Creative Real Estate Video Marketing


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hello my friends and welcome to Joshua, D ,  April comm I, am, Joshua Abel and I help ,  real estate agents leverage the power of ,  video, to, grow their business online so ,  video is, becoming more and, more, popular ,  which means there's going to be some ,  competition, out there so, how can your ,  videos stand, out in a crowd here, area ,  couple of, tips that you, might want to ,  take into consideration when, shooting ,  video stay, tuned alright my, friends ,  so video exploded last, year especially ,  in, the, real estate industry more, and ,  more, agents are really embracing, the ,  power of video to, grow their business ,  and grow their brand online, so, how do ,  you standout, from every, other agent ,  that, is creating video and putting, it ,  online here, are a couple of, tip's, try ,  and create web series, now this would ,  run similarly to television show, where ,  it, would come, out on, a specific day, on a ,  Smith, at a specific time every single ,  week, or on some regular, basis kind of ,  like a magazine subscription or like I ,  said a television series your audience ,  comes to expect the content now, one of ,  the real, estate, agents that'm, working ,  with came, up, with, a brilliant idea now ,  I'Mont, saying steal it but, at least, you ,  can use it to come up, with, your own ,  creative, content he's going to create a ,  web series called, cooking, in, the kitchen ,  with, Eric it's, brilliant and so for ,  every property, listing that, he gets he's ,  going to, go, in with the, owner sand ,  actually create a dish and create a ,  property video around the kitchen, and ,  around the homey feel that food brings ,  in to people brings it brings people ,  together pretty, cool idea right another ,  idea, that you, could go with is actually ,  community, expose you ,  standing in front, oaf, camera and ,  delivering exposes, on the different ,  communities in your, area or an interview ,  series with chefs or museum curators or ,  you know the, different people in your ,  community, you, know the possibilities are ,  absolutely endless so, get creative and ,  start, creating, a, web series, something ,  that will help, brand you as the expert ,  and, help brand you as the go-to ,  real-estate, agent, in your industry in ,  your area another creative idea might be ,  off, the cuff it might be a little weird ,  for, some, people but it works for for ,  certain personas, and it's actually ,  creating a persona you, know, the million ,  dollar, real estate, agent you know and ,  you come in and, you're in your, gold suit ,  and your gold tie and actually creating ,  a character for, people to engage with ,  you, know like, I said it, might be, off the ,  cuff and, not everyone would be, able to ,  pull, it off but for, that, specific person ,  that, can brand themselves as, as a ,  persona it, could be very effective, using ,  drone video footage now more and more ,  agents, are actually embracing this and ,  so, soon it will be commonplace, but how ,  cool is it when, you actually get those ,  fly through shots of a home or lifting ,  up off the ground and actually flying ,  over the, top of, the home it's, a ,  perspective that we normally don't, get ,  and so incorporating drone, footage into ,  your videos is a great way and a ,  relatively, inexpensive, way to, add some ,  creativity to, your videos and last but ,  not least creating a mini movie ,  now, a few agents have really embraced ,  this and have really, take nit, to the ,  next, level they'vie, and'vie, done some of ,  this with some of the agents that, I'vie ,  worked with we actually write out a ,  script bringing ,  actors and inside, the listing we, create ,  an entire story, mini movie based, on ,  that, property you, know next weekend I'm ,  actually going to be filming a, mini ,  movie, with one of the agents, that, work ,  with, and I'm super excited it's, going to ,  be based on a party it's, an old style ,  Florida plantation home which is, awesome ,  so it's a perfect backdrop to, have, cars ,  come pulling down the driveway and ,  people getting, out and, actually ,  embracing each other and, coming together ,  in this this spectacular home, it, it's ,  going to, be, incredible so there might be ,  some budge tissues, with that because, you ,  do ha veto bring in if you don't, have ,  friends who are comfortable in front of ,  the, camera you might have to hire actors ,  you might have to hire screenwriter, or ,  someone, who who knows what they're doing ,  with, character development and things ,  like, that, but it's a spectacular way, and ,  creative, way to actually show, off that ,  property, listing not many agents are ,  doing, it so, if you want to stand out it ,  might be a good tool for you I hope you ,  got, value out of this, if, you did please ,  make sure, to share, and comment below and ,  as always, if you are, looking to grow ,  your business, online, using video, make ,  sure, to, check out my, strategies, for ,  supercharging, your business, online using ,  video just click them, just click the ,  link in the description box and, I'll ,  send that right over until next time my ,  friends cheers, to your, success take, care ,  bye, bye .

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