Travel Friendly Video Marketing Gear - Turn Your Cellphone Into A Video Marketing Or Vlogging Rig!


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hey, miles here miles Becker calm and, in , this video I'm going to, show you my , blogging rig which is essentially the , camera the lighting and the, microphone , that, I'm using to create these, YouTube , video sand, I'vie got it kind of dialed in , a way that it all fits together, it's , really, compact it's extremely , lightweight which, makes it incredibly , travel friendly'vie, got couple, of , speaking engagements, coming up in Asia , this, fall and winter and, my goal has , been, to downsize my video equipment and , my, gear to, pretty much, as small as , possible so it can fit in my, backpack , along with my clothe sand, minimize what , I'm having to carry with me while, still , giving me, that, kind, of production , quality that I really desire now, when , you're doing video, whether it's a blog , or, just talking head videos like these , there's, two main components, aside from , the video itself that really enhance and , make, your video, pop right it's, lighting , and audio most, people don'realize, that , when you feel when you're watching , video they, like wow that, felt that, was , really, a good production it's, because , they'vie taken time to, dial in their , audio and to dial in their lighting now , all of, my, talking head videos are shot , on, cellphones, and that's, exactly, what , I'm going to, show you here so this is , kind of a perfect cell, phone, blogging , rig, once it's all together'm, not going , to, show you the pieces'm, going, to put , it all together and, show you, how it fits , together, and all of the, components, that , I'm, using for this, you'll, find a link in , the description, that will, take you to, an , Amazon, cart and it's got all of the , different, individual items, don't , remember their exact model numbers and , whatnot, I'll give you what I remember , off the top of my head but no the , description will have the precise exact , components that we're using so, the first , piece is and I'vie go tit, all in front of , me, here so if you see, me, look down, and , reach down'm just grabbing, them, to , show you the first, piece is, what's , called a grip now a grip is something , that's designed to hold, the, camera and , you can, kind of build off of it in order , to, create your rig right there are, some , grips that are, very expensive being they , were Statesmen, can go to, $W , this, thing Believe, was under $W it's , made by mob again links going, to be in , the bottom and, for the example, I'm , shooting on, my Nexus , s my Nexus panda, for the example, I'm , going to show you on my, wife's iPhone, s , E, and, some of these parts are, no ti , phone friendly and some of them are , iPhone, friendly and'll, distinguish , which is, in which USN't so the first , thing we do here is it's really simple , this grip has a little spinner on top , it'Sgt, a spring Inuit, sou, slide the , phone, in it and then Just, simply , tighten down on the, top and what it does , is it physically grips the, phone and , this is kind of designed to be able to , be held it gives you abettor, way to , hold your camera, so, if you're out , walking, around you're, taking shots you , can do, it this way and obviously, you can , do the selfie shot this, way and, this , added, piece on the bottom adds, Little , bit, of, weight it's just a better way of , holding your camera versus the kind, of , like wobble cam this way but, that'snot , how I use that this is just the, starting , point the, next piece that I add on to , this is Little, tripod, flexible , tripod so this lower weighted portion , unscrews and it has tripod, mount on , the bottom and, this if you saw, my video , where I was at, Old Faithful doing the , marketing lesson from, Old Faithful this , is, essentially the rig how it was set up , and, any time I'm not walking around, in , nature taking, a video this, is, how, it's , setup now I, use this job or Comaker , it's Jo Pu, is a, gorilla, pod, you're , probably, familiar with, it, it's a very , commonplace set up, here and, it's the , good old, selfie shot right, you kind, of , hold it out at, arm's, length you, really , get a nice frame shot you can keep an , eye on what's, going, on behind you and , for a lot of my, videos that, is enough , this, also works and I use this the same , way on a standard tripod like, I'm on a , tripod right, now I'm using reveille , which is kind of the, Amazon cheapo , special, am going, to upgrade my tripod , to something that's, lighter weight and , even, more compact'm, probably going to , go with Manfred , but it's going to be