second element is ,  desire, so, what that, means is you need to ,  state, the, thing that they want now, take ,  a look and take a look at how I do that ,  in, this video ,  hey lawyers do, you want more, law clients ,  more cases an dwell, so basically more ,  law clients more, case sand, more, income ,  that's the three things that most ,  lawyers that, talked, to, one and ,  especially the, more income so basically ,  what you'vie got their attention and, now ,  you're talking about, the, exact thing ,  that, they desire the exact ,  if, they want so now after this you're ,  gonna go to an introduction, with ,  credibility, now let me show you mine my ,  name is Anderson, I don't know the suit ,  but what I do do is Have, more than ,  law firms get more client from the book ,  unlikely, sources social, media ,  okay, so funny start, part about, that the ,  whole Id on't, own a suit thing is ,  because when Went, to Dan's House, was ,  not expecting to, record a video for, a ,  lawyer so I'm just wearing at-shirt, as ,  you can see and then was a worried that ,  people were, gonna think, Iowas, there it ,  was plumbing rather than it's, to, work ,  with, lawyers so their, don't wear a suit ,  part, came there but basically you know ,  you, need some sort, of, introduction a ,  very quick introduction that, gives you ,  the credibility if, you have if you, have ,  appeared on, TV or, things like that, you ,  could even throw that and there's a ,  short clip of, you on TV, on the news ,  different things, like that for, me I ,  did'thieve, that clip, handy so basically ,  what Id id is, I, just did, hey I'vie been ,  working, with, more than W law firms help ,  them get clients, using social, media, so ,  that's that's the deal with that, now, the ,  next, part of, this that you'll see in ,  this video is, a story now, what, you ,  typically need to do is tell a story and ,  the, reason, I like stories, is because ,  people, relate stories, better than just ,  facts and figures so watch how I did ,  this story I talked about a, client that ,  I'm working with let, me, give you, an ,  example, I have client in here he's an ,  estate planning lawyer from Washington ,  DC he's, tracked, fora, year to get leads ,  from, social media and he's, failed ,  and the reason why okay so, now going ,  into the next, thing, you, talk about old ,  method no wold, method and opportunity ,  switch number five, and number six, these ,  are, actually very similar, and in an ,  ideal, scenario it's, very easy to, sell ,  somebody, when you give the ma, new ,  opportunity so, for example, improvement ,  offers very rarely work if I were to say ,  hey you'vie been using Facebook and ,  here's abettor, way to use Facebook ,  that's not gonna work because, it sounds ,  like and, I'veal ready, done, that, it's not ,  gonna work but what I'm doing, is, I'm ,  telling, you here's a different way, to ,  use Facebook but when you start you ,  start with the old method so basically ,  what I'gonna, do, is I'going, to tell ,  the story about, the old method and why ,  it did'twerk, so here's how I did that ,  okay, so now I'm going into, the new ,  opportunity and'm, gonna, talk about ,  what, we do this is the, opportunity ,  switch now you're probably wondering, how ,  do Apply, this Tommy, law firm and ,  there's actually some very, easy ways, you ,  just have, to be Little, bit creative ,  and think about how can you give the ,  services that you off era, new twist so ,  for example let's say you're an estate ,  planning attorney everybody does the ,  same, type of, thing with the state ,  planning basically the estate planning ,  attorneys't, really proactive so ,  what you could do, is you could create ,  some sort of new product or some, sort of ,  new way that, families, can, get their ,  estates done and just kind, of use that ,  use, that, as the new as the new ,  opportunity it dozen'tavern, ha veto be a ,  new opportunities has to be packaged as ,  a new opportunity, so maybe you create a ,  some sort of product that it's, a family ,  legacy plan or, or a if you're a ,  bankruptcy attorney maybe the the stress ,  relief mm, Id on't, know, what you did ,  something something that basically you ,  know basically takes what they'vie been ,  doing says, the reason it's not working ,  and, actually, with it actually, with a ,  bankruptcy attorney, here's a great ,  example, you could, say listen you, pay you ,  