How To Maximize Your Reach and Sales Using Video Marketing | Neil Patel


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do you enjoy your, more, traffic in sales , but you don't want to wait a year, before , you, have to see results through, channels , like, Soho, everyone'm Neil Patel and , today I'm gonna teach you, how, to , maximize your sales, and traffic , leveraging video see the cool thing , about video, is you, can see results , faster than traditional, SEO, or, most , marketing channels out there now before , we get into the, tips make, sure you , subscribe to, this, channel that, way when , I, release more cool tips, or more videos , that teach you how to grow, your traffic , and, sales you'll, get notified now, one , question, have for, you, guys, is how, many , of, you have leverage videos, I'm, just , curious if you have leave a comment with , yes if you haven't leave a comment with , know, if you haven't you really have, to , try it out it's, one of, the best channels , I'vie created and, if you notice I create , more videos, each week than, I do , text-based content let's, go in order on , what you need to do to get more, sales , and traffic, from, videos first thing, you , need to do is leverage uber suggest , absurdest, is a free tool that'll, show , you what keywords are popular if, you , don't know what keywords, and topics are , popular within, your space your , recruiting videos on content that, known , wants to watch or hear about the second , thing news, just, blasts, out your, phone , and start, recording into it you know , make sure you're, looking at the, video , you don't want to just, do, audio and, you , want to breakdown whatever topic is , popular based on what you learn from , suggests, when you're doing the , video ask, questions within your, video , make, sure it's, engaging be, fun laughing , always, smile, always forget that one , but that'Avery, important my cameraman , always tells me, that, he's amazing in , addition to that at, the very, end, you , want to, have, a call to, action that , drives people back to your, website, for , example, at the end of, my videos I tell , people to check, on, my ad agency when, you , do that you'll at least start generating , sales if you don't have that call to , action that, you say at the very, Enid , kid you not, it's gonna be very hard, to , get sales from that video then I want , you to go to , and get instr, file what, this does is , they'll do a transcription of the video , content after, you, record edit, and give , you a SRT file that you can upload , you're, then want to take the video and , the, SRT file up , to each and every single, social network , out there, you, want to do Facebook , Linked In, and YouTube, at, the bare, minimum , by, uploading theist, file what, you'll , fin dis, a lot of the social, sites , auto play the video sand, people don't , have, their speakers on especially when , they're, at work so, then they can, read , the text and, follow along , it'll help boost the engagement now that , you'vie uploaded this video at, the same , time before you, hit the publish button , you, want to include the right, keywords , so, you already use umber suggests, they , give you ideas by integrating these , Cure's, within the copy within, the , description, within the, title it'll, help , you get more traffic then, you want to , promote, the video go, take your email , list and send out an email blasts, and , push, it out to your videos within the , first hour this will, help them get more , traction and make, it go more viral, if , you have a push notification list , through, tools like subscribers send, out , a push about the video and, push everyone , to, it within, the first, hour again this , will help the videos get more views and , help them go more viral and, last but, not , least respond to all comments the , biggest thing when it, comes to, videos , and getting the, more engagement and , getting, mo resales is you need to engage , with, the community when, someone leaves , comment you, need to respond to, it by , doing, that, they're gonna build, better , connection with, you then when you sell , them products, and services they're more , likely, to, buy so that's it thank, you for , watching if you enjoyed this, video, make , sure you like it comment, share, subscribe , do, appreciate it and if you guys want , more help, growing your, business , check out my ad agonizingly Patel , digital .

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