literally like W , times as expensive the, Ravel, tripod , it's, on the$W, tripod this is about , W, if, I were to do this again I, would , get the one that has, a ball head, so, I , can swivel the head, and, make it vertical , but, that's kind of another, story'm , going to set , the starting point to, our rig down now , and we're going to, talk about , microphones because, that's the next , component that, we need to take care of , and the first, microphone you'vie probably , heard me talk about, this, one before , it's the orig mic lab, now this is, a , really, simple lavaliere microphone that , plugs into the kind of, earbud pork in , your camera right, into your cell phone , so, I'm actually using, it, now I'm going , to stand back and kind, of, get on my , dippy-toes and you, can see it's right , here it's, pinned on to my shirt , I usually pin it on just below the, shot , so it's out of the shot, but, what it does , is it really, helps kind of, limit the , echo and it's a really simple, setup it , does have a cable on it, so, this is what , I, use this is Android friendly it works , on Android, it's also iPhone, friendly up , through the iPhone 6 and level, the , iPhone 7 got rid of that, little earbud , port so if you're on an iPhone 7 you got , to use something different which I will , show you, in a quick minute here, but this , microphone, think is $W and it's great , for what Otis for its price point, it is , outstanding it's not a professional , level microphone but, it is hundreds of , times better than the standard, cell , phone audio, and really being able to , limit, that and kind of, control that , audio takes your videos tithe, next , level it, performs really well in a , slight breeze and in the wind as well I , was pleasantly surprised with it so, what , I'm using right now I'm in a, very, echo , room right now you probably get, Little , bit, of the echo but if, I unplugged it , you would be, like whoa you'rein, an echo , chamber dude so controlling your audio , is important now let's talk about, the , next one, the iPhone friendly one this, is , made bushier, and this is a new , microphone if, you saw, the episode on , this channel where, I interviewed my wife , Melanie about, social media marketing , this was the microphone that, we are , testing, now this is about two hundred , dollar microphone if my memory serves me , correctly and, sure if you're not , familiar with sure-sure, is an industry , standard microphone for, musicians, the , shire W XLR microphone has been used by , singers and vocalists and rock, stars for , W plus, years, Otis the, industry , standard, for musicians so, this is you're , really, getting into kind, of, like , super high quality professional, stuff , now, as we open it you'll see it's Avery , nice and compact setup, and what, like , about, this one is, it dozen'thieve, a , cable and it actually fits, into, the , phone now, it's got a big kind of fuzzy , windscreen on, I'm gonna take, that off , real, quick and, you're going to see that , Otis, able to be kind, of, turned and , angled it's, got two microphones so, it's , got a left and, a right so, it's really , really powerful, for picking up great , stereo kind, of input and you'll notice , it's goat, Apple lightning, port on the , bottom, so I'm gonna bring, back, in my rig , and here's my rig and I simply plug it , into, the Lightning port here snaps in , and, that's it so, one of the real real , benefits of this is that, I'm now free , from the microphone and if I have other , people, around me, I'Mable, to, kind, of , really get, a great audio sound without , being, tied into it which is pretty , fantastic , this microphone, believe it is like, I , said about$W, this is, the one that, we , tested I'musing, this for, my podcasting , when I'm doing just audio, podcasting , we're, also testing this for, our, my wife , and my business, we, sell ampersand, this is , literally the new mic that we're using , for that entire business, it is one, of , the, top quality mics, I'vie ever had it , was between, this, and a road and I'm , really thankful, we went with this mic , because, it is fantastic, so at this point , we have one more component we have to , dial in and, that is the lighting and , before I had to, really, tall lights that , stood on their, own separate, tripods , which meant I had, to, carry not only, two , big lights but, also the tripod sand, the , cords etc now at this point, have found , a new light from the same manufacturer , and this is it it, is much smaller much , more compact, you can, see it's very thin , I'vie, got the battery on the back the , batteries are sold separately with this , company it's, I believe , W or W LED