you pay your minimum car you mate you ,  pay your minimum payments every month ,  over, and over again ,  the balance has never seemed to, go down ,  and you'vie got you know you'vie got ,  creditors calling you, all that kind of ,  stuff, and that's the old way you'vie been ,  doing it the new way, you can do, it, is ,  you file for, bankruptcy, and you ,  re consolidate, all your bills and you ,  have one payment that, that and that ,  stops the creditors and it's, a better ,  opportunity so something like that, where ,  basically you're taking, the, old method ,  and you're replacing it, with a new ,  opportunity and, there's really you, can ,  do this with a lot of, different, things ,  you just, have, to put Little bit of ,  creativity, in it and, when you do this it ,  works really well so, here's how I talk ,  about my new opportunity high-quality ,  leads which leads, to, more cases, in more ,  cases lead, to more, revenue you okay, so ,  now the next part, is the next, part is ,  going, to be, the, offer and, basically the ,  offer is not I always, say, I'm going for ,  singles nothings so there's the the ,  concept of, traffic you control that, I ,  talked about yesterday, versus traffic ,  that you, don'control, versus traffic ,  that, you own all traffic you want to ,  eventually, convert into traffic that, you ,  own now, the way that you do that is, to ,  get the email address so typically what ,  you could door, what alto, of, people ,  would probably do, in the scenarios, they ,  create a blog post that talks, about ,  new opportunity, and, they put it on their ,  website and, then they, link to, the blog ,  post or, they would create Facebook ,  post and, then they would boost the post ,  that talks, about, the new opportunity ,  what I do and what, I suggest you, do, is ,  you put you create, PDF that discusses ,  the new, opportunity and, the way that ,  they get, the PDF is, by entering, an email ,  address so they have to, opt-in, now, you ,  can now you'vie basically taken like, a ,  Facebook ad so if you're running this ,  with a Facebook ad campaign like I am ,  you'vie, now converted, traffic that, you ,  control into traffic that, you own ,  now here'Sm, offer ,  no cost step-by-step cheat sheet that ,  shows you exactly how, he does this ,  Malinowski, so, another thing never say ,  free on face book always, say, no cost any ,  financial, claims that you make on ,  Facebook, Facebook, gets, really really ,  funny about that so, instead, of saying ,  free say, no cost and never make any ,  guarantees about, any sort of, outcome ,  whatsoever if, you want to talk, about, an ,  outcome just, talk about, an outcome, that ,  you, got client, it dozen't have to be a ,  real outcome but you, can say this is, the ,  method, that, I, use to, get four, leads for ,  my clients, something, like that now, the ,  last thing you want, to, do is you want to ,  give them instruction sand, basically ,  kind of tell them what, to expect soon ,  this one, told, them go, to the the ,  screen enter your, email address, and then ,  it's going to be and then it's going to ,  come to, you in your inbox, so take, a look ,  at, this and then this, graphic at the end ,  I just it'just, the thing that's ,  designed to make, them quickly but, but ,  yeah but that's that's basically the ,  breakdown of this ad you know these ,  eight steps, are really the most ,  important keys to to a successful ,  Facebook ad and there's ads been very ,  successful because of these elements, now ,  a couple other, things, one, thing that ,  I'vie done made, the the video very ,  contrasted, so it's kind of it Haas, very ,  interesting, look it's not it kind of ,  stands down, a little bit the, other, thing ,  is Have, music behind, it, that's, kind of ,  like, driving music you can get music ,  like, this from a website called video ,  granduncle, i think it's called ,  it's, either audio, jungle or, audio hive ,  and, it's in the in Vito or in, Va do ,  marketplace something like that but, you ,  can, get like this track, think, paid ,  $W for so but yeah but that's it that's ,  that's the whole thing it's early once ,  you kind of break, it down, with those ,  principle sit, becomes really, easy to ,  create ads, and create offers and things ,  like, that, so, let me know if you have any ,  questions and, look, forward to hearing ,  your feedback, Thanks .

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