lights and it is a really , really simple setup but it's, really , powerful, at, the same, time listening, can , go blinding'vie, got it set really low , so, you can kind of see it work this is , not set, full blast but you can tell it , really, even on a low setting, is kind of , really common , credibly powerful on, the back, you can , see, when you turn it on you, can see, that , it's got this, entire gauge you have two , different, color temperatures, you just , spin the dial to increase and decrease , it as you choose, and it's, really getting , the lighting dialed on your videos is , really, way to get it, to, a professional , level, to, where you, really look, great, and , oftentimes, when I'm out in nature if you , see my videos, in nature it's, the fact , that'vie, goat, light running that , really, is taking, those shots to the, next , level because, I'm illuminated and then , in the background, you can, see all, the , nature illuminated both things get , picked up the, cat by the camera really , well, and that's what makes kind of, a , professional, looking production from a , very standard simple cell, phone, so how , does that work with, the, cell, phone rig , well, it's actually pretty, special the , mob has what's called, cold shoe on , top, of it and this is, a cold shoe if , you'vie ever seen on like DSLR cameras , how they got the spot for the microphone , or the, lighting on, top those are , generally hot shoes which means they , have power since this is a cold shoe it , means there's no power sou, simply slid , that in and I tighten this down and at , this point my rig is, complete now I'm , generally not, going to, be walking around , with, this it's Little bit heavy but , it's, not out of control, I, very well , could, also like to set this on like I , said a standard tripod so, it'just , standing up, but this is, the, move you , simply get it going you get, your , temperature and, your, lighting dialed and , this is ultimately a professional level , blogging, rig or YouTube marketing rig , that will breakdown, and fit, in a , backpack it's, super lightweight it's , really high quality it, really makes your , videos pop to that next level, and, this , is exactly what I'm using, when, I'm on my , Android, foam which I'm on right NOW , don'Tues, this mic, I do use the orig mic , lab, the light was probably about , dollars, plus the cost of, the, battery the , mob kind of grip in the middle, I think , was, somewhere around the W, to , dollars W, to, W, for, this the microphone , theories, about, W Think, this was about , W so you can , kind of piece it, together as you see, fit , for your, particular needs if, you're on a , budget there ISS, really easy way, to, do , this, on a budget but, all in all, this is , what, I'm using creating, great results , the, videos are coming out absolutely , fantastic, and it's amazing when you take , just that little, bit, of time and energy , to, really kind, of dial in your lighting , in your audio, that quality goes up to , the next level and as a content creator , myself, honestly look when you're , putting, out videos, that you like the , quality, of it just, feels better, you're , mo reengaged, you're more energetic with , Ito, think this is, perfect, digital , nomad setup if you're someone who , travels full time like my wife and I do , you know you're always kind of, got , mindful of how much space and how much , weight aim, taking up, right so this, is , really the, most compact and, those , professional rig setup that I'vie been , able to come up, with so, that's it if you , enjoyed, the video give me a thumbs up , here again you can find, the, different , items of the specific items, on Amazon, in , the link, in the, description if you're , using, different components or if, you , have questions, of these, components hit , me in the, comments below'm, happy to , connect with you there and answer, as , best, I can , and, if you think you'vie, goat, setup , that's superior to this, let, me know what , you're using I'd love to take a look at , your setup, I'vie got a couple of months , before I head over to Asia, and, if I need , to, fine-tune this at all I'm always , interested, in in gee king out and my , lighting in my mics and learning a , little bit more about what you're using , and, I just hope this, has been helpful , for, you took, me, a longtime, and, alto, of , research to dial, all these components , together to, really minimize the, the , space and, the weight of this, and, Hope , you found that, to be helpful and, if you , have, any questions let, me know look , forward, to connecting with you, on the , next, video be, well